Hello! Intricate is recruiting bodies to bolster its main raid team for taking on Castle Nathria!
Intricate is comprised of real life friends who have played together for the past ten years. When we began raiding together in Cataclysm, we were a Heroic guild on a hardcore weekend schedule. Initially, we were “Deceptive Oath,” on Mal’Ganis, which was inspired by the band “Underoath,” for all my metal fans out there. Following a server transfer to Black Dragonflight, we became “Undergeared,” and this guild became the meeting place for many of our future members. We raided here until BFA, when a few of our members decided Hyjal would be a more suitable place to recruit and build a team. Due to life transitions over the past decade, we are unable to now push a hardcore raid schedule. As a result, we have set our sights on accomplishing AOTC each tier on a more manageable schedule!
We are friendly, open to newer players, and desire to build a team that has fun in and out of the raid. Despite being somewhat washed up, many of our players enjoy competing for parses so there is definitely a place for that here as well. We are hoping to craft a couple regular mythic+ teams and we have a few players that actively run 2s & 3s. We have a solid core team of tanks, healers, and melee dps, most of which have been around a majority of those ten years. With that being said, here are some important details:
- We currently raid Tuesday and Thursday from 6:15PM to 8:45PM PST.
- We are full on tanks & melee dps, and have a huge need for RANGED dps.
- Hybrids would be nice, but we are greater need of a mage, warlock, and hunter!
- We are not slaves to the meta, so if you don’t play fire, afflic, or mm, no big deal!
- Elemental Shaman (LOW)
- Shadow Priest (MED)
- Balance Druid (MED)
- Warlock (HIGH)
- Mage (HIGH)
- Disc/Holy Priest (HIGH)
- Hunter (HIGH)
If you do not see your class/spec listed above, don’t hesitate to reach out. We are always looking for new friends who like to smack raid bosses!
Voltage (GM): Voltage#1648
Riift (Officer): lostronin#11226