Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Except this was not a lost bid scenario, it is a buy out one.

So no the OP didn’t lose a bid, they over spent.

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Those price differences are not remotely comparable to what we’re talking about. And also are for different brands with different packaging etc.

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Yes and no. Earlier in this discussion there was confusion on if a rule was broken. An individual was suggesting that everyone start reporting people for these AH posts as they would get banned or something.

In an effort to prevent misinformation or worse get the reporters in trouble, we got clarification. No, no rules are broken and no, you should not report these players.

Now as to the morality or intent of this. That can have no clear answer and is subject to individual interpretation.

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When you post an item repeatedly but don’t actually ever take any of the bids you could potentially say it’s market/zone disruption? Not a GM but I’ve heard of it being against ToS and seems like it would be relevant info to have.

even the blue said you people lack morals.
if you people just owned up and admitted that you’re proud scammers, the thread would be dead already.

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And again, that particular situation is not part of this discussion. The OP’s scenario did not involve someone canceling an AH post.

Why do you continue to move the goal post and derail the discussion with something that has no baring on the topic at hand?

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I got a thank you myself. Stop spreading misinformation

…don’t matter. You keep trying to inject additional nuance and facts that have no bearing on the AH which is very plain and very simple and very cut and dry. There are literally millions of ways we could attempt (key word) to analogize the AH to real world transactions, but very very few real world transactions lay everything out so plainly as the AH does.

That’s why you shouldn’t try to analogize into any kind of philosophical or legal setting, because unless it is done very carefully, you end up needlessly altering the relevant facts and then everyone debates the analogy instead of the matter before us and you don’t actually go anywhere.

Hardly, there isn’t limited space on the AH and you can’t actually crowd people out from posting their own auctions. AH manipulation requires you to MONOPOLIZE particular items in order to price fix. If someone bought up all the Netherweave and reposted it as singles with 1s bids and 10,000g buyout and there was literally nothing else on the AH but those, that person could get reported for market manipulation BECAUSE THEY TRIED TO CORNER THE NETHERWEAVE MARKET. The same would occur if they posted everything for 5s bid, 6s buyout as well.

That isn’t what the CS poster said at all.

You got a generic “thank you for reporting” message that everyone gets when you report bots, people spamming chat, etc. You have no proof that you got someone reported successfully for ONLY their AH postings. That directly contradicts what the CS has been stating on these boards.

Go lie elsewhere.

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I didn’t see any clarification at all on whether repeatedly canceling an auction could get some one in trouble. I think it’s reasonable that a player could be actioned for repeatedly cancelling the same auctions since it’s disruptive to the AH. And all of these people who are fishing will do just that if you ever bid on their items.

just say it. say “I’m a scammer”. the truth will set you free.

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Because that is off topic and not part of the scenario in question. You are attempting to derail the conversation. If you want to discuss AH post canceling, make a thread of your own to discuss that.

We are debating the color of the sky and you are trying to say we are wrong because we did not verify the color of the grass too.

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What a terrible thing Arielba.


Because it does have bearing. I’m not even making an argument so it’s actually impossible for me to be “moving the goalpost” I’m just saying there is relevant information we don’t have, which could lead to some recourse for the OP & others.

canceling the auction if someone bids on it is a key component of this scam.

So make a new thread about canceling AH posts. This thread is about someone posting an item for a high buyout and someone actually paying the buyout.

It is not about someone canceling AH posts. You are hijacking the thread, moving the goal post and clouding the issue at hand with events and scenarios that have nothing to do with the OPs issue.

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If all you have to go by are items priced on the AH, or items appearing on the AH or later disappearing from the AH, you don’t have a case. There is a penalty involved with canceling auctions, but that’s it. Free market rules apply.

You guys have your answers, you just don’t want to accept them unless that poor CS comes in here and deliberately beats you over the head with it… in which case you act like Arielba and ignore it all and keep going.

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This thread is a discussion of what happened to the op, whether it’s actionable, and what they can do about it in the future. Knowing whether other behaviors (especially the behaviors that enable the scam in the first place) of the person who scammed you are reportable seems pretty relevant to me.

The facts of the situation.

  • A seller posted an item with a 2500g buyout
  • The buyer bought it for 2500g
  • The buyer made an error
  • The buyer opened a ticket
  • Blizzard did nothing

There is no AH post-canceling involved here. No mention of it was in the OPs description. You are trying to add new, made-up aspects to the scenario that do not really exist, then trying to claim these made up aspects are important.

Did at any point the OP say the seller was canceling AH posts? No, so it is not part of the discussion.


Lol what do you think the seller would have done if some one bid the 5g on his potion injectors? Or literally any person trying to profit off these AH shemes? They will cancel it. And if people know they can force them to cancel auctions and then get a legit report, that would be a way the playerbase can work against the problem.

Seems like youre arguing just to argue at this point. There is no aspect I’m adding to the story so relax.

They’re entitled to do so. Why do you find this so bad?

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