Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

“Don’t victim blame!!!”

No one is…


Geez. Why on Earth did you even come here to preach at anyone about victim blaming then? Or are you just one of those petty little souls that thinks morality is merely a cudgel to bash others over the head with?

Too bad you have no evidence other than a posting on the AH of which there are no rules rendering any assumptions as equally valid as any other.

Sorry for your loss.

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If you didn’t use a low bidding price to stick your coppper ore right next to all the ones at real market value, then you are correct, that wouldn’t be a scam.

But as soon as you are dishonest and try to fish for human error with your bid/buy out price that’s a scam.

Thank you have a great day Fasc!!

You do realize that stores, all across the world, have items of varying price right next to each other right? And that many of them have price tags slapped on them? And that those price tags will say different things from item to item? And that there is no scam?

I was already having a great day, you on the other hand seem out for blood. Pity.

oh so now you admit that this scam is screwing people over, huh?

Thanks Fasc, are you done or is there anything else you want to say? You can keep going if you wish :slight_smile:

If it helps, it has happened to me once. I lost 300g on a single engineering mat because I did not pay attention. I used it as a learning experience and moved on.

Was I happy about it? No. But I realized it was my error, I should have paid better attention.

I’m sorry you got scammed, bro.

when someone can’t read and confirm buyout price what does that make them?

…no? Rentazzo thought all of this was a victimizing scam and then when told off wanted me to “suffer” the fate of the victimizing scam.

It isn’t a scam, but Rentazzo thinks it is and wanted to inflict it upon me for disagreeing. Reading is fundamental.


Coming from the queen is irrational denial of facts.

You and Kum have got to be Flat Earthers

Nothing much really.

How is this thread still going :flushed:

Wonder if OPS friend actually quit or if any guild members helped them with some gold.

Or if Blizzard stepped in :rofl::rofl::rofl:

He never said “screw over”. That was your creation, of your own mind. All he said was he hoped it happened to you.

Its not a scam,

I like the ORE


I was summarizing him, as it was clear I wasn’t word-for-word quoting him.

“It” being the victim of what he thinks is a scam. Like I said, reading is fundamental:

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So it’s not important to know whether the behaviors that go hand in hand with these postings are actionable?

People should know what behaviors are reportable. And if it IS actionable (not allowing items to be bid on) it doesn’t actually change this discussion at all. It just provides some recourse for the person who lost money. And tells people whether or not they should be reporting the sellers who post this stuff but won’t let bids go through.

That part has been confirmed. Blizzard will not intervene in these matters.


Canceling auctions isn’t against the ToS of the AH. Why would it be?

or simply repeated human error on the part of the poster.
