Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

There is blue text agreeing with me and an MVP you had confused with a GM that is incorrect.

What you have is a basic failure to understand simple English. In the following context “Action was taken AGAINST a player or player’s account (s)” what does the word AGAINST mean? What is the definition? Hint : It doesn’t mean they closed the ticket

You don’t know what they did, if they even did anything at all other than closing your ticket and moving on.

What you have is a basic failure to understand simple English. In the following context “Action was taken AGAINST a player or player’s account (s)” what does the word AGAINST mean? What is the definition? Hint : It doesn’t mean they closed the ticket

What if the person who listed the potions just made a mistake when listing and someone bought it. I wouldn’t return money on a sale.


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About 600 posts above this one.

I’m not trying to convince anyone not to post these auctions just people to report them. Do whatever you feel, your account.

They send that template email regardless. They don’t send you one saying they didn’t take any actions.

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It means they looked into it… That is all…

Doesn’t mean anything else.

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That was the blue post. If you think that is agreeing with you, I think you may want to go back and read it again.


Unfortunately, your interpretation of the EULA is incorrect. What has actually been posted in this thread where it’s blue text from a Blizzard employee, helps to clarify that you’re wrong and that reporting people putting things on the AH is not going to result in any actions.

Again, if you’re so confident, feel free to ask for clarification in the CS forums. That’s what they’re there for.

But encouraging people to open tickets or opening them yourself for things that are not against the rules can lead to your own account being actioned for GM harassment. I’d recommend against it.


That’s not what the report was for. Try again.

Reading comprehension must not be your strong suit. False reports are against EULA.

I’ve played this game over a decade, never received so much as an in game warning, my record is spotless because I know how to follow rules, not skirt around the sides with my fingers crossed.

Green is MVP not GM and the report I MADE was about 1 of each necessary item in the game posted for 1s 811g and when you bid they immediately cancel and repost. Yes they got hit for it bub.

MVPs are now saying you’ll get banned for reporting obvious AH scams. pathetic

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Why is this still on the top of the forums? This literally happens every day in Classic on every server. People have always put auctions up for crazy high prices since Vanilla in hopes some derp comes along and accidentally hits buy-out.

So it had nothing to do with what the OP was posting about, gotcha.

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Wrong… They are saying that

Which is true…

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To help faciilitate an answer, I have taken the liberty of opening a thread in the CS forums here:

Feel free to monitor it for an answer.


The two are related but no the report was not for a transaction but the posts themselves and intent behind said posts. No one here has been able to deny that these post are hopeful that people make a BIG BAD mistake, that is their only purpose and definitely don’t align with the Blizzard in game player behavior policy.

To be fair this thread shouldn’t even be here. These players should be banned and the auctions removed. That’s up to you guys, my server is doing good with this.

No, they aren’t related in the slightest.

One is potentially using an exploit, if one is even there, and the other is due to someone buying something off the auction house while apparently wearing a blindfold.

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Yep, please report the MVP for explaining the rules. Please please report the MVP.


MVPs are not infallible, as this thread clearly shows.