Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

Drinking and driving was legal up until recent times. You could drink and drive and there’d be no cause of action. Lobotomies were also quite popular.

Yes, forum idiots (not you Fasc), I’m comparing AH trickery to lobotomies. No, you haven’t caught me in some sort of logic puzzle. Just stop typing what you were going to type lol

Anyways, where was I. Yeah AH scammers are literally worse than DUI’s and lobotomies. You’re better than this fasc, don’t support lobotomies

Yes please ban me for posting low bids and slightly higher buy out prices.

Wool goes for like 5S and when I sell I sell stacks at 50cc bid per item and about 7s buy out per.

Please please report my auction toon for this.

I like how the blue post aligns with what the MVP said yet you think they are wrong.



Wait…. DUI IRL isn’t as bad as charging higher prices for common items?

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the blue post doesn’t directly reference the scam we are talking about in this thread. it just talks about selling 1 item for under/over price in a vacuum.

Report the MVP for being wrong and explaining the rules.

Please do it. You should also think about creating a toon on the MVPs server and start spamming them with a tell explaining how wrong they are.

Nothing can go wrong……

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Then it references this thread. Because the buyer looked only at min bid and never looked at the buy now price.

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Just got word from a blue post in the CS forums

So please, do not report these items in the AH. As Perl said, reporting things that do not break the rules might get you in trouble not the seller of the item.

Can we now call this case closed please?


as usual, you sneakily did not tell the blue the whole situation. here is what you said:

A seller posts an item with a low starting bid, but a rather high buyout. The buyer makes a mistake and pays the buyout price. They realize their mistake and open a ticket.

Please clearify how I did not tell the whole story?

The item had a low starting bid? Yes
The item had a rather high buyout? Yes
The buyer paid the buyout price? Yes
The buyer made a mistake? Yes
The buyer opened a ticket? Yes

These are the facts of the situation.


Except thats a horrible way to try and explain how OPs friend is blind. The apple is clearly showing it costs 1000% more. When you go to a store you generally look at the price before buying a item OPs friend didnt do that.

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you left out some key facts bud. it’s called lying by omission.

They won’t intervene and I never stated they would. I actually said They wouldn’t. They also won’t allow thousands of these nefarious auctions either. Two separate but very closely related issues.

you left out the part where Arielba declares them to be a morally corrupt scammer

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They should have said “seller posts 1 of every usefull item in the game for exactly 1s ***g buyout” different situation entirely. This isn’t about one auction, it’s about spam posting for deceitful purposes


As expected, even with clear proof, you cannot accept it. At this point nothing more can be done. You have gotten an official answer, yet that answer does not align with your beliefs or desires so you choose to find flaw in it.

You are more than welcome to open your own CS forum thread asking it however you want. The fact that you choose to not do that and rather try to debate it here, is proof you do not really want an official answer because you know it will be the same as what I got.


we got an official answer about an unrelated topic, yes. nobody is talking about buyer’s remorse here, which is how you framed the question to the blue.

the buyer was blind


Again, you are free to open your own CS forum thread. You continuing to try and debunk it here and not confirm the answer in the CS forums is more evidence that you know what the answer is goin to be.

Be all means open a new CS Forum thread or even reply the GM that responded to me and get the clarification you desire. The reason that you are not doing that is obvious, you know the answer will be the same one I got.


Do you guys need a TOS to let you know when someone is being a d-bag? lol