Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

This is wow and a wow forum. We can’t not beat this dead horse, it’s part of the TOS.

Paragraph 414, section 92, paragraph 1204c. Though shalt always beat a dead horse or be banned from the game.


the only delusion I see here is from 3-4 people who are successfully deluding themselves into thinking their scammy behavior is somehow decent and honest, lol.

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I got in game mail from Blizzard telling me they did. Since this happened I have told others who reported people posting these types of Auctions and now Thunderfury only has one guy left posting them and not for long. I don’t need to argue this with anyone. There are rules about player behavior which are open to interpretation BUT when people get in trouble Blizzard doesn’t care about WHY you did it, they just take action. All this WHY. Must be lots of children in this thread.

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you think an MVP is a GM? lol

You do realize this entire thing started because someone sorted by starting bid, didn’t read the buy out price, bought based on min bid, and the called it a scam.

Seriously, the OP admitted they didn’t read buy out prices just min bid pricing.

They want more robust search features but how does that help if you are buying without looking at buy now prices?

Anywho, please follow me, the carcasses are this way…. [points left while holding out a dead horse beatin stick]


Buddy green text is not GM, that’s forum moderator. Sorry for your confusion

it’s not even a forum mod. it’s just some kid they selected to have special green text :rofl:

Screen shot or it didn’t happen.

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This has been covered many times. You received an automated response stating “action was taken”

Action in this case can range from:

We looked and there is nothing wrong here, closing the ticket.

up to:

Something against the rules happened and we did something about it.

You have no clue what “action” was taken within that range

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Was going to take a picture last night but my son deleted it. Once again I have nothing to prove but if you are doing this you have something to lose, good luck.

no, “action was taken” does not include “we didn’t do anything”.

Your in-game mail said that they would “take appropriate action”. In this case, they would have closed your ticket and moved on to the next one since what you were reporting isn’t a violation of any rules.

And just to clear it up, MVPs are just players with special green text. I earned my green over in the CS forums from helping many players answer these sorts of questions over the years.

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No no no, this in game mail means Blizzard deleted the player, seriously never argue with a GM they will assassinate you. People who play wow disappear all the time.

I know I’ve lost 8 friends and family to arguments with a GM.

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They said “actions were taken against a player or players account as a result of your in game reporting” AND the auctions disappeared.

I only reported 1 person the entire time I played TBC and it was for these bologna auctions.

Yes, you had a real person assassinated. How does it feel to have the power over life and death?

But they did do something. They looked at the issue, reviewed logs maybe and summarized no rules were broken and closed the ticket.

All of this is “Action taken”.

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I like the “you’ve been warned” part lol! /scary :slight_smile:

We are solving this problem on Thunderfury, sorry your server doesn’t have players willing to report this nonsensical behavior.

You guys do realize that nonsense like this is why we don’t have PvP servers anymore right? "I’m not bending the rules /flexuntilbreakingpoint

Again, no proof, no believe.

You have a blue post contradicting you, an MVP telling you the same thing, yet you want us to believe you are the correct one here.

Sorry, but this is not how this works, it’s not how any of this works!

We are just going in circles here.

“Oh look, the dead horse” Hey @Foxmumbler can I borrow one of those beat’n sticks?