Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

I couldn’t use the word I wanted.

How does this keep happening to people?

Get an AH addon and it cannot happen.

He can’t comprehend
brain is clicking but can’t hear because of wax

No threads on my alts, only been posting in here.

“Extortion” is such an ugly word friend. It’s just that accidents happen and there’s bad people in the world. You simply need some “protection” from your good friends.

See you next week for your donation.

Yep, it’s a scummy thing to do - to try and take advantage of people that click the buyout and confirmation without reading the buyout price, but the solution is easy - read the buyout price before agreeing to and confirming the purchase.

Blizzard don’t step in if someone can’t complete a quest because they didn’t read the quest dialogue - this is no different. The intent of the seller makes them a nasty person but it’s not a hack.

This is a player made problem with a player made solution: Caveat Emptor.

Edit: Question - Do Blizzard step in when someone ninjas an item? I don’t see this as being very different. Someone deceiving and capitalising on other players - but not breaking any game designed etc.

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I do wish though I could filter items by stack size as well. Eg I only want to look for a herb in stacks of 10 or 20, and want to ignore everything that’s not in that stack size.

This may also reduce the likelihood of clicking buy out on something priced to trip careless buyers.

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Technically true, since they seem to have been deleted.

These fellas are yours:

Lol uh no, not me home slice.

Sure, sure, pal.

Yeah it’s a problem on my server too. Trade Skill Master has a setting that pops a confirmation window if you’re buying something above a certain price. For me, I set it to pop this confirmation if I’m buying something above 250% of an its normal value for example.

To me, this type of thing is very similar phishing email scams. And yes, it is 100% a scam. It works very well because not everyone pays attention 100% of the time. Even smart, disciplined people have lapses where they are distracted and will click on something without thinking it through.

Say it’s a 1% chance. Out of every 100 people that come across the trap, someone will fall for it, on average. Out of the hundreds of people browsing AH, someone WILL get screwed.

And no, they don’t deserve it, any more than someone who makes a driving error deserves to get in a car wreck.

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Not really, but it’s closer. This is not even close to that. The price was clearly posted and the buyer had to confirm TWICE to make the purchase.

This is more a “I was a dumba$$” than “I was scammed” thing.


Sure does not sound like a scam. Sounds like the auction set an idiot tax and she paid in full.


There are some incredibly simple things blizzard could do, like minor improvements to the AH so we can sort by buyout amount instead of minimum bid. That would instantly neuter this kind of scam.

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Sucks to make a mistake like that, but it wasn’t a ‘scam’, it was just someone not being careful with their hold. I actually pay attention when I’m using the Auction House, but as an added measure, I make sure to keep the bulk of my gold on a bank alt and buy stuff I need on my main. No risk of losing tons of gold because I’m not paying attention.

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It works pretty much the same as if someone were to scam you out of gold/crafting mats in a trade; they’ll remove the ninja’d item, but they won’t give it to the other player nor will they reimburse any lost gold.

But for things like this on the AH; where the price is clearly marked; even if the poster is trying to get someone not paying attention to buy it, they won’t step in.

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Pro tip: Keep most gold on an alt so this doesn’t happen.


In no definition of the word was this a scam. Both prices were clearly posted. Yes I am sure the seller was counting on someone not paying attention - and that is what happened. There was no deceit. Nothing was hidden. What was on the AH was what was bought. Buyer beware. Being in a rush and not paying attention does not a scam make.


Right but it could also be easily addressed by improving the AH sorting. No GM intervention or actual functionality changes needed, just allow sorting by buyout price. Problem solved and actually exactly what people who are buying out want anyways.