Guildie got AH scammed, threatening to unsub and delete her account

This is a pretty good idea frankly. It’s also a change that I think maintains the spirit of the original while improving it. UI and sorting systems were pretty rudimentary back when TBC was released, this can be advanced upon without inhibiting game play. It just makes it harder for cads to be caddish - that’s a good thing.

They eventually did this in later xpacs, as this system is obviously stupid. This is not controversial to anyone except those who insist that minor QoL improvements will start the inexorable decay of the game into the hated “retail.” But, sadly, the only way to get even a reasonable change made is to complain about it in the most unreasonable fashion.

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Blizz definitely needs to add in some kind of confirmation window. Even EVE Online asks you if you’re sure when the item you’re trying to buy is listed higher than the average price.

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Even if it was just for trades over 500g or similar.

thats not a scam. sucks to lose her gold, but there was no scam.


Happened to my friend too. GM told him to kick rocks

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Its almost like this is a player issue its almost like the easiest way to stop this is to read. What’s next is it the game’s responsibility to make sure you go to your job IRL? Take some personal responsibility.


I fall on both sides of this discussion:

  1. The buyer is responsible here - they should read what they’re agreeing to before they agree.
  2. Better sorting and a clearer AH UI could make this easier for players and that would be a good improvement that doesn’t break gameplay or contradict the spirit of the game.

So, it’s a player solvable problem, but Bliz could implement some good AH improvements that keep within the feel of TBC.


You do have to confirm AH purchases…


She can quit or be more careful next time.

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Yeah, it is your fault when you confirm the price and don’t read what you’re paying.

People who do this are so god damn annoying. Morally superior over a video game. Go away.


Let her quit.

It will teach her a lesson

Awwwww wooppee lol

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it’s ok to have integrity, morals, no need to be a scumbag. why tolerate evil? you reap what you sow man, it will come back around to you and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.

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Ive done this twice on accident with posting things too fast and I will put another zero not meaning to and both times they were bought.

People need to realize what they are buying.

Yep this is math and the core issue. There’s a guy on my server who’s name is literally “Lies” (with a billion altcodes). Guy posts these 900g scam auctions everywhere. If even .1% of people who hover over any of his auctions falls for the thing, then he will tend to make nice coin for every 1000 people that see his stuff. Well, if you diversify your scam like he does and post lots of different items then you could definitely get up to that magic 1000 people/day number easily.

People also get scammed daily in real life lol. My Grandma was one of those people who sent money overseas to help someone. She never got her money back.

People suck thats life.

Free market capitalism baby

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Really. Just limit the bragging to General chat.

Kid, u are drunk or high and w/o any smarts …

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