Guild ui not showing up

Still not working for my Boosted alt. Should I kick and reinvite him?

You shouldn’t need to do anything to trigger the fix. The process is running across the entire database, so some guilds will get picked up before others do.


guild tools from menu still not there - that tab brings up a blank / generic communities menu (like I’m not in a guild on him, or in any communities). I can get the old /groster to bring up the usual tools…however NONE of them work. I cant list the guild, or invite alts, etc.
I see the original issue started last Friday…I’d moved the guild/GM from rexxar to proudmoore, on Sunday. Not sure if the issues are related to the existing problem, or is a snafu with the guild move. I just know its getting rather annoying…Mahalo

ps. yes I’ve deleted / rebuilt ui to make sure that wasnt part of the issue.

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Guild chat/community guild chats all gone…no change at all. What an incredibly frustrating situation this is. I check every day, check here for some level of news for improvement…I am glad for those who have gotten “fixed”…seriously RIDONKULUS for the rest of us.


Ok, it’s finally working for my boosted troll. Log on him and opened up the guild tab lol

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ok checked again this morning, nothing has changed for my toon’s guild tools. still cant list the guild (via /groster - the only way to get gulid tools up). if I just open guild/communities from the menu its completely blank as it was yesterday

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My new guild never got off to a start because my entire guild system is bugged. Could you please fix it or explain to me how to fix it.

My Guild is called The Seniors. My Character is Belyia. My Guild never had a chance with this mess that is ongoing. I am a very old lady who is very ticked!

There is nothing you can do at current. If you read through anything above, you would see that fixes have been applied, but they are working through the system. Some people’s issues have been fixed. Some have not been reached by the fix yet. I have not yet seen a post saying that it’s finished making it’s rounds and that everyone should be good, so it’s moreso of please having just a little more patience.


Ok I figured I’d post this via the toon with the actual problem. I just logged in and nothing has changed from what I posted via Bdaddybb. Tomorrow will be a week since I PAID to move this toon and his guild from rexxar to proudmoore. I’ve had NO use of the guild, or guild tools since. While the guild name plate is there under his name - in the guild & communities panel there is nothing (only the three generic buttons anyone not in a guild or community would see), so no ability to do anything like invite, list the guild etc.
I can ‘force’ the old /groster to pull up the guild tools…however any toon name I attempt to add via the ‘add member’ button errors saying ‘name not found’. If I hit the ‘list guild’ button, I am able to set parameters and post the guild, however hoping on another toon and looking thru guild finder, the guild is not showing up.
As I’ve said in the past posts, I opened a ticket last Sunday after I paid for the guild transfer service, and found the issue, thinking it was related to the move. I find it rather insulting to get a response this morning simply saying its fixed/resolved - as it is NOT SO.
At this point I really dont care if it’s a result of this stuff that started two days previous to my purchasing the guild move, or something related to the guild move. It NEEDS to be fixed and back to working as it should be. PERIOD - full stop.

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It’s been mentioned several times in this thread that putting in a ticket will not help. GMs are not able to do anything with this issue.

I’ve not seen any blue posts stating that the fix has been fully rolled out yet. Hopefully we’ll see another update sometime today.


Unfortunately, you are just a victim of poor timing. Not what you want to hear, but it isn’t just you with this issue. There are many other folks who are waiting just as you are.

The fix was created and applied. It is still wending and winding its way through the system. There isn’t some way to force it through for one person, it just has to make its way down the pipeline to your guild. Now, if there had been a Blue post saying “Everyone should be good now!”, we may have a different response for you. But as of this very moment, they have not sounded the “all clear”.

The only thing I can offer is to please continue to have patience. Yes, you’re itching to get things done with your guild, but until the fix has been universally applied, nothing more can be done. Lots of players have been in your shoes with this issue, many still are. You’re entitled to be upset, but railing at folks here doesn’t get you very far as there are neither Devs nor GMs on this forum to see your discontent.


Perl…most the time I love you…this time however I must check you…As I’ve stated in previous posts, the ticket was opened at the time of the guild move, and before I found this post two days after I created the ticket. ie op was Friday, I purchased the move on Sunday, found the problem (and thinking it related to the move) opened a ticket immediately. I didn’t find this post till Tuesday morning (when I started adding my voice), after I got the initial response to the ticket saying ‘we refreshed your guild, all fixed’. As that wasn’t true I started hunting down the forums till I found this post/issue.
Half the post you responded to was basically saying ‘no changes, still broken’ for that toon/guild. Less then half was basically saying (and is always my feeling no matter whom is providing CS) that NO ONE should be responding to an open issue with - yup, its fixed and then close the ticket. I don’t care if its bliz or any other company. If a customer is expressing there is an issue - the CS staff should be working with the client to move towards actual resolution, or if they are not able to - to monitor till it is. This bs today of closing issues as rapidly as possible, even when the issue isn’t resolved is part of the problem.

Except that your issue is “resolved” from a CS point of view. The resolution is that Blizzard fixed the bug causing the problem and any affected guilds will eventually be fixed as the tool goes through the databases and fixes them. There is nothing else a GM can do to help you. There is no reason to keep a ticket open for this.


Good morning folks,

Just wanted to come in and confirm that the heal up process is still running through the guilds database. As you can probably imagine, it’s a very large set of information to comb through.

So while this is a somewhat ‘non-update’, I did want to confirm for you all that this continues to be worked on and hasn’t been forgotten.

I wish I could provide an estimate, but once I have confirmation from the game team that the healing has completed I will check in here.


ok, just to update (I did full UI reset last night, to have fresh config after maintenance). There is NO change on the toon/guild in question.

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ok…there are still MANY issues…to try and trouble shot, I resub’d an inactive account…I tried to search GF and the guild at issue on proudmoore didn’t show. on the GM toon, guild tools, etc from the standard menu do not work, in fact opening that tab is that of a non-guilded toon with no comunites. I could however use /groster to open the older guild interface, invite the other toon, and adjust his ranks, etc. after. after logging both toons out…the GM toon is in the same state (ie guild/communities tab empty) however the second toon on the other account can open the guild/communities tab and everything looks as it should. Not sure whats broken and why it’s not fixed yet. however I do know it shouldn’t be on me to be spending extra money to trouble shoot whats broken on the original toon.

Why should you need to spend money?

The original issue covered by this thread has been resolved. Yours is likely a separate issue and you should submit a support ticket for a GM to take a look at it.


There will be a link at the bottom of the ticket to reopen it if the solution offered doesn’t work.

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Keep in mind, the overall issue should be resolved, but a heal up for those impacted is being run. As far as I know it is still running.

Understand, there isn’t anything that a Game Master can do here. When the heal up process has been completed we’ll update this thread. If your issues still persist, than we can investigate further.