Guild screen and guild chat stopped working

We were online and got an error message saying “descendants of Lore has been destroyed” now we have no guild options.

Same issue. Guild bank is still there, MOTD, achievements as well, and the name exists when I target myself, but otherwise, it is like there is no guild and I am able to search for a new one etc.

Same issue. Tried disabling mods, nope. Tried resetting server side, nope.

Same on Area-52. It’s not a UI issue i don’t believe. /guildroster works. All my guild members are having the issue too.

Same happened to me. It did give me a message saying that I had been removed from guild because it had been destroyed. But I logged into another guild on an alt and it had the same issue on ysera/duratan

I just read on Customer Support forum that this is an issue with the Community channel being down for some reason, it is effecting Guild chat. The issue is being looked into according to a Blue. Hang in there, hopefully it will be repaired soon. The Blue also said all Guilds were not effected, just Guild Chat.

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Here, for quick access

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Happening on Staghelm currently, was working earlier today.

Enron created Rolling Guildouts

It’s currently happening on Stormrage, and Thrall one is Alliance other guild is Horde.

Happening on Moonguard Alliance as well.

Happening on Silvermoon as well…

You guys are all failing to realized that this is the work on N’zoth who is seeping into all of our guilds and destroying them one by one until there are none left. It’s only a matter of time before we destroys players too!

We are going through the same thing as well ysera/durotan. Which is a bummer because we are a large guild that doesn’t rely on discord.

Ugh my guild was affected too…this is inconvenient when your main selling point for recruiting is the fact that you are a social guild and there is no way to access gchat lol I hope this gets fixed soon!

I was super confused but I’m at least glad to see I’m not the only one having this issue

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Same thing is happening in my guild too in retail. You can only see who logs on, and achievements. But can’t chat.

Same. :confused: I keep trying to type, and nothing.

I’m having this issue as well with my personal guild Wish on Korialstrasz…