Guild screen and guild chat stopped working

Same issue here in retail for all my characters/guilds. No guild interface, no guild chat. Guild notifications are working.

Adding one more to the list, same thing for all my characters in guilds on three different servers.

I can access the guild bank, calendar events and see myself and others on the /guildroster but have no guild chat or see guild on Guild & Communities tab.

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Glad I not the only one with that problem I have it too.

I’m also experiencing this issue. I see my guild’s Message of the Day when I login, but cannot see the guild interface or guild chat.

I am also seeing this issue. I see the MOTD on login, but no guild chat, and Guild & Communities looks like I’m not in a guild. /groster and /ginfo function as expected.

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Happening to my guild Asargths Vanguard as well, one of the officers in my guild brought it to my attention. Can find my guild listed in the guild finder.
After testing a few characters on various servers and different guilds only have one character who the UI is acting normal for.

Same Here 9:05pm est problem not fixed…

Honestly that can be very bad for some guilds as the one im in as some players think they been removed from guild or whatever so really hope blizz is working on it. If i was them i would definitivly close servers until fix…

Guild Chat Broken, so is community.

Pre 8.3 bug already.

Oh and btw some forum features not working right now as the caracter changes for forum apparence and item recovery seems to be very long to load not sure if its me or if its general.

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Same here on stormreaver, horde

Ya, I don’t even play this toon. I’ve got 6 120’s on each faction, but can’t pull them up. lol

Misha/Rexxar issue with the guild screen. Thought it might be elvui but under my mini map it shows how many guild members are online. I was on a break from work so logged in just to sort some materials and noticed that guild screen under J does not display my guild, will no display guild chat message either

Same, on going issue on Stormrage. At the very least this toon’s guild on Stormrage. No other toon on Stormrage in guild, yet.

Also seeing the same issue on Stormrage.

Seeing it on Stormrage as well