Guild screen and guild chat stopped working

in the last 2 hours my guild has disappeared from my screen when i hit J and i can no longer see guild chat… is this a known issue or new? i have turned off ALL addons and tried to hit J again and still nothing is appearing


I’m having the same issue with my alt guild on Drak’thul. Namely i open the Guild window with J and there is no guild at all. I can search my guild on the website and in game. All of my characters still have the guild tag but the system is acting like my guild has been disbanded.

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Having the same issue and I am the GM of my guild. This only seems to be happening on Alliance side. Alliance toon is Lightslinger, guild is Second Hand Heros and server is Deathwing.

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My Horde guild on Ravencrest is down, but my alliance guild on Shadow Council is fine.

Guild has been down for over a day now.

My guild management on Alliance Steamwhiddle Cartel is bugged, but Horde guild on Nazgrel is working fine.

Same issue here on Kilrogg. I logged in to my main (the guild leader) and then got a message saying “You have been removed from because it has been destroyed.”

This happened to all of my communities and guild. Everyone on my discord has lost their guilds and communities too.

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Getting the same issue on Madoran. Can’t call up the UI and I’m the guild leader.

edit: Just tried talking in guild chat and that doesn’t work either.

Same issue on two different realms.

I think it’s all across the board issue. No community chat, no guild chat.

It appears similar to the bug I reported before the new guild interface was launched. The issue was fixed in that launch, but it appears to be back in full force now.

same here. horde nagrand. was wiping in a pug when i got the message “you have been removed from guild because it has been destroyed”. came back on a higher ranking officer toon and all the guild and community features are unavailable. doing a /who still shows guild tho.

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Adding to the reports - my guild also doesn’t show on my Community UI even though the guild name is still above my character’s head. Can’t see guild chat or WoW Communities. BattleNet Communities still show on the UI, though.

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Looks like the same thing happened last January…how strange.

I’ll also add to the list. Was flying back to Boralus just now and the guild interface just blanked out altogether. It was working within the last 30m.
Can’t see either of our communities, the roster shows 0/0, can’t get to info, but can access the calendar and the hover shows I’m still in-guild but guild chat doesn’t even work.
I did see a long red message pop but it disappeared too quickly to read what it said but it gels with what Auntyjoe notes. There are definitely shenanigans afoot.

Ya I got message saying my guild is gone but name show when I hover over display.
No access to chat and are events.

Same for our guild Ysera horde. Confirmed with other members (husband) so it’s not just my account.

THE WORLD IS ENDING!!! :exploding_head:

Same, we’re on Quel’dorei/Sen’jin and I am the Guild Master of The Phoenix Guard. I got an error message that said, you have been removed from The Phoenix Guard because it was destroyed. I’m a bit… concerned.

You have been removed from your guild and it has been destroyed. YaY?!