Guild Mansions... our home

I would love to see that! I have wanted something like this, ANYTHING like this for years now. You could have mini games, a dueling arena of some kind, a pond to fish from with unique fish that can be used to make new toys, or feasts, or whatever.

I could literally design an entire setup for this and I’m so bummed we don’t have this. It would be super easy for blizzard…

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Just use Atal’Hakkar or your faction’s shrine in Pandaria, or any of the other totally empty and epic locales. Go have a meeting in the Timeless Isle > Draenor portal room. Find that one room in Karazhan where the wall is torn off to reveal a really amazing view. Hell, use somebody’s level 3 garrison.

Blizzard has already included so many beautiful meeting places that aren’t even touched by anybody but heirloom’d alts that Guild Halls, while cool, are a total non-starter.

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My guild and I used to meet in the dwarves district in that empty house, thers an ah there now so no more privacy

Others have mentioned the WoW Engine not being very compatible with player housing as the usual player might see it. I would still love it, it just probably would not be what we want.

I know Garrisons were not at all PH but how buildings were constructed are what we would see. Pretending it is instanced (even though people apparently hate that), Horde/Alliance players would probably be able to spend gold to buy a Tier 1, 2, or 3 house and each level would have a little more space. The problem is that every house would likely either be a small Castle/Barracks/Great hall outline. We would 100% not design it how we want, it would be a prebuilt structure.

Aside from that point, there would probably be some interactables that you could pay gold for to place a painting/bench/chairs or any other little decoration piece. We would likely not get free range of where things would go, just be able to choose what we want in 10 predetermined locations. Color schemes would likely be the same. Banners would more than likely just be faction based aside from a singular one in a predetermined location.

Jist of all this, is we possibly could have housing Blizzard’s way but it would not be all that complex. Might be the engine, might be resources not put towards this, whatever the case housing as I see it will not be a creative atmosphere where one guild can have all pink and another all black, the halls would be mostly standardized with a few choices that are not all that fun.

I would however enjoy it as a guild meeting place for things like trades between guildies, meeting place, guild events, etc.

The garrison was such a disappointment to me because I really thought it was finally a response to the demand for player housing. It had stuff for crafting. It had a bank option that could eventually become an AH option (that right there makes it a hearth place for life, right?)

It was ALMOST player housing. It was RIGHT THERE. And they didn’t follow through.

The MoP farm was ALMOST player housing. They got RIGHT THERE. And they didn’t follow through.

A guild hall and player housing is not a tall order. It just isn’t. I saw a really good video from Bellular the other day about the reward system, and honestly this is exactly the kind of thing he was alluding to. It’s the kind of thing people would grind for (like my beloved fishing achievements and holiday achievements that mean nothing for gameplay but add all kinds of flavor for ME, the individual player in an RPG).

Player housing that is cheap to get the basic layout and progressively harder to farm to a new level with more options…that has NOTHING to do with progression or gameplay bonuses. That’s what almost everyone asking for player housing has said they want.

Guild halls would be magnificent. You could do a hundred things with them that do not affect progression or gameplay…that open up options as the guild levels. Additional “rooms” or perks, like a dueling pit with private target dummies all around. Crafting hall where people could “bank” food items or enchants or whatever for the guild to use. Some kind of display area for the heads of bosses or commendations from the warchief/king for your guild downing bosses. That sort of thing. Again…it’s not hard to make people happy on this stuff. It’s a simple request, and they’ve had over a decade of people asking for it to work it out.


If people say Garrisons one more time…


Garrisons one more time…

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A Guild Hall would be appreciated by a good many players, I feel, but it should be useful for more than just a meeting place.

Here are some ideas from another thread:

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Thats kind of the point I was trying to make. People ask for things, and Blizzard gets so close every time. Player housing? Garrisons. Transmog? Sure, but with an overly strict set of rules. Its like they think they cant go all the way or they’ll get in trouble or something. I see them giving us a sharded area outside, like a picnic table, that only people in the same guild can get sharded into, and calling that a guild house. Close, yet so far.

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Well, compare the level of customization of SWTOR and FFXIV with what we got in WoW… moving around some buildings and changing the race of the troops, woopity-doo, so much customization.

Even the professions in SWTOR were modified so that each one could contribute to housing.

Class hall != Guild hall, the attempt was nice but not what has been requested.

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I would be all for guild halls IF Blizzard:

  1. Makes robust guild-finding tools that support all kinds of guilds, not just raiding.

  2. Makes sure any size guild can participate. A friends and/or family guild is probably MORE apt to keep players subbed but Blizzard has never valued them. A hundred disconnected guild members who never log in are not better than five guild members who play together all the time and stay subbed, so make guild activities work for all guilds.

  3. Limits guild leader controls so that members cannot get ripped off.

  4. Allows guild alliances. This is how smaller guilds can do certain larger activities and raiding guilds can overcome attrition.

  5. Creates lots of customization and choice. That is what will make the feature popular.

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While they are a far cry from housing, say like in Rift, Garrisons did allow storage (storehouse) and displaying (via WoD achievement statues, acquisition of certain reputations [changing of guards], and battle pets, jukebox music rolls, certain buildings, etc).

I think player housing is more about customization and an extension of the transmog/character customization features implemented into a static, “physical” location that the player and others can experience. Storing and displaying are elements of this.

My humble opinion.

Would be a good place for meetings. Then do a guild raid after…

It’s the only way to get the social aspect goin again in WoW as far as guilds go.

Like in Asherons Call they had Mansions, my guild would meet there every tuesday… we would spend 1/2 hr talking then go do a quest for like a elemental stone (used to imbue Atlan Weapons)… was awesome.

Could have guild wars too… between same factions.