Guild Mansions... our home

A place to meet with guild members once a week and discuss stuff and hang out.
A place to hang the new guild mansion items we have to craft, like pictures of Ion and stuff.
A place to call home.

Will they ever make these you think? My guild needs this bad so we can chill.

Will only pay maximum 1 million gold.


To be a big wet blanket: I meet and talk with my guild every single day, it’s called guild chat :stuck_out_tongue:

it sounds like player housing in which it’s just a complicated way to show off achievement and that it doesn’t really add any replayability or mechanics or anything other than a place to port to for RP events.


The problem wish guild halls is that there is very little the guild members can DO to the guild hall besides say “hmm, that’s cool I guess” while the guild leader gets to play with all the bells and whistles.


I thought Class Halls were pretty cool. And while Garrisons weren’t super popular it does show that Blizz can and will do similar things. I can maybe see them doing Guild Halls at some point. The only issue I see is the those not in guilds and those in dead guilds will complain.

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yes yes, so I can intorvert myself into my player housing just like my real housing. The immersion levels would be through the roof.


Not sure to be honest, other mmos have guild houses etc but from my experience the random player won’t bother using them. I guess that’s why blizzard fails to see the point of investing development time into something that not many will end up using?

I’m thinking daoc, lotro, rift, eq etc. They all have variations of this.

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Id love to see player housing like Runescape has. You build your house from the ground up, they way you want to build it! And it’s a huge time sink that keeps you wanting to play so you can build the perfect house.


I remember playing on a private server back in the classic days. Instanced guild houses were so much fun. We had a castle on an island surrounded by fatigue-ocean.

Guild Mansions…? Sure, that could be cool.

However… a wiser use of developmental resources in my opinion for any sort of hall/housing type thing would be to add additional Garrison improvements.

The garrisons, though they were often hated during the time, are really a gem from the WoD expansion. They are still very useful, even today.

With a little modernization and upkeep, there is no reason why the garrisons can’t have ongoing relevancy.

All for this but we all know WoW is too dated with its ancient engine to incorporate anything like this. Player housing gives players extra incentive and reward to venture out into the world. I see it all the time in ESO and Final Fantasy. All the neat decorations, houses, furniture and creativity put into the various houses and players meet there to have fun. Just an extra layer of depth to the game.

Funny thing is. This doesn’t even take away from their other content. They still have raids, dungeons, quests, mounts etc come out. Yet here in billion dollar company supported WoW we’re all sitting in Boralus/Zuldazar doing “/dance” cause there ain’t nothing better to do. Guess team is too busy developing new pet battles and repeatable WQ’s and further “tweaking” of our classes. SO much valuable development time right? :joy:


Make raid crafting easier/cheaper in Guild halls.
Function like an inn on steroids (better/faster rest exp)
Give AH/Xmog profession trainers, etc.

Pretty much anything I can do in a major city (assuming my guild can pay the premium for these bells and whistles.)

This would let me get stuff done without having to deal with the added burden on my PC trying to load all these misc players in a given major city.

Maybe even add a “simulation” room in a guild hall where a guild can practice strategies on a boss without getting loot or repair bills.

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I wouldn’t turn down guild HQs.

I liked the super team bases we could get in City of Heroes. They were gold sinks that you could decorate, but there was crafting associated with the bases, too, and you could add functionality like zone teleporters that made them more useful and populated.

oh yea id seriously love a guild hall in wow, ive had ideas for it before as well.
it’s just really annoying sitting in the main city doing nothing especially with the content drought till 8.1

The problem wish guild halls is that there is very little the guild members can DO to the guild hall besides say “hmm, that’s cool I guess” while the guild leader gets to play with all the bells and whistles.

Everyone always says this (some variation of it), and I have to wonder why anyone would be in a guild with a complete jerk like that leading it. Seriously, I don’t understand.

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People wanted player housing, so they gave us WoD garrisons. People complained. People wanted guild housing, so they gave us Class Halls. People complained. Even if they do give us guild halls, people would just complain about it. And unlike Garrisons and Class Halls, not everyone is in a guild, or would even use it if they were. I doubt they’ll spend time on content that might not be used by everyone.

Sigh. /limps over one more time…

Garrisons. Were Not. Player Housing.

They were grinding factories. They had no “house” for the player. They had no storage or display room for the player. They were not. Player. Housing.

Class Halls. Were Not. Guild Halls.

What’s so hard about that to understand?


Didn’t say they were, did I? I said people wanted player housing, and got garrisons.

Then, I apologize. I misunderstood you. People CONSTANTLY refer to the garrisons when people say they want player housing.

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WoW needs more reward systems that aren’t tied to player power.

Having a guild hall with rewards that are purely cosmetic or customization based would be a great way to include more rewards into the gameplay loop without player power going haywire.

Plus I think having at least one system in the game that stays consistent from one expansion to the next would be nice…

I’m on board!

Cause that’s all we’re gonna get. After 14 years, I think proper player housing, guild halls, and anything else like that is probably dead in the water.