The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

From the Redux thread, some marvelous commentary and suggestions by Druunah:
10/29/2018 07:07 AMPosted by Druunah
10/28/2018 10:39 PMPosted by Mceuan
While we're at it, why can't I mass mail everyone in my guild on the same day? Why am I stuck with a roster that tracks Achievement points instead of ilevel? Why does the MotD load before system messages? Why don't I have some means of communicating with my guild ingame, instead of relying on Discord or Facebook or something else? Why can't I see several days worth of bank activity on the logs? Why can't I have an ingame means of tracking alts of people I've kicked? Crazy as it sounds, sometimes those people want to come back and be disruptive.

Great ideas.

Let me list them for Blizzard:

As Guild Leaders we need:

A mass mail System so we can mail everyone in our guilds on the same day.

Why does the guild roster track Achievement points instead of ilevel?

Why does the MotD load before system messages?
This has always been but should not be.
Few read it, because many don't see it

Why don't I have some means of communicating with my guild ingame, instead of relying on Discord or Facebook or something else?

THAT! Seriously! I made several guild sites before settling on creating a Facebook group for our guild. (My reason for Facebook? I could never get many guildies to check out the amazing guild pages I made for us. It occurred to me however, that most people had Facebook pages. So a FB group it was. An in-game alternative would still be much more preferable.

We need to be able to see several days worth of bank activity on the logs,

Why can't I have an ingame means of tracking alts of people I've kicked?Sometimes those people want to come back and be disruptive.

For that last one, perhaps a way to not only ban toons from our guilds, but accounts as well. As a Guild leader I have often had those who were booted from the guild attempt to return days, months, even years later. Some people can get major chips on their shoulders. Several times over the years I have had to open tickets to Blizz because either myself or guild-mates were being harassed by someone with a grudge. A couple of times, the person being harassed knew nothing of the person doing the harassing. They were being targeted simple for being in the guild.
Wouldn't it very likely save Blizzard time and money to create a feature (ie: account bans / blocks) for guilds eliminating this issue?

"Guilds need to have more incentives to do things together, and it needs to accessible by all manor of guilds, not just raiding ones."


One idea: Guild only quests. A series of quest chains that are accessible to those in guilds and / or guild groups only. (I know, it's not all inclusive. Not everything needs to be)

Rewards could be gear both practical and cosmetic.
Special abilities (mostly for show-off / bragging rights) or access to elixirs / potions for the more practical.
Achievements (duh)
How about the ultimate prize maybe being a guild hall?
We as a guild still have guild meetings the old fashioned way. We gather our toons together at a specified location, and have a meeting. We usually meet in an out of the way place, but there isn't really any place in the open world there isn't someone doing something, and sometimes we get interruptions. Especially from the noobish and the annoying. A guild hall would be a nice place to gather, maybe show off awards and guild achievements in some way. A "display case" of sorts for guild rewards comes to mind, but there is probable a better way. How about a readable in-game "history of your guild" tome in the guildhall? Open it and read: "Your Guild" was created on xx/xx/xx by "Toonytoon" a warrior of great renown. Long ago during the great Cataclysm, "Your Guild" reached level 20 (before Blizz took away such things as guild leveling) Etc...etc... (Silly? Maybe)

(Blizzard! You could also throw on that long promised dance hall next door! Hint hint) uh huh..

These quests and rewards should be accessible to all guilds including the small ones so this would require scaling.

Also: Restore our guild permissions please.
As I've indicated before, I'm really interested in the guild hall ideas and rewards that smaller guilds can attain.