The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Well, I'm happy to see this is unlocked, I have to go back and transfer comments from the Redux thread to here? /sigh

Well, I'm going to repeat my post about guild halls here at least:

10/30/2018 08:23 AMPosted by Fumel
So, I've been thinking about guild halls and how a guild might be able to open theirs up. (Yeah, maybe jumping the gun since we don't have guild halls, but I'd rather think positively--I've had too much negativity regarding guilds already.)

I wanted to come up with something that even a tiny guild like mine could accomplish, but still make it a significant investment in one's guild. What I've thought of is an achievement where guild members complete X-number of instances (dungeons, raids, and/or BG's) whether in a group or separately. Counting individual runs (rather than requiring a guild group) allows small guilds to earn their halls, while making it faster for larger, active guilds. If five guildies run a dungeon, they'll get credit for five runs at once.

I was originally thinking only on-level and Timewalking instances should count, but that punishes players who really just like to go to old instances for transmogs, mounts, or pets. However, since it's easy to spam a lower level dungeon on a high-level character, I would say count only one run per day for low-level dungeons and one per week for raids.

How many instances required for the guild hall would of course be up to Blizz, but I was thinking around 500. That's a significant amount, but not so many that it can't be done by a guild like mine (with really only two active members currently).

Anyway, I'm still going to continue my read-through of the original thread, but I wanted to put some new thoughts in this one as well. I have some other ideas for guild halls, but I'll save those for later. I hope other posters will add their own ideas for more improvements they'd like to see for guilds.

Of course, we all still want the permissions separated and removed from under the "is-officer" heading.