The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

11/01/2018 03:17 PMPosted by Mceuan
A guild hall would be amazing.

It is not owned by the GM, so it can't be sold. It just comes with the guild. Guilds should be able to fly banners from every faction they're exalted with, hang heads of raid bosses, display older legendaries (yes, even Thunderfury), etc. In other words, in game displays of guild achieves and it's cosmetic stuff.

11/01/2018 03:17 PMPosted by Mceuan
I really want is a vendor who sells booze. Beer is a key component


Your thinking is genius.



11/01/2018 03:17 PMPosted by Mceuan
display older legendaries (yes, even Thunderfury), etc. In other words, in game displays of guild achieves and it's cosmetic stuff.

Thank you for adding that!

The train of thought had occurred to me regarding old legendaries, but at the time I posted, I could not word it correctly for some reason. (lack of coffee and or good dwarven booze me thinks)