Guild leader dead with no officer ranks filled

You are either lying, or deliberately mis-representing what actually happened.


You can tell yourself that. A blue post said they have such power. I’ve personally benefited from such assistance. Classic seems to be struggling. It would seem like it’d be in their best interest to keep people playing.

That’s not my problem.

An inactive player needed to be ousted. The in-game mechanics didn’t work. I put in a ticket. They demoted the GM and promoted me.

Trollin’ on the most heavily regulated subforum in WoW is not the recipe to a positive outcome. Good luck.


It doesn’t change what I posted. Those exceptions are policy. If the person asking for guild control doesn’t meet the criteria of that policy, the answer would be “No”.


And CS policies can be changed or, in unspecified circumstances, be made exception to.

That’s per the blue post, not my opinion.

Fine the only way changes will happen is if u do 1 of 2 things use the ingame suggestion feature or b use general forums any suggestions posted here get swalowed by the maw to never be seen by the dev.

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Well, it’s not gonna happen. You don’t have skin in the game, so why does it matter?

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I was not asking for a change to the policy.

I was simply discussing the truth of the matter.

…by the developers. They’re the ones who dictate CS policy.

“Fairly rare” are the exact words. And, as someone who’s had a glimpse behind the curtain, that’s going to be a Game Master giving command of the guild to a character that was previously Guild Master, but is no longer of rank to take advantage of the system in place.


Yes. And?

Again, unspecified.

No, you are being passive aggressive and argumentative. The “truth” is the farthest thing from here.


Neither of those things are true.

case in point.

It’s not gonna happen, until the OP comes back and says otherwise.

I dunno, how often do you run into peeps who were once Guild Master but no longer of the appropriate rank to take command from an absent Guild Master?

I’d say that’s fairly rare!


If you point out the circumstances that were specified, I will happily acknowledge that they were specified.

Can the policies be changed? Yes, but they are changed for everyone and not on a case-by-case basis. It’s not going to be done to make an exception in just one case.

If the “exception” to the guild-dethrone is not one of the ones in their policy, the answer is “No”. The “unspecified circumstances” means that the exact circumstances of the exception is not public, but it is written out in their internal policy. It’s not just on getting the “right” GM to get an exeption.

You misquoted the Blue in the first place to support your agenda. You made it sound like the Blue was saying you just had to ask for the guild in the right way and it would happen. That is not true.


I never said that it would.

I see this a lot in trade chat on my server. You all are getting trolled. Stop engagin’, let the blue handle the troll.


I literally quoted the blue by highlighting their words and then pressing the “quote” button.