Guild leader dead with no officer ranks filled

I gave a plain English interpretation of the blue post. I would say it was pretty accurate.

Guys were done here lets just stop.


That is incorrect.

It may be incorrect, but the way you posted seemed that you were wanting to provide feedback on how the policy should be, not actually how it is.


I do not believe that at all.

I don’t think you understand what you’re saying.

Why are u here arguing your not gona get the guild vrak said rare circumstance no where did he say u were eligble to get the guild.

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Then you would be well served to reread my original post now that I have clarified the matter for you.

I am not OP.

Just report for trolling and move on…


Yet, here we are and my post is still accurate.

Time for me to mute this thread. It’s clear that the trolls just want their say and to argue things they don’t understand.

Edit: I’m banking on some sock-puppeting too.


You would be incorrect.

Still looks like you are saying they should change it or make an exception. That would be feedback that you would post where I already stated previously in this thread.


Blizzard doesn’t do “exception to the policy”. No GM is going to risk their job to do it. Talking to a manager won’t change it. The managers follow the same policy as the GMs.


I can’t help that you choose to put words in my mouth.

I can simply state, again, that you are incorrect.

I’ve actually had Blizzard’s help with changing guild leadership during Classic. Things can happen.

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Was it because the Guild Leader died? Then it’s not the same thing.

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A GM actually manually changed the leaders of my guild. All it took was a ticket and a quick in-game chat. They do have the power to deal with such things.

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Then it’s not the same thing. Plus I don’t think you are telling the truth either.


I simply refer you to the blue post.