Guild leader dead with no officer ranks filled

You selected the part of the Blue post that supported your agenda, not the entire comment. You tried to have the Blue say what you wanted them to say rather than what they actually did. So yes, you misquoted the Blue.


I quoted the relevant part of their reply.

I do not have an agenda.

ROFL I’m pretty sure that’s not possible until the thread is locked.

Gotta get in one more “nuh huh!”

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Oh, you mean in blue text? Okay.


Edited to add: Some might want to jump on the “tend to be” phrasing, but perhaps better phrasing might have been “are almost exclusively.” Because it’s still slightly open ended to account for any unpredictable circumstances, such as bugs that may pop up with the feature in the future.

In OP’s case, they may make an exception for the deceased’s surviving immediate family. That’s not something anyone could have predicted. But it’s also a fairly rare circumstance.

Edited to be far less antagonistic and more informative.


There’s one.

Thank you.

That is the same thing Perl said earlier in the thread.

Yes, a GM can promote someone to GM. They have the tools, unlike in some other situations where they really are stuck by code. The policy in place though does not allow them to deviate from the rules without risk of being fired.

The exceptions are VERY limited and Perl is right about the two situations in which they now do them.

I did cover the evolution of the system earlier as well. It used to be very different so I see why some folks have mixed expectations.

I have no idea why this thread turned into an argument.


But you see, Mirasol, it has to be blue to be true. Us plebs who’ve been here for years don’t know anything. /s


I failed to make the connection.

Mea culpa maxima.

To what end? What exactly is the goal here? – these are rhetorical, this thread will be locked.

Yes, technically, the policy and the system could be circumvented, we could also create millions of gold and the best gear and just give it to you. That isn’t how anything works though, we have policies and procedures that govern what our staff may and may not do.

I’m not entirely certain why it was necessary to jump into a thread, which has to do with the loss of other players guild leader and friend, essentially to nitpick the wording used by another player.

Just for some clarification:

I didn’t say that. I said I don’t know if we’d be able to do the same thing in this case. If such a thing were to happen, which usually involves family, it traditionally requires some verification, which wouldn’t be something another guild member is likely to have access to.

^ That about sums it up.

We do, but as you state later, even the exceptions have policies.

Finally, I apologize, Popper. There are unfortunately times when a thread gets derailed by … well… this… I was going to simply nuke everything from post 13 on, but I imagine your question has been answered so it is best to simply close the thread.

Good luck to you.


Needed a bit so I could look this up.

Unless you are referring to another account, as I can only find a single ticket related to guilds here… what you seem to fail to mention is that the guild leader was your character and you were transferring leadership to another of your characters.

It is something you should normally be able to do yourself, and the Game Master who replied to your ticket even noted that in their response. They also mentioned that they don’t normally assist with transfers of guild leadership, but since it involved solely your characters, they were able to.

So, not at all related to anything that has been discussed in this thread.