Guild leader dead with no officer ranks filled

Our guild leader died in real life and we can’t use the dethrone option because it’s restricted to ranks that he removed everybody from. The “officer” ranks in the guild are just custom ranks he made. I have been a part of this guild since Wrath and have a LOT invested in it. How can we gain control of a guild where the leader can’t turn over control and we can’t use the in-game methods?

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You can’t.

Blizzard Customer Support cannot assist with transferring the leadership.

Either you can dethrone (because the guild was set up to allow it) or you can’t. And if you can’t, no one can assume leadership.


Short answer is you cannot. Your best option is to leave the guild and start a new one as you will not be able to take the guild over if you are not ranked 1, 2, or 3 below the guild master character…even if they are actually dead.


My condolences, it could be possible that an exception can be made but I wouldn’t hope for it.

My condolences.

There may be a way, but it’s complicated and involved. If you are in touch with his family members, they may be able to contact Blizzard and provide proper documentation to certify death and identity (ID, Death Cert. etc.) so they can gain control of the account. Then, they can promote a new guild leader and turn over control of the guild. If this death was recent, you may want to give the family time to grieve before contacting them with this issue.

An SFA can correct me if I’m wrong.


I am sorry to hear that, Popper. As the others said, the short answer is you really cannot. The system is designed to only allow those in the appropriate ranks to dethrone the guild leader.

Generally speaking, in the case of the registered user on the account passing away, their family, such as their child, may provide documentation so that the account may be updated. I don’t know if we’d be able to do the same thing for a guild ownership transfer. Sorry.


I thought there is an unwritten rule if the guild master does not login for 60 days, you can make a ticket with a GM to petition to become the new leader? I’ve done it before. At least this was the case previously.

That is a VERY old situation. Once they put in the dethrone steps, they have been hands-off. There is no way to bypass the system.


The system as it is the way it is from players feedback; not having to log in every month from anyone in the guild being able to dethrone to being two months and then becoming a set of ranks the guild master deem able to dethrone them.

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Not for a very long time, Frostyownz. It is one of the reasons why our Game Developers created the Dethrone system in the first place. So that it wasn’t something that could be done only if you knew to submit a ticket after a certain period of time.

We also wanted to make sure that Guild Leaders could set up their guilds so that they could prevent the guild from being dethroned, if they wish.

The system now is based on the previous policies that Customer Support developed as well as a lot of feedback from the player base. Due to those efforts and the system in place, we no longer get involved outside of some fairly rare circumstances.


No, that is not quite correct. There have been 3 iterations of the system.

  1. If the GM does not log in for more than 30 days you could petition a GM for leadership. Usually one of the officers. This started in Vanilla and lasted years.
  2. If the GM does not log in for 30 days there was a new system that automatically offered the GM role to the next rank, all the way down to new recruits. This change made it hands off for GMs.
  3. If the GM does not log in for 90 days, the automated system will offer GM to the next rank, down to the 3rd one. Beyond that, nobody can take GM.

The last one was in response to a lot of requests to let the GM demote folks and ensure that they stay GM forever, if they want. This especially was important for smaller social guilds or family guilds that happened to have a few randoms in it, or who had people get compromised. They can also limit the top ranks to folks with Authentication for more security.


The 3rd iteration was also frequently used by armed forces people on overseas deployment to ensure they would still have their guild when their tour of duty was completed.


The system can be bypassed, CS simply chooses not to do so.


No the system cannot be bypassed. It’s a rule, not a choice. And this CS forum is not here to do such things. It’s a peer to peer help desk wiith assistance from Support Forum Afents who are not GMs. Please do not spread misinformation.


This is a terrible forum to troll with misinformation.


I literally quoted the blue saying it was possible.


I literally quoted the blue saying that it was possible.


Again, it is not a choice. It is a rule. And it isn’t something CS can even do. That’s not the job of this forum or the SFAs, who are not GMs.

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This is a peer to peer help desk with the aid of Support Forum Agents. No one here is a GM. In or out of game. And this system for guilds was one that players asked for, due to the many things already listed.


It is a CS policy. If they so choose they can change the policy or, as they state, make an exception to the policy.

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