Guild leader dead with no officer ranks filled

And yet you’ve been told many times that the rule is a rule. If you have a complaint about GMs, then please submit in game or on GD. Claiming they chose not to help someone here is in poor form. This isnt GD. And none of it is helpful information for the OP. This is the Customer Support forum. Please treat it as such.


I simply paraphrased the relevant section of the blue post which I also quoted.

Those exceptions are not made just at random. They’re not holding out for someone they like. There are literally rules behind those exemptions too.

The rules are handed down to the CS folks, they don’t get to choose arbitrarily which ones they wish to follow.

Paraphrasing without understanding the context is not conducive to the OP’s situation.


Again, this is a support forum. Not a service forum. There are no CS/GMs here. This place is to help each other, not call out SFAs.


So will context and accurate information. Neither of which you seem to be interested in.


No one was “called out”

I’d suggest returning the trolling to GD and not continue it here.


Are you saying the blue’s post wasn’t accurate information?


Nah, but deliberate misinterpretation is. :slight_smile:


Just to let you know, the blues here don’t very much like it when folks trying to twist their words then what they’re meant to be. They know what they’re talking about, and don’t give people false hopes for the hell of it.


Botom line ur not gona get the guild will have to move on.


Paraphrasing a blue post, which I quoted, is not trolling.

If I were trying to “twist” them I wouldn’t have quoted them.

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Then you should understand that the “truth” you spoke wasn’t currently the truth as it stands. If you feel they should change it to be that way, then you would need to submit your feedback either in the General Discussion Forum where you can follow along with what everyone else thinks on the issue, of by using the submit feedback/bug tool found in the game itself. That way, it can be seen by the people who actually can make such decisions. They do NOT come to this forum, nor are the Blizzard posters here liaison to them.


He said rare circumstance this doesnt qualify.


Read: Deliberately misinterpreting.


Why would I want to change it?

Did I say that it did?

No, I’m saying that your post is lacking the depth to understand the reply from the blue. You’re taking what they said out of context to try and bolster your belief that GMs can do whatever they want in these situations.

I’m correcting you in letting you know that the blue reply actually is much deeper in meaning than that. Thankfully, we have plenty of fantastic regulars here to help point out your mistake.

It’s okay to admit that you were not aware that those exceptions that the blue mentioned are not made without any rules behind them. In fact, the only two times I’ve ever seen this happen (especially since the dethrone system was implemented) were as follows:

  1. The person requesting guild leadership was the one who originally MADE the guild.
  2. The person requesting guild leadership has a death certificate for the guild leader and are a direct relation to the guild leader.

Those are the only two times I’ve ever seen this happen.


You seemed to want to with the false statement you said was “truth” when you took something out of context and said it was possible. There are very specific rules to qualify for an exception to the rules that stand, and this case does not qualify.