Guild banks

Edit: Sorry Perl, this is “Bricktown” from above. Unsure why an ancient lvl 11 of mine was the profile char suddenly.

Posting fast so it’s not pretty quotes and all.
But Vrak’s first response ~5 days ago stated:
“The overall issue that was causing the issue was fixed quickly to stop it from happening but a resolution tends to be a bit more complicated.”

So, what I was trying to say is - that statement says the underlying cause was addressed but it’s kinda vague enough that I’m unsure whether it’s safe to put stuff in again.

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I would not risk it until we get clear direction from Blizzard. Right now we’re just speculating. I’m sending everything I pick up that would ordinarily go into a guild bank to a bank alt for now.

Yeah. I’m not about to put ANYTHING from xpansion in there without a very clear “it’s safe” statement.

Kinda sucks when they have a specific issue with a guildie who’s 100% paid-for (leveled two 80s already and like eight to 70 during pre-xpac) but mailing to him says "can’t mail to a Free account).

I know… not yours to deal with. Mostly just throwing it out there in case someone sees and says “OH HEY - do this to fix that” lol

I only have a few simple questions,
How do we even know if we were affected?
Are they going to ‘fix’ players affected even if they have not reported any issues as most players are likely oblivious to the issues anyhow?

You will know if ur bank is empty and withdraw logs are empty then ud post in bug forums.

Someone replied in the bug report forum showing a ticket response that said they are close to having it fixed and will begin restoring items to the guild banks “soon”. So hopefully this is almost over…


Still not fixed. There has been some communication on the EU side, I believe for consumer protection reasons, but no such protections in the US so they’re leaving us out to dry :smiling_face_with_tear:

Latest info:

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Can everyone check their guild banks? I just checked mine and I had some stuff reappear. Nowhere near everything, not even close, but I had some inky black potions and some other stuff that was previously not visible show back up.

I just want to make sure I’m not imagining things.

Nope, not at all.