Guild Banks completely or partially wiped, erased, deleted

I have 175 guild banks across all 83 servers groups. 98% of them I am the only guild member. Logs show deposits but no withdrawals. Many, have items completely or partially wiped, erased, deleted.

I know it’s hard to feel bad for a WoW Billionaire, but I use my gold to collect items in game and often to help others. I spent well over half a decade and 8-18 hours a day building an empire.

It’s hard to know how much I “lost”, but Trade Skill Master was showing my estimated wealth at 1.24 Billion across 4 accounts based on the average listing value of inventory.

Currently it is showing 830 million. I am missing about 400 million gold worth of items since last week.

This is literally and actually insane. I know I’m not the only one affected, but it’s hard to imagine anyone quite as affected as myself.

Any recommendations or sob stories to make me feel better would be appreciated. Customer support will not acknowledge the bug and says there is no workaround for our issue.

The only thing I can think to do is “do not touch the affected guild banks.” In other words – do not deposit or remove any remaining items. I’m worried it would affect Blizzard’s ability to help – if they help at all.


Well. Blizz is gonna have fun with this one. I’ve heard a couple people in trade chat talk about it. Not on this scale. Good luck.


TL;DR Blizzard is aware. There is no solution as yet.

Here’s hoping missing items in the Guild Bank are restored sooner rather than later. Whether locked out by UI visual bug only, or truly missing, or otherwise or all of the above.

Support Article - Guild Bank - Missing Items

Blue Post - Guild Bank - Missing Items


Thank you, I could not even find any acknowledgement on Blizzard’s end until you posted this link,


It’s interesting as they posted these but did not sticky to a main thread. Almost as a low-key “FYI” without broadcasting it. It’s a big issue and seems to be widespread but the response so far has been been muted.


It’s not a UI bug. You can put items into slots you know were full, log out and have the item you put into the slot still be there four days later.

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Some were making the claim. I was just saying regardless of the bug type here’s to hoping it’s fixed quickly.


Actually I did that, and those items are gone now too. I was missing 90% the first time I looked, now it’s 100% except the gold.


If this is the most recent post on this issue, it’s been at least a week or more with missing items, the amount and item age seem random (some items lost are new like in this case: DF crafting mats are just one of a hundred or so slots missing while others could be from Vanilla or other expansions). I had a 7 tab Guild Bank completely full (barely room to move stuff or add stuff without having to grab something to swap). Now, it looks like I didn’t even play from ‘04 - present. I lost BoE collection (like a good 20 or so at least, mostly lowbie blues/purps), stacks upon stacks of potions (from every tier, good for leveling), mats and rep coins/tokens (stuff that would take hours upon hours if not months/years of mobs like elementals for essence of …. to get), random (older) enchant scrolls disappeared, tons of stacks of food mats (i.e. meats for cooking leveling). Each tab was categorized so that I know its purpose. I can clearly tell that the loss of items seems to be unpredictable because some old stuff is there and new stuff is gone. Also, I was trying to not use it at all, hoping that it could be restored. But, then, it isn’t really possible to avoid using it and modifying some of what is needed or added. I’ve kept it mostly the same, but since it seems like “how are we to get back all the missing stuff” with no logs or screenshots of every tab (I tried to note it) If you want to hear the initial instance, I noticed about a month ago that Guild Bank was not interacting with Gold Withdraw correctly. I mentioned it with some other issues that I was getting; Last Hurrah Weekly was stuck on Zaralek Caverns. The gold thing persisted; then, this happened to the entire Guild Bank. Around the time that Warbank is being added. Keeping gold on chars just incase now.


This is the main thread.


I am not convinced it has to do with era of items. I had an entire tab of those “elune candle” 50-use fireworks… And 1/3 are gone. They are identical items and using the same time-frame logic, they should be either ALL gone, or NOT gone. Same with the Legion toy that makes the ground green (can’t remember the name right now, pocket fel spreader?) which I had an entire tab of (looking ahead, heh…) So for those of us who have many guild banks across many guild bank-based characters, it’s easy for us to see when an entire tab was multiples of ONE item.

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I just wanted to add to the list of affected people. Seven Guild bank tabs that were almost totally full, now mostly empty. The [Log] tab shows no reason for the missing items.


Adding my info the affected list on Winterhoof. Entire guild bank just gone.

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yeah. straight up My bank alt… Only one in the guild. Logged in. entire guild bank just gone…Doesn’t even exist not overly annoying…

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I have two guild banks, one on Arathor, it is full as I left it. One on Suramar is 98% gone. Hope they find a work around soon. I want to sell a lot of that stuff and time is ticking on the value of it as TWW moves along.

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My head just exploded.


Has anyone heard an update on this issue?

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I saw a Blue Post where they said they were able to prevent it from happening again but that restoration is much more complicated.

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Any update on if blizzard is ever going to fix this? Literally my entire guild bank, which was full, is completely empty now.
GM’s and tickets aren’t helping AT ALL! I’ve put in several and they all don’t give me a ETA or even the slightest assurance that this is going to be fixed, eventually or anytime ever.


So I got the slightest assurance, because I refused to close my ticket and I got responses from 3 different game masters. The 3rd game master said “you need to close your ticket or you’re going to just keep getting responses like this” Then he said that we need to give the quality assurance team and developers time.

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