Guild Bank Questions

They actually consolidated all those posts into the main one in general. I was actually unaware that someone without game time could post in bugs, I thought it was CS and technical support only. (Basically so someone could still get help if they were having trouble resubbing or something).

If you can’t post in the sticky thread, all you can do is submit feedback using the in-game interface (which anyone can access on a toon level 20 or less).

So use the in-game option.


They didn’t consolidate the giant thread with 2600 comments though. They locked it. The whole point of forum posts is so people affected by this can see other people have had similar experiences, and know it’s not just a one-off bug or a client-side bug.

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Well, to be frank, this is absolutely exploding in both the sticky thread, and on the internet in general. All I can suggest is that you just follow the situation, which is pretty easy now since it’s making out to gaming news outlets. One more person posting probably won’t make much difference at this point.

If this is how you was posting in that thread, this one would be locked too - the CS isn’t for feedback, nor basically attacking others. We’re willing to help, but we’re not going to play host to ranting an raving about something this forum isn’t meant for.

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Yes, now that people are posting about it and it’s gaining traction. But it doesn’t gain traction if people don’t post about it. If everyone says “well one person won’t make a difference” nothing happens.

Yeah but if you can’t post in the proper thread there is really nothing else you can do other than use the feedback option.

If they cannot find them in their logs, then you aren’t getting them back. And yes, they have addressed that data loss was a consequence of this bug, and that they were sorry for that.

Again, the statement are all there, and all you’re doing is stomping your feet about it. No one denies that it’s frustrating to lose items, but there’s nothing they can do about it. They WANT to, but they CAN’T.

But again, you cancelled your subscription. It’s not your concern anymore.

Uh huh. Here you go again giving your biased interpretation of what they said. No one is taking you seriously when you say things like this.

Stick to the facts. These are not facts. These are complete fabrications.

The GM’s gave accurate information…that they had at the time. I know it’s hard for you to realize this when you’re stuck in your own world, but information can change, and it can change fast.

A first ticket, the GM answering may not know there’s an issue. A second ticket, the GM may know it’s an issue but there’s no solution. A third ticket, they may have an explanation, but not a resolution. A fourth ticket may have a resolution, but not through a Support Ticket. That would be four different responses, but all correct at the time of answering.

I’m not the one throwing a temper tantrum on the forums…

So have I, probably more than you. You know how much that matters? Zero. We are all the same. There’s no seniority, or any kind of list of who has spent more.

So yes, you are withholding money to demand something of them. Go capitalism!

It’s not going to work here. And let’s face it, any statement beyond a “half baked apology” is not going to satisfy you. They’ve already given a very good apology, and you’ve ignored it because you want to throw a fit like a child.


Again, I don’t disagree…I feel their response was wholly inadequate (silence for 5 weeks), and for the most part the restoration was wholly inadequate (a lot of guilds had absolutely nothing restored, and a lot only had stuff like one stack of silk cloth out of 7 tabs). I got lucky, not because I really had much restored myself, but because I both didn’t lose much and didn’t have anything of value to begin with due to selling it all off months ago. And an MMORPG having data loss like this is unprecedented in gaming. But…noone in CS can do anything about it, and nothing said here will make it to the people that need to hear it.

You paid for access to the serves and they provided it. There is no guarantee that it will work the way you want it to work, or that they will restore items for ANY REASON, let alone items they cannot verify due to data loss.

Oh, yeah. We wouldn’t want to belittle anyone here, right?

Yeah, I can imagine that you don’t want people responding to you in the same way you are responding to them.

No one says they don’t. The problem isn’t backups, it’s data loss. Sometimes, that affects the backups they may have, as well.

But again, you don’t really want rational discussion or explanations. You want to throw a temper tantrum until Blizzard gives in to you. They are not going to give in to you, simply because they CANNOT. VERIFY. the losses. Not that they don’t want to, not that they think it’s hilarious, not that they don’t value you as a customer.

They CAN’T do it.

And they are not going to allow you to break their Forum Code of Conduct just because you are angry.

Great. Take care, and I hope your gaming finds you a company that will just give you everything you demand.


Even if it doesn’t, it keeps some of the trolls away from the discussion thread so they’re not bothering the people who actually care :slight_smile: I lost my entire guild bank, it was a solo bank filled with stuff for achievements farmed over the years, and all I got was a few stacks of old world cloth. If they can’t restore anything beyond that, I get it, I’m not asking for the impossible. But they need to provide better, clearer communication, and some kind of compensation — I don’t know what that looks like, but something. Something more than fifty netherweave.

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Well, from my personal experience when it comes to big issues like this, we get a whole lot of silence while the people up top have meetings and decide what they’re going to do. Nobody is going to make any statements until the high ups have made decisions. With the way this is blowing up, I can virtually guarantee there will be something. What exactly they will end up doing, I can’t say at this point. But this is pretty close to the level of the WOD no flying incident, so all I can say right now is wait and see. I’m definitely one of the ones talking in the general sticky.

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Yeah, that’s why I reckon they’ll find some way to restore stuff or compensate people in a bit of time, because clearly a lot of players are dissatisfied with the official response. It’s not even so much about the items now, it’s about the reaction from Blizz and the confused responses from tickets.


I’ve seen some passive aggressive comments basically saying “they said they can’t restore anymore so you have to deal with it”, while disregarding both the 5 week silence, and how unprecedented it is for an MMORPG to have data loss of this magnitude. I mean it’s not wrong, but we’ve reached an amount of feedback in both the general sticky, and in the media in general, that they aren’t going to be able to ignore it. The fact is, it is going to cost subs, and all we can do is wait and see what the fallout is. What they end up doing to try to get people back. I have no idea at this point. I’m staying for now (primarily because I was barely affected, I lost about 10 item slots worth of stuff that had little value, maybe 100g at most). But I’m also really enjoying War Within so far, so I’m not making any hasty decisions.


The only service we pay for as players is access to the servers. In whatever condition they are in. The Bnet account, characters, items, game data - don’t belong to us and we technically have no “rights” to it.

We can certainly be upset about a massive bug and data loss. Of course! We can certainly not play anymore and not pay to access that service anymore.

There is no part of what we pay for though that says items won’t be removed (for any reason) or that bugs can’t/won’t happen.

Yes, it SUCKS. That part is true.

The idea that you pay for them to maintain a guild bank of data, or even characters, is not true. They can turn that all off any time in all or in part. Intentionally or unintentionally.


I think we’re going around in circles and this is becoming increasingly unproductive so I’m going to close this thread.

There is no doubt that entire ordeal has been frustrating from beginning to end. From not having any official word that the matter was being looked into, to how long it took for the ultimate disappointing resolution where many did not receive much of anything back at all. I can only say that we absolutely wish the outcome could be different and that was the goal. We never want players to distrust the systems that are in place meant to save what you and your guild have worked for. These situations are extremely rare, and hopefully we’ll not see them happen again.

If you have feedback, please provide what civil and constructive comments you can in the relevant thread in General Discussion. If you cannot post there, you can use the Submit a Suggestion option found in the Support interface in-game.