Guild Bank Issue - Clarification

I know nobody wants to talk about this issue, I’m not here to start an argument or a flame war. I’d just like to ask for some clarification on what Vrakthris said in an earlier CS post.

Continuing the discussion from Guild Bank Questions:

Is this to say the official word is that the matter is closed. There will be no restorations from this point. Many thousands upon thousands of guild banks are burned away forever. Up to 19 years worth of items, collections, memories, and progress are wiped from existence alongside every possible data backup. And my Magic Rooster Egg from the TCG is officially cooked, by Nomi (to ashes).


Customer service isn’t part of what Devs do and they don’t know at what stage restorations are at. They don’t know what backup data Devs might have access to that CS might not. And things are so quiet because Devs are busy with this and every other fire in WW, and CS and CMs don’t have news to share at this time. Please stand by.

The only reason I ask this here is the lack of communication is driving people to madness and despair. And it would be nice to know for a great many people that this issue hasn’t be buried and forgotten. Any news, even news that there is no news yet but more will come later, is better than corralling everyone into a single thread on the forums and letting the trolls rile them up to no end by making fun of their losses.

While I am (very) disappointed in everything that’s happened so far, I’m not trying to lay blame or make outlandish demands like a supermarket Karen. I’m just tired of stressing out over this and its made me not want to play the game anymore. Which is sad because its been my favorite game franchise since Warcraft 1, Orcs and Humans. Even the upcoming 20th anniversary event just fills me with apathy. World of Warcraft has been part of my life for 20 years. I’ve bought every collectors edition and traveled across the country to 3 different Blizzcons. I’ve been a relentless fanboy and lore nerd to the point I can predict upcoming story arcs. And somehow this issue just sucking all the joy out of everything. I think a little customer service might go a long way right about now.

Thank you.


Community already has posted on this, if there are updates, it probably will be posted in that thread on GD.


Not realy a good idea to reopen a topic vrak has no more information than whats been published this realy isnt the forum for a discussion. I would discourage reopening this topic when it gets closed.

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The “official” word on it was posted in the General Discussion forum by Community Manager Linxy. Which Kozzae linked below.

I, nor Customer Support, will have additional information. This is not something that we can assist with.