Guild Bank Questions

OK, I have a few questions regarding the 5-week-old guild vault problem.

I understand, from the EU forums, the original problem of items disappearing is “fixed”, and the vaults will no longer lose anything. But this leaves questions.

Can we use the vault without any danger of old items overwriting new items when they are restored?

What is the ETA for my two vaults of missing items being restored?

This post:
Guild bank missing items - what happened? - Support / Bug Report - World of Warcraft Forums (
Has been up pretty much from the beginning with no official blue response. Where can I get up to date information on these types of issues if the bug report forum isn’t the right place?

It’s getting to the point that I need the vault for storage and to share items with my guild without having to open a trade window. Please let everyone know what we are in for, this silence is a bit, frustrating…


My understanding from multiple posts,with blue responses, here in CS, and EU CS having a thread, is the original issue was fixed. The effort by development was to get restoration going. I did see a post from a day or two ago showing some items were being found again from players.


To be honest though, you didn’t have to crosslink this post to the bug thread.

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The horrendous amount of bug reports that came with an August release date is terrifying. Bliz really should have stuck with their normal release dates in Oct/Nov. Perhaps then we wouldn’t have had this issue with the Guild Banks. And the lack of responses to easy questions is beyond frustrating!
Answer us!

  1. Can we put new items in the spots that were once occupied by the items that went poof?
  2. Will doing so slow down the restoration of our items?
  3. What kind of timeline are we looking at for getting our items back?

These aren’t game breaking, secret coding questions.
Basic communication is what we are asking for.
Then follow that up with action of giving our items back!


I thought the eu thread was linked in the bug report thread too, last update there was

There were othere SFA posts here too.

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That’s all fine and dandy. A response from ELEVEN days ago. Also, that qualifier in there,


They “should” be safe does not = they ARE safe.
The Guild Banks ‘should’ have been safe all the time, but they were not.
The bugs “should” have been fixed before the xpac release, but they were not.
I “should” be having fun in game, but I’m not because many items I need went poof in my Guild Banks. And, because of all the bugs and “fixing of things” that were not broken to begin with.


bliz fix the bugs
give us our stuff back
dont launch stuff untill it works


There working on it ur stuff not gone just hidden.

Yes, as I stated in the OP, I know. But my concerns are what to do while waiting.

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That’s all you can do is wait.

I think it’s just a case that the longer there’s that break in communication, the more your players trust just erodes. It’s the feeling we’re not being heard. I had to go to twitter (which makes me feel dirty to go visit) to find out the issue hasn’t been ignored, because even though Blizzard have their own support pages, there’s no info. It’s all been hidden apart from an EU thread and a massive bug report that is extremely long to read through and contains mainly mis-information and speculation.

I did put a bug report through the in-game system as well as posting in the forum.
I also put through feedback through the in-game system a week later saying it would be a really good idea to keep everyone affected informed somehow.

If anyone isn’t aware of it. Yep, there’s a feedback option the same way you access in-game bug report. Don’t abuse it, but definitely use it.


But players don’t listen no matter how much Blizzard communicates or not. Yes Blizzard does have a communication problem at times. But if you spend any time here you will truly feel for the CS department. A Blue could post that an issue has been seen and is being worked on and in the same thread they do that in just a couple posts later there will always be more than a few posts asking why Blizzard hasn’t commented on the problem yet and re-stating this issue like no one else has said anything.

Blizzard has said that they are aware of the issue and are working to get it fixed. That really is the only thing they can say. They aren’t going to keep posting every day that the issue is “still be worked on, no news”. They will simply post when the issue has been fixed.


You know that known issues blue post pinned at the top of customer service, very top there’s a link to get more information, it’s sad… page not found.

And doesn’t answer my question:

I don’t need a daily report, just something here. I don’t frequently visit the EU forums.

Pretty much…


I am aware this isn’t the fault of the customer service that looks after the forums.

This is something that needs an overhaul from the big decision makers. They are the ones I look at as not having consideration for their long term player base nor consideration for their front line customer service employees.

Yes we’ve been told that the restoration of items is still ongoing and it will take a long time. This is so open ended that it just creates doubt. If we were given a timeframe (like 2 weeks or a month) of when someone would follow up on the issue, even if they just check in to say it’s still being worked on, that removes some uncertainty.

I mentioned the in-game feedback option because it’s our only place I’m aware of to be able to provide feedback that might get somewhere. (Again, don’t abuse it, but use it) If you have a better option for us, please share.

Honestly, despite what we’ve been told, my mind just thinks restoration of items is not going to a happy resolution. I would like to be wrong.

I like this game. I’ve been playing it for about 19 years. I have 38 characters over level 70. 5 characters at level 80. I don’t have much to do with the AH and haven’t done serious raiding or pvp for years. Looking at the 7 completely empty tabs of a guild bank that I’d been hoarding items in for years is just depressing. With 20 year celebrations coming up, I have been struggling to find enthusiasm for it.

Many hugs to those who’ll accept it who have been stuck with the mystery of the disappearing items. (and to the customer service staff who have to hear us complain about it) It might not mean much, but you matter to me. <3

Thankyou for coming to my TED talk.


Thankyou to Blizzard for pinning a post in general discussion today on the matter.



Guess we are done here. I hope we don’t lose much, but it doesn’t sound good.