Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I checked again after today’s maintenance. Nothing further has disappeared but nothing that disappeared three weeks ago has returned. I just want to know that the problem is not going to affect other forms of storage and I want to know when it is safe to use our guild bank again.

I’d feel much more comfortable if there was a blue response in this thread. The radio silence is making me wonder if they have any idea what’s going on.


I’ve been following this thread since the beginning and commented a few times now. Just got on for the first time today and read the last 6 hours of comments only to be more discouraged and disgusted about how we’ve been completely ignored and shoved under the rug. The deletion of the known issue with this on the customer service page is beyond any excuse they could appease me with now. I subbed for a year a couple months ago and have played on and off since the end of BC. I have memories in this game from friends that I don’t talk to anymore. I have memories with friends who unalived themselves and this game helped me cope and continue playing with them in spirit. I am going to post on all the other forums that were linked here and continue to monitor these forums in hope that those who are staying get what they are owed. I however, made my mind up last night and since the maint did not fix the issue, I am gone. I have very little money and it took me a very long time to save up for that year sub, but I know I won’t get any of it refunded. I also am deleting all blizzard/activision games (including diablo which was another game that is tied to a person who is no longer with me). I have nothing but the most disrespect for Blizz now and will make sure to continue to monitor and support you all and post on any and all links you guys create.

As for the details of my guild:
Midnight Council (Horde)-Dalarn
Max tabs that were 90% full and only one item remaining (random piece of meat).
The issue started during prepatch/remix. I tried pulling crafting items from my bank to level professions in preparation for TWW, but a lot of items weren’t coming out. Submitted a ticket, no response. Gave it about a week. Bank was completely empty (minus that piece of meat). Another 3 tickets, no response, but tickets were marked complete and deleted.

I was heartbroken at first after losing all those items, but it has just switched to primal rage now. I’m going to give GW2 a shot, but my backups are FFXIV and AQ3D as far as larger scale games. Satisfactory is finally releasing 1.0 on September 10th as well. Pretty sad a small indie company like Coffee Stain Studios can release multiple games that are much more stable than Blizz. I really hope those of you who decide to stay get what you deserve, but I can’t support this anymore. Enjoy my year sub Blizz because it is the last penny you will ever receive from me.


There’s this from earlier today.

Not forgotten, just swept under the rug?

I did find an old saved variables file of AltVault that had a full listing of what was in my now empty guild bank and I’m missing way more stuff than I thought. :frowning:


This is getting dumb.


I’ve posted replies to FB and X on World of Warcraft official channels and gotten crickets. Just in the last half hr I posted a reply on X (@Teropher27) to Wowhead on their “We have a helpful article that explains concentration and ingenuity for professions in The War Within!” and one to World of Warcraft’s post on “WoW’s 20th Anniversary Event REVEALED”.
I doubt it’ll do much good on my own, but if enough people started doing the same, maybe we could finally get a response from someone or it could be wishful thinking, I don’t know.
I’m frustrated and angry as hell. I’ve been playing WoW since 2005 after my toddler died as an escape, my “drug” of choice to keep my sanity and it’s being pushed to the limit with my brother’s death 3 wks ago & my son’s bday was the 27th which, ironically, is the same day I said enough and canceled my sub.


Day 4? 5? I lost track. All the linen cloth is still there. I feel confident saying it’s safe to store stuff in the banks now, but I don’t know if it will override the missing items if/when they will be returned.

If you make a new bank or buy a new tab, it should be safe to put stuff in there. Don’t put anything super valuable in there though, just in case.


I want to add to this, By saying that several guilds in the old Gods community were also affected by the bug. We have many guilds across 35 servers now and some of them had the same issue with the guild banks.

This is honestly unacceptable. That and the countless other bugs and Khadgar missing from Dalaran and all we get is silence


Just wanted to add there is another post that was closed by CS after they said tickets aren’t helping. That was a couple weeks ago. Here is the link, but again, they closed it. I did bump the other forum mentioned here though and shared the link.


… the actual heck.


I vote: Do it!
Not like you are revealing anything personal about someone.
All the toons are publicly available for viewing in the armory.
We need many more eyes on this.
I feel like, they think they have us contained in this bug forum and hoping we will just stop posting.

I’ve been making comments about this on WoW’s YouTube vids and shorts.
They probably don’t read those either.


Uh oh!

I’m so sorry for your losses.
./hugs from a little old granny


I dont know if this is you, but Xitter said its probable spam :upside_down_face:


Oh how I love the wayback machine! Found the archived post. :wink: But it won’t let me post it. If you want to see it just insert the above support article page that has been “removed” and the way back machine will produce the archived page.


Here’s the Wayback Machine link and a screenshot.


heh… so if the support article is gone does this mean we should now log new tickets? I mean it isn’t listed anywhere official as a known issue right??


The fact they have now tried to hide / archive their article that simply acknowledged this bug, while continuing radio silence, is such a questionable decision it almost makes me laugh at the idiocy of it - who thought that would be a good idea?!
Do they not realize that cached versions of their published pages are accessible?! (as shown above)

Just reiterating that:

and mostly:

I really hope whoever’s meant to be “managing” this issue realizes real quick that they can’t just try to ignore thousands of impacted players. The level of severity of this bug is not something they can just sweep under the rug.

We will not let this thread die, we will not be quiet, we deserve updates and confidence around when there will be stable functionality again, and most of all we need our items restored.

(edit: spelling)


Among the items I had in my guild bank was also numerous saved letters from the mailbox, mainly written from people I used to play with years ago; some are from people who no longer play, and some are from people who are no longer alive. They were VERY important to me, as they were significantly tied to many things I did in game with the people I cared about. I could care less about some of the other expensive items I lost and was likely going to auction at some point anyways … I want those letters back. I’m not going to let this go.


For the count, I have 21 banks over multiple characters that I haven’t previously posted about here. I can’t be certain what’s missing, because most of them are “deep storage” of things that were either memorabilia or recipes/gear/pets I eventually intended to sell but had just been stored for now. The unfortunate necessity of an Altoholic reset, with the old data being unusable in the game now, and my failure to view most of those banks since, have left me uncertain what’s missing, though the random empty spaces say it’s quite a bit of stuff. None of them were completely wiped out, though.


This is a good point, combining that with the fact that:

A) Not everyone impacted is even aware of this thread, and the reports are scattered across various forum posts

Per the approx. 25 separate related posts at top of thread as of now (likely to grow), and that’s just the people who have chosen to ask about it in the forums

B) Some have multiple alts / multiple personal Guild Banks impacted, so what could be seen as “one new reply” here is actually many characters affected. For example:

C) Some are GMs or officers in guilds with others as active members, who would also be impacted characters. For example:

I personally feel that for them to have accurate metrics it needs to be reported.
There has been a month of very active talk across the bug report forums, and data is harder to ignore if bug metrics are monitored.
Bug reports would show help show the affected volume if each impacted character were to report the bug - to help blizzard understand the impact of this issue, that is :slight_smile:

I’ll personally be going ahead & raising bug reports for every character I have that’s impacted by this bug. Yes it will take time, but if they’re now choosing to act like it no longer a known issue, then I will simply be reporting the bug for my affected characters.