Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I haven’t even installed the new expansion (I usually get physical box). I’m not really sure if I’m going to bother at this point. I have been playing since at least 2005; that’s about 19 & 1/2 years of this game. That’s after I moved on from WCIII as well as Diablo I & II. I’ve been playing Blizzard games for the past 30 years, and in all that time, I have never once experienced customer service or company-customer relations this badly. It’s as if they don’t even care anymore how bad things can get. I honestly wish this was just me being pessimistic, but I am running out of excuses to make for such terrible service. I’m just at a total loss for words at how badly this whole problem is being handled by Blizzard, that it’s just killed any motivation I had to play anymore. Makes me sad.


I am right peeved off now. Still have an empty guild bank. Been having to refarm mats that I know I had in my Alt GB and having to do that is really ticking me off. Saw a thing asking if I am excited for 20th anniversary and I have to say NOT UNTIL I GET MY STUFF BACK!!! This is beyond ridiculous. The complete lack of caring and no communication is infuriating. Almost 18 years of mats for transmogs and specialty items just poofed. Did someone make an oops and they just don’t want to admit it? Was it connected to the memory leak that happened and something messed up? I have been trying to be patient because I realize some things take time but almost a month later with an empty GB and be being the only one in the guild is really making me lose it. I am terrified to use the GB on that character for fear of overwriting something and my main’s GB (that I am GM of) looks like stuff could be missing because there is a lot of random spaces but I am not sure. My bf is in that guild with me but he doesn’t have access to the GB at all so it isn’t him taking stuff out. Been taking screen shots just in case. I have been trying to enjoy the TWW but the disappearing guild bank items and no communication about it is really putting a damper on it. Can’t even unsub since my sub just renewed not long ago. I feel like I am screaming into the void at this point.


Try Tom Ellis, @fwoibleswow on Xitter.


I have 4 personal guilds across 7 realms. Quel’Dorei/Maiev, Runetotem/Uther, Winterhoof/Kilrogg, and Argent Dawn.
After the first one was wiped of 90% of my stuff I was trying to avoid opening the other 3 for fear of screwing them up but accidentally opened the first tab of another one last week and sure enough that first tab was completely wiped. August 15th after the first guild was almost completely wiped I took screenshots of each tab for the other 3 using my Altoholic addon so I could at least have a record of 3 of the 4. About a wk or so after my main guild lost 90% the other 10% disappeared so that not even so much as a single piece of anything was left in any of the 7 tabs.


thank you, I just did. We’ll see what happens.


For the spreadsheet:
3 guilds on Farstriders (1/3 plus missing x2, 2/3 plus missing x1)
6 guilds on Terokkar ( 1 completely wiped out, 1/2 plus gone x2, 1/3 plus gone x1, 2/3 plus gone x3)
5 guilds on Alexstrasza (1/2 plus gone x2, 2/3 plus gone x3)

No guild untouched.


I’ve updated my original post with the current count, which I’ll put here for those who pick up where they left off:

Edit, 09/05 1:32 PST: I’ve tallied up through post #1645 in this thread (at some point, the slider count and the post number in the link start to mismatch; I use the link number.

I’m up to 477 individuals with this issue, and a total of 811 guilds affected. I have not tallied any other threads, only this one.

So newcomers don’t have to scroll for my criteria: If a post states ‘multiple guilds’ but doesn’t provide a specific number, I’m only counting one for them; if a poster doesn’t clearly state they have any affected guilds, I don’t include them on the list; if you posted earlier but want to be more specific, add detail and I’ll update your line on my sheet.

I’m also debating making this list public for two reasons: 1) to illustrate how badly this is impacting the community and 2) so people can review the list and give me corrections/updates. Input?


You’re right. I’ve been playing since 2005 and I’m fairly certain that this is the first I’ve posted to Blizzards forums. I’ve heard Taliesin joking about “it was a sh*t show on the forums” and thought all it consisted of was people complaining about stupid stuff. I don’t remember if it was the automated response or the GM one a few days after that suggested I try checking the forums that finally brought me here after 19yrs.


It´s hillarious,

TWW was the first expansion I wanted to buy on release since Cata, as the features of Warband and Delve sounded so nice and I did not need to wait for LFR opening months later or content I was interested in, that got released later on.

In my guild bank, I had a huge amount of mats and patterns from previous expansions, some unoptainables too. But also pets and transmogs, that I wanted to unlock step by step. I also had gold stored, sure not billions, but a couple of thousand that I did use for repairs.

I had huge plans for TWW and was so happy, but first the Warband Bank was not working and then my guild bank lost all but one tab. The tab I did not lose, doesn´t belong to me though, as it´s the one of a friend who retired years ago.

Any motivation for TWW is gone, as my plans are shattered due this bug. I can never refarm all those mats and patterns, the gear… it´s the work of years with just one hope, that things would become account wide some day.

If you work towards something for years, then this situation is a huge blow for you.


Oh, look. The launcher’s pushing an update at this very moment. I guess they forgot to nerf someone’s damage output again. >.>


That’s weird, I wonder why that wasn’t pushed out at the end of the 4 hr maintenance this morning.

I’ve been lurking on this thread for about a solid two weeks just trying to keep tabs on the situation. Both of my personal guilds are affected. Not all items are gone, but some, and I’m 80% sure gold is missing too. I don’t remember what I had or how much I had because I had spent the last three months before pre-patch on Remix.

I’m not going to cancel my sub. I’m 5 months into a year long sub, but I’m tired of lurking and I’m tired of the blue wall of silence. What do we need to do to make this go viral in the gaming community? Start contacting the streamers and the youtubers? Tweet and retweet it constantly? I don’t know how to interact with the gaming websites like MMOChampion or WoWHead but that’s on my list too.

Thoughts? Ideas? Input? How can we put their feet to the fire on this?


I think I mentioned it in this thread already, but just in case I haven’t:

I have 15 guilds, all on Korialstrasz.

Family Affair - First guild created back in BC/Wrath: not effected
Animal Farm - Holds battle pets for auction: 95% gone (and it was full to the rim)
Overstock - Seems to be uneffected but I’ve also moved most of the stuff out of it to the guilds below
Vanilla Storage - items from the original game: emptied
BC Storage - Items from Burning Crusade: mostly emptied
Wrath Storage - Items from WotLK: uneffected
Cataclysm Storage - You see the patern: uneffected
Mists Storage - emptied
WoD storage - about half gone
Legion Storage - ~95% gone
BfA Storage - Hard to tell since I hadn’t look at if for a while but there are missing items
Shadow Storage - Most items gone
Dragonflight - uneffected
War Storage - there was nothing in it to begin with

I also have a Horde guild bank that I used to use for storing alliance only items for auction, but no need to do that now. Haven’t checked it, but there wasn’t that much to begin with.

All of the banks save the horde bank have 8 tabs. Hit Stay Classy about two months and bought the voucher with on toon and had him join one of my guilds, use the voucher, then go to another one of my guilds to do the same. Wash, rinse and repeat.

  • August 13: my guild bank (Realm Ragnaros - Alliance, “Mana Bomb”) from having the tabs full of ítems, it suddenly had his tabs empty.
  • There have been 3 Tuesday resets and several urgent or scheduled maintenances.

My bank remains empty.
There is no response from “the blues”, there is no news on Wowhead, no “famous” streamer mentions the topic.


I’d be happy if they just refunded me the cost of upgrading 4 of my 5 accounts to War Within since its been worthless to me since this started.

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anyone else notice they took down the support article?


Yes, and not only does it make me angry, it also stinks of all sorts of suss.

Edit: I can’t post links; tag this bit onto the base .org address.



Ok. That’s incredibly suspicious.


I’d open a thread at Wowhead, the title is like this.


For real…

I cringe whenever a Tuesday comes and goes and I see a bunch of “such and such ability nerfed by 6%” or “damage of X ability increased by 5%” in the latest Blue post - such pointless “fluff” hotfixes, all while gamebreaking crap like this is still live :roll_eyes:

It’s like…



Honestly wouldn’t care if there was a class/spec running around 1-shotting dungeon bosses, I care more about my multi-year progress (as reflected by missing items/bank tabs, reputations, honor level, etc) being intact/restored to where it was pre-TWW more than random “we feel X spec is a little OP, here’s a few nerf hotfixes” fluff updates