Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I’m really glad I didn’t buy the expansion yet, Because of this issue, I may decide not to bother with it and go back to playing other games. For me, it’s not the fact that it’s taking a while to find the bug and restore the data, this is likely a complicated thing to fix. What really bothers me is no reply, no update.


This is a pretty serious loss. I wonder if Blizzard could do some digging in the mail files and resend the letters.


Hey there! I spoke up earlier, but I’ll share my details here, now, so that it’s easier for you to make sure you’ve got me on record, and to give a slight update on a couple more guilds I forgot to list earlier.

I have four guilds now that I have GM access to. (2 personal, 2 inactive family guilds)

  • Desert Roses - Ghostlands HORDE (Personal. Bank has virtually been gutted. Random items ranging from pets, toys, mounts, glyphs, crafting materials, and boe gear are gone.)
  • Chaos Angels - Balnazzar HORDE (Personal. This is a pet storage bank. It’s somewhat hard to tell, as I haven’t been selling pets for a while, but it appears at least two tabs may have been affected.)
  • Fidelis Videri - Khaz Modan ALLIANCE (This guild has been inactive for so long that there are no deposit logs. I can’t be 100% sure things are missing, because I hadn’t checked it in over a year, but the tabs all look extremely, woefully emptier than they should.)
  • Found Faithful - Ghostlands HORDE (This family bank appears to be fine and unpurged. Nothing of note is missing. Most tabs still remain nearly full.)

I wish I had kept better logs of what all of these guilds had. I guess from now on, I’ll keep updated screenshots.


Any updates on guild and war banks? We’d like to know when they’re safe to use again and when items will be restored.

It has been more than a month since I reported issues with war banks.


Thanks for this. I just submitted 11 bug reports on 11 impacted characters.

Here’s the template I used if anyone wants to leverage it:

Issue: Many items missing from guild vault. Guild Name: [ ]. Server: [ ]. [qty] full guild vault tabs have been either emptied or nearly emptied of all contents with only a few items or stacks remaining. Items have been missing for several weeks. Please escalate and restore.


Hnmm . . . OK, yeah, the statistics might actually get people’s attention. I will look at every affected guild or character and put in a bug report (not a ticket, as that’s useless) and the impact it’s having on that character.

I’m not being malicious, but they DO need to know the impact, and have a better understanding of the NUMBER of those affected. And yeah, I think since it concerns various GUILD VAULTS, knowing how many (rather than just accounts) could be, if not helpful, maybe impactful?

I also sent out a Twitter with @s mentioning a few content creators or sites. No response or reaction whatsoever. Maybe they don’t see if it’s only got their name on it, but not directly a comment on things they said? Anyway, it’s the following, but I mentioned Hazel, Bellular, WoWHead, Icy-Veins, Kelani, Kotaku and Eliot LeFebvre from Massively Overpowered, who often writes “The WoW Factor” column.

“There is a long forum thread regarding a major bug with things disappearing from guild banks. We were wondering if any content creator experienced this as we haven’t seen it reported.”

Anyway, no reaction, no reply. Maybe they don’t see it because it’s only a mention and not directly commenting on one of their posts.

OK, just did the same, on the same article. Just asked for their voice on the issue.


Unless you have a big account and / or are a paid member of X, your messages / tweets are not ending up in the main mailbox / timeline of people.

At the same time consider, that those peple are tagged hundreds of tims a day and most don´t read anything of people they don´t follow themselves.


I doubt it. I’d be surprised if they even still kept record of those sent mail files, as some of them were from 15 years ago from a friend who is no longer around. Restoring the rest of the lost content of the guild banks (if at all possible) already seems like an onerous task.


Yeah, I figured, but thought I’d do my part. We are all screaming into a giant abyss that’s already got a loud roar in it.

I’m just beyond frustrated that NO ONE outside of this and a few other forum posts, have even acknowledged the problem. Yeah, it’s a KNOWN ISSUE but nothing is explained. I honestly do think that Blizzard hopes that we will just shut up and forget or go away so they don’t have to deal with us. (I say quit if this isn’t worth playing anymore, but I doubt they CARE if a few thousand people quit. We are no longer the actual customer - the shareholders are and as long as they are happy, they don’t care).

Is it possible that NO major content creator or high-profile guild has suffered this? Or not enough for them to notice (since it affects every bank differently from not at all, to a devastating amount, but mostly in-between). Maybe Blizzard thinks that since the “leak” is fixed, that’s all we need, when many of us have lost SO MUCH, some even priceless items.

Every day that this is not fixed and especially, not addressed adequately, the more angry, more frustrated and more hopeless I become. I don’t want to quit since I have friends here, and do run a guild that I care very much about. Were it not for the connection to people, I probably would have stopped my sub and left. While the story and environment are very nice, the BUGS have been atrocious, with this being the WORST, but every single day, I run into SOMETHING where I had to log off, abandon a quest or whatever, to fix it. The game is NOT finished. How are they able to collect subscription when we are still BETA testing this thing? How is it OK for game companies to DO this as a normal practice?


Fix your game, Blizzard. This is getting really annoying and your lack of any meaningful updates on this is atrocious.


From something I’ve noticed you may want to note if its a personal guild bank or not.

It seems just from a quick glance a large portion (all?) of you guys having issues had it happen to a personal guild bank that only your account had access too.

If that is true maybe it can help Blizz track down more info.

Soulbreezy and Hazel have mentioned it on-stream, only in passing, saying they’ve not experienced the bug.

The truly odd thing is how little attention creators are bringing to it, especially typically critical commenters like Bellular. One would think 1.7k comments and thousands of views on this thread would be worthy of mention.


I’ve had it happen in two guilds, I’m GM of both. One has been around since TBC, the other was formed during BfA. I am not the only one with bank access.


it’s not just ‘personal guild banks’ that are affected. it’s likely that personal guild banks have better oversight since few people add/remove items. i know exactly which items are ‘missing’ from my gbank.
Guild banks for a guild with many players could be less suspicious to have many slots disappear since it could be seen as ‘someone took those items’. the missing log activity would be suspicious…

now, why:

  1. did bliz not address this issue and not provide any type of status (well over 2 weeks)
  2. did bliz delete their own blue post highlighting awareness of this issue

it’s unbelievable that we must pay for the game/expansion plus a monthly sub and we have no way of reporting an issue within the service without having it closed by a BS reason that a GM can’t help.

i don’t care what GMs can and cannot do, if i (the paying client) have an issue and i report it, i expect a resolution before the ticket is closed.

this is by far the most incompetent experience i’ve seen from a major video game company.

they fixed the warbank issue quickly but nothing update on this Gbank issue (and as now, no recognition of the issue).


I’ve been continuing to link this post in every other one I have found tonight. Hope that we xan get more people in here to get a more accurate number of the damage. I also unsubbed and uninstalled. It sure is good to be back Final Fantasy XIV.


Just got back from a sub cancel and payment removal myself. My hubs and daughter play FFXIV as their mainstay. Maybe it’s time for me to give it a shot.


The truly odd thing is how little attention creators are bringing to it, especially typically critical commenters like Bellular. One would think 1.7k comments and thousands of views on this thread would be worthy of mention.

The deletion of the help post I find suspicious enough, but the fact that no streamer or other content creators haven’t picked up on this … I’m no conspiracy theorist but that really has me wondering what the hell is going on. It’s just too big a silence.


My guild that was nearly emptied is run by me but my cousin is in it as well, so mine isn’t really a “personal” bank and I know she didn’t take anything out because of the logs and the fact that when this happened she hadn’t even logged into the game for several days. She would have also told me if she had taken THAT much out. We were both pretty shocked and devastated when we saw that so much random stuff was just gone.


This is what I came to say as well. I also have a guild that I run with actual PEOPLE, and I keep a somewhat close eye on what’s there, what gets taken, etc., though it has been a bit more difficult since for that bank, the LOG has not been reporting for the past SEVERAL MONTHS.

But knowing the habits of my guildies (esp. the more restricted tabs where only veterans and officers have access) I can definitely see that items that were not missing, went missing about 3 weeks ago. It’s affecting random guilds and their vaults, but as Bloodynerf said, those with personal guild banks with only one or a few people accessing, they are able to notice much better when things are missing. But I think more guilds are affected than they (the guilds) even realize, and may not until an item they NEED is missing. I’m imagining this, in some guilds, causing issues between members.

I’m glad I noticed this on my personal bank first, since, even though I don’t CARE that people take stuff out if they can actually use it, it would have been unusual for SO MANY things to be taken out at about the same time, and so randomly. ONLY times that has happened is when people, who have finally been given bank access take AS MUCH AS THEY CAN (which, admittedly, isn’t much), probably to vendor or sell on AH, which is prohibited by guild rules. This is something I WOULD want to know about.


When I noticed a bunch of stuff missing from a guild that has other players as members, this was my first thought, that someone had taken out a LOT of stuff, and I was a bit peeved. Then I started noticing the missing items in my personal banks.