Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I made a post in the General Discussion forum.
If any of you would be so kind to go bump it, I would certainly appreciate it.
Hopefully, we will get some Bliz shills in there to keep it bumped too.
We have to keep this on the forefront of everyone’s mind!

Do you think we will get our Guild Bank items returned with this maintenance? - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (


Honestly at this point I can’t believe anyone is still supporting these trash bags. This is beyond ridiculous at this point. 20$ says they’re going to compensate like oh we’re sorry here’s 2 days of play to make up for us deleting all your stuff… hope that helps. Tired of these people wasting my time and money. Never again… I seriously hope there’s a way I can delete this account in the settings… Good luck if you choose to stay, it’s not going to get any better. I’m not saying this issue won’t be resolved I’m saying this low bar of quality is what you should expect going forward… if you have an issue better just accept it and pray they fix it.



  • return all the missing items from my guild bank (that’s all of them, there were none left)
  • Since the guild banks did not close, there were those who continued taking out some things that were there, and as it was the beginning of expansion, other players deposited items.
    Therefore, the slots are not available in all cases. The slot from which X item “disappeared” has been occupied by Y item.

In the best case scenario, the best, they will give us gold. I have already resigned myself to it.
And I say resigned because certain things do not reflect their value in gold.


Out of curiosity I went back to post #1 in this thread and started making a quick spreadsheet tally of names and affected counts. I had 200 individual posters by post #293 with an ‘at least’ count of 240 guilds. If a poster said ‘multiple guilds’ but didn’t state an actual number I put down a quantity of one until I found a more specific count.

I’ll post updates as I progress. If anyone wants to be more specific with what’s been affected for them, I’ll make notes of it when I get to those posts.

Edit: I should probably have mentioned that if a poster hasn’t explicitly stated they’ve had an affected guild, I haven’t added them to the list.


I honestly agree with you BUT I truly hope that the missing items can be restored as their value was near priceless due to rarity!


My guild Masters of the Universe is missing 75-90% of what was in my guild vault!


I have 6 guilds, either by myself or with my hubby. For sure, 3 guild banks have been affected. The other 3 are hardly used so I can’t say for certain if they have missing items or not. My main guild was gutted completely with the other two that I know have been affected only have half or less items missing.


Feels like we’re waiting on the one developer on the team worth his salt who is currently busy putting out the rest of the launch dumpster fires before he gets around to sorting out the guild bank mess.

Still hopeful it will be fixed eventually but not holding my breath for today.


The game is still down but I did just pop in on the EU forum and the Blue keeping tabs on things over there just checked in. I’d like to share this response, but sadly I’m still learning the ins and outs of how to use this site so I don’t know how.

It was pretty short and they said they haven’t posted anything lately because there were no meaningful updates on this to share. They then went on to assure everyone that they have not been forgotten.

Okay, did this work? Sorry guys, still learning.


Geez! That is quite a bit of work. Thank you for doing that. It will be interesting to see the results. If there are that many that have actually taken the time to post in this thread, there are at least 3x that amount that have just been reading and monitoring without posting.


I have three guild banks, one on Stormreaver, Draenor, and Laughing Skull. All are inhabited by only my alts; no one else is there, thus no one else has capability to access anything. The guild on Stormreaver has seven tabs, and the other two have five tabs, all of which were completely filled with various transmog items, pets, crafting materials, etc. I had about 50 Darkmoon Faire decks in one tab, as well as some highly expensive, no longer available transmog items in another tab. All three are missing significant amounts of items. The Stormreaver guild is missing nearly 90% of everything out of every tab, whilst the other two, despite missing A LOT of items, seem to be missing somewhat less (I’d say about 50-75%). I have been monitoring them since this bug started, and so far have yet to see any further items disappeared since it had initially started. There also does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to what has disappeared and what has not. In one bank, items I recently added disappeared, while old items that went untouched for years, remained intact. The other guild with missing items had the opposite, where recent items remained, and old items vanished. I would say all in all, between EVERYTHING lost, it could have fetched about 10-20 million gold on the AH, even listed at modest prices. The gold in the bank, despite having difficulty drawing it weeks ago, was fine and never disappeared. I have put in numerous tickets, even ones just asking if it is safe to use my guild bank, and I get automated replies that have absolutely nothing to do with my problem. I understand that it is standard protocol to send out automated replies to common problems, but for this particular issue, it seems excessive. Normally I would have gotten hold of an actual person in customer service by now. Based on everything else I have read from others here, I am beginning to fear that nothing substantial is going to be done to address this issue.


Thank you, the updates on the EU forums are (marginally) better than nothing, and I appreciate you linking it here.


Oh, and I have 4 guild banks that I can say for certain have items missing. 2 banks that “could” have some, and 3 that are ok.


I personally have 3 on Duskwood. All 3 have been affected, pages of items gone, (mats, pets, tradable mounts, gear, etc) also gold.


I feel for you. Long time player, with two guild banks that I have are owned and used only by my account. I returned for war within after taking a nine month break. I was hesitant to return but my bf and I are long time fans/players and he really wanted to to come back for this expansion. bleep.

As previously posted, I have not touched either gbank knowing in advance of my return that there were current issues. I still have not touched either bank. While I know there are numerous other issues that Blizzard needs to address, this one certainly needs to be at the top of their list. Each day I check this forum in hopes of a blue post explaining how they plan to fix the issue. I wish the US had similar regulations that force Blizzard like they do in EU.

Customer service has changed for the worse over the years and have left me bitter a few times when I had to address issues with them. Back when I first started playing, reaching out to support and having a Game Master appear before you and try to help you with your issue was the best experience ever. Sadly those days are gone and I surely miss them. We are nothing more than a $$ to them and currently I sorta wish now that my bf hadn’t bought us the expansion.


Judging from some of the responses in the General Forum thread, many people weren’t even aware of this issue. Or they thought it was done on purpose.

We need to keep both bumped until this is satisfactorily resolved, I think.
Even if u just do a copy/paste thing in both threads.

Edit: And a huge Thank You to those of you that responded over there and helped bump the thread! Thank you!


30 mins left on servers down. if not fixed , i already know im going to FF14. if people could imagine i been playing for 20 years and have been saving items for years. for example i have 2 guildbanks alone just for herbs, 2 for ores, 1 for leathers, 1for pets, 2 for cloths and etc that are full. not 1/2 full but full stacks on many herbs and ores , cloths etc after collecting myself or buying when cheap when going from 1 expact to another. 60 toons and over 50 have full sets of epic gear from legion just to tell how much time ive been playing. maxed garrys maxed followers in legion, maxed followers in shadowland tables etc. i play alot. but when u lose muti guildbanks of items and noone fixes over the time they have had now. i cant see paying anymore. the stone outside blizz buildin says everyone matters yet , the responce i get says other. lets hope it gets fixed today.


Missing my items as well from my personal guild bank no same name issue here as I only had the one


Tally update: Reached post #625 and now have 301 names and 399+ affected guilds. Not good.

(So newcomers don’t have to scroll for my criteria: If a post states ‘multiple guilds’ but doesn’t provide a specific number, I’m only counting one for them; if a poster doesn’t clearly state they have any affected guilds, I don’t include them on the list; if you posted earlier but want to be more specific, add detail and I’ll update your line on my sheet.)


Thank you for making the thread! We need more people aware of the issue, we need more voices asking for resolution.