Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Indeed we do!
Indeed we do!

I’m quite surprised none of the Blizz shills popped in there yet to retaliate with, “You don’t need all that stuff!” “Stop being a hoarder and problem solved!” I was fully expecting this. LOL They disappointed me. Maybe, they don’t really want to bump it and just let it slide down the page.


I have eight guild banks in constant use and another 12 that see sporadic use, all by me alone. Seven of the eight where affected and I just have no idea on the other 12 because they’re full of mostly junk.


fdny / horde
four horsemen / ally
new world order / ally
all my personal guilds are on vek server US
if you wanted to update my line


Still. Not. Fixed…


So… Another maintenance, another waste of time checking for Guild Bank restoration. At this point, I don’t even feel like playing. I’m hoping they refund 6 months of my 12 month sub, but I have no doubt that won’t happen. I have been a blizzard fan since '92, WC1. I was a Blizzard playtester for years before the rule changes. I have literally played every single Blizzard game including The Lost Vikings and StarCraft: Ghost (only playtesters are aware of this Blizzard failure). I’ve also played half of Activision’s drivel . Heck, I even played most of King’s mobile games. King created Candy Crush, and they were purchased for their mobile game expertise to augment Hearthstone and the “future” Diablo Immortal release, which is now considered history. I say all this to point out my experience with Blizzard products. To say I’m disgusted with Blizzard and how they handled the Guild Bank/rep/achievement disappearances is a pretty big understatement. The rep/achievement disappearances started in July, 11.0 0. Guild Bank disappearances started on August 13, 11.0.2. Neither have been fixed, restored, or even addressed by “blues” in depth. We don’t even get reassurances of restoration. No communication at all. If this was any other industry, they would be contemplating bankruptcy right now due to to customer outcry. I’m done with Blizzard. Over the last 3 decades, I’ve spent thousands of dollars on Activision-Blizzard games. They will never get another dollar from me.

Edit: I’m in the process of uninstalling every Activision-Blizzard game I have on my computer and phone. GL all with this huge screw up!


Safe to say they wont do anything about this issue.


I will add my voice to the chorus. I have a personal guild bank and all slots were cleared, save for maybe 5-10 random items total on a couple of the tabs? Also I’m not sure if anyone else mentioned it, but the bug support page has been deleted, even though its still linked to in the “Common Issues” section of the website


Well, you answered my question before I log after this maintenance.


I give up. No longer subbing.
The thing that makes me more mad is the total lack of respect to the customers, with ZERO response to this thread.


Still not restored. I’m just gonna go and pull what I have in my other guild banks, in case they vanish too.


I only made one post on the thread and I’m sure I said ‘multiple guilds’. If you want the numbers its 7 personal guilds with some things missing from each but I would guess 10 to 20% of bank slots. I also have characters in guilds(2-3 more) that have some items missing but I rarely even look at them.


Where oh where has my guild bank stuff gone
Oh where oh where could it beeee


One of my alts Guild “The Crymson Legends” also was affected by this. Pretty much all 6 tabs were affected. I use it as a storage base for all old mats from all of my characters to clear up room each expansion… and now 4 out of the 6 are empty and the other 2 are full of new items i just put in. Which means I lost an entire guild bank full of items that i couldn’t even begin to say what was there.

Also just found out that My other guild “Backlash” lost 2 tabs of items. Jesus…


How do you do, fellow kids.

Stuff’s still gone. Nothing has changed, other than the size of the rage and despair I feel every time I open the bank to check.



to the tune of Pearl jam last dance?

Blizzard took it, away from me.
Its gone to the void, so I cant see,
I’ve got to keep postin so blizz can see,
that I need my stuff returned to me


1600+ posts in this thread, and not a single blue post.

Seriously unprofessional, very lame, and a few other things I won’t/can’t say in public.


Just checked my guild bank and still nothing has changed. I should have figured since that Blue on the EU forum said they had nothing to report on the matter earlier today.


Nothing has changed. Please blizzard resolve this! Either compensate us in some way, or at the very least communicate. If you want to keep players from leaving over this serious issue, I would do more.


Goodbye all. still not fixed and dont think they will. too much time on here to just have things disappear. gl to all of u.


Not far behind You Artemus, have hardly touched the new expansion. Very sad to leave wow.