Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I still don’t understand why Wowhead, Kotaku, etc., haven’t picked this up.

At this point, neither do I - and they tend to pick up and throw back out some of the most ridiculously minor stuff on a whim.

It’s not a coincidence. The relationship between them seems very reciprocal and cozy. Seems this one is something that would seriously rock the boat. Yet the longer it goes the more suspicious it becomes.

The last update I read mentioned they identified the issue and made a change to prevent it from happening again. But, that the fix was difficult to restore items. Perhaps as if they are trying to figure out how to even identify all the items lost (!) and then where to send them.


Hello Blizzard-- What is the update on this???

Should everyone just consider everything they had in their guild banks gone? It should not take this long to resolve to be honest.


As a programmer for almost 40 years, there’s no way for us to know what the only options are. There have been reports that Blizz can see what’s in our banks, but we can’t see it in the UI, and if that’s the case, it’s only a visual bug with no roll back needed. Even if that’s not the case, and a rollback is necessary, they don’t have to do the whole game. I don’t know anything about Blizzard’s backend, but safe money says it’s all in some database (Oracle, PostgreSQL, etc) which would only require a roll back of specific db tables that only impact the guild banks.


The problem is that I’ve seen several people mention that additional things have gone missing SINCE that post by a Blue saying that they’d fixed the issue that caused items to disappear …


Oof. I have been taking screenshots of tabs and our guild bank is still missing the same items so far. I had not read others still reporting MORE items being lost? Yikes.


I’m the GM of 18 guilds, 2 of them have their stuff, the other 16 lost the vast majority of their stuff. And the part that really sucks, is people are putting stuff back into the guild bank, which means when (if) they fix it, am I going to get like 300 emails with 1000s of items that I now have to resort back into my guild bank?

The longer this problem goes on, the harder it’s going to be to resolve. This should have been one of those turn off guild banks until it’s fixed moments.


Any chance that todays 4 hour maintenance will fix this? One can hope! My dreams are already crushed… this can’t hurt much more. :smiley:


I have extremely limited experience with RMDB structures, but it’s starting to seem to me that there’s a possibility that they lost a physically-stored group of pointers (is that the right term?) that had as much organization as a Win 3.1 un-defragged drive - and one that wasn’t even properly redundant at that.

I’m probably wrong, and I hope I am, but if all that’s available is a global mass backup of guild banks from which to restore… I’m afraid rolling back an estimated 2mil+ guild banks game-wide just for the sake of a (potentially) few thousand broken ones is sort of… not going to happen.

I really, really hope I’m wrong on how I’m thinking of this.


Oh I think we’re well past the point of Blizzard fixing this. They’re just sitting on it hoping people will go away and stop talking about it. I also think the issue is much more widespread than you’re suggesting. I have 18 guilds, 16 are missing basically everything. This is 20 years worth of stuff, MILLIONS of gold worth of items. I’m not letting this go, I want my stuff back.

The issue though is since they didn’t shutdown guild banks, they now have to go back to the day it broke, isolate valid deposits/withdrawls from whatever bug was eating items (as they didn’t all go away at once), find the ones that were eaten, and restore them. But before they can even do that, they have to figure out what was eating them in the first place. And to further complicate matters, if you look at other bugs, you’ll realize that a lot of us have guilds where the logs (who took out what, who deposited what, which should also all be stored in a table in the DB) have been missing forever (I think this started in 2023). So they may not even have a log of legitimate withdrawals/deposits vs the bug.

What they have is a giant mess on their hands, and since they didn’t shutdown guild banks the moment this started, they can’t just roll them back to the state of the date it started. I have a guild where all tabs were empty after the bug, 100% missing. Now it’s half full again as guild members have been filling it back up. If they rolled them back all those items would be lost.

So yeah as I said, the longer this goes on, the harder and harder it’s going to be to fix. The fact they didn’t shutdown the guild banks (they did warband banks immediately) is to me a big indicator that they have zero intention of fixing this. It’s why we’re getting no updates, no fixes, just radio silence.


It doesn’t appear as widespread, but this was the latest that I’ve seen:


Adding my continued voice to say I’m not letting this go or forgetting it, either. Y’all need to address this, NOW.



Since they’ve continued to give us next to no information, all we can do is speculate and to me, this scenario makes the most “sense.”
I don’t think anyone at Blizzard is gleefully keeping us in the dark just for fun. We can only assume that if they had ANYTHING hopeful or helpful they’d tell us. No news, to me, just means they don’t want to share the really BAD news. The old, slimy business rule “Never admit fault.”
I figure they either already know for a fact this is broken beyond repair, or they’ve put it on the back burner to “try” and work out later but they’re really just stalling.

I’d be willing to bet that WAY more guilds and players were effected without even realizing. Like the majority here, I only noticed because I have a meticulously organized personal guild bank that I am the ONLY character with access to. My main is in a “real” guild and I have NO idea if/what was lost. I’d bet 99.9% of guild members don’t have an idea of the exact items in their bank, just access it from time to time to drop of mats, or grab raiding stuff. Even officers/gms would probably look at an effected guild bank and think “huh, I guess (insert other officer here) cleaned up.” and carry on with their day.


I’ve definitely started to wonder about the Race To World First prog raiding guilds. Are they silent too, or have their guild banks been miraculously spared, or am I just not looking in the right places? :neutral_face: Next Tuesday opens the first raid, and the week after that … opens the Mythic access.


Oh, you can count on it.

I fully expect to see several excited posts saying their stuff is back/in the mail with others replying saying they had to log on and check and sure enough, their stuff was back/in the mail too!

I’ve been checking this post rather than looking into my empty bank, because it breaks my heart to do so. 15+ years of collecting, gone.


Oh man, I love your optimism and I hope you’re right! :joy:


I’ve come to terms with the fact everything in my guild bank, including millions of gold’s worth of pets and 9 expansion’s worth of mats are gone forever. But to get nothing from Blizzard–not even an apology, update, or any kind of compensation after subbing non-stop for over 14 years? It’s ridiculous. Now going forward I can’t ever trust that anything in guild, personal, or warband bank is ever truly safe? Thanks… thanks a lot :slight_smile:


WOW runs on Oracle.


As guild leader of a fairly busy guild, I used to regularly check our guild vault, to monitor comings and goings … I’ve just stopped doing that now. Essentially I’m doing what Blizzard appears to be doing, and sticking my head in the sand. I mean - why bother monitoring what guild members take out, when they’re restricted to a few items - when Blizzard can swipe as much as they want, when they want?


My guild vault was basically cleared out by Blizzards - I don’t even know what to call it - I hear nothing from the ticket I put in, and I hear nothing but other guilds reporting the same issues with the same lack of response from anyone with any kind authority.


Threads like this are why I don’t think they read bug reports.

There’s a crafting ui memory leak in the “results windows” from DF beta reported in 2022 and still an open bug in TWW for instance.

Also +1 my guild bank was thankfully mostly empty outside a few column of pets when this bank deletion happened. I’m pretty sure I’m missing a few pets because of it, but nothing big.