Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I’m having this issue. At least I wasn’t hacked.

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Is there any official response to this? because the amount of things missing on my bank is HUGE

Adding another request for updates. Tons of stuff missing from our Guild Banks.

It was 11.0.2 when I noticed items disappeared from my guild bank and I put in a ticket about the issue. (as writing this, the ticket still has not been attended to yet though it says 4 Days 2 Hour average wait time). More items disappeared after the reset on Wednesday (though I noticed some of the items that disappeared were bugged and not able to interact with anyways) and I added the additional information to the ticket. I can update here more when my ticket gets attended to and see If they fix it or give me information on if they are working on it at least (seeing I haven’t seen any information about the issue as of yet).

So I am not sure when it started but i noticed today. I have my guild just for myself and hubby. I went to clean up all my alts to let them ready for the ww. I usually use the guild bank to store all the reagents and stuff I get in the alts, since there were no warband bank back then. So i use the guild bank as a way to get everything together easy and quick… then i opened up the guild bank today and like 99% of it was gone. Not just the reagents, but boes, mounts, toys, pets… everything i had stored there. There is no withdraw log for them, so i was not hacked at all. I had so many stuff… not just reagents from DF but a lot of older expansions as well. I had like 10 Minion of Grumpus stored there. So sad…

The good news is that when issues like this have happened in the past, the items have actually still been there, and are just not visible for some reason.


I just logged in to find the same issue. The log shows the last entry being one of my alts withdrawing and depositing Writhebark 11 days ago. The money log shows repairs being paid out for some of my other alts.

The bank was mostly full and I was planning to work on cleaning it up this weekend but now it shows as almost completely empty (a total of 12 items remaining across the 7 tabs). There is still money in the bank (not a lot but I intentionally keep the amount low).


Checking in to join the “My guild bank is empty” train. Same as the others…personal guild bank went from almost completely full to 99% of items missing. Did all the usual triage tactics - disable addons, etc. There goes my weekend plans to get the bank cleaned up for WW launch…


I don’t know if anyone else is keeping track of their affected guild banks, but I’ve discovered that items are continuing to disappear.

Is anyone else noticing this as well?


I logged in just to check and seems like things are in the same state as yesterday for me. No new losses for now.

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Had the same issue and sent up a ticket. Two mounts I made for a guild member up and disappeared and the guild log shows them deposited and nothing of a removal.

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Same issue here, personal guild bank, lots of items missing. Fix this Blizzard, fix it now.

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It seems to affect the Guild Banks randomly. Some of them were affected, some weren’t. Some tabs were affected, some weren’t. At first the logs only showed activity from 6 months ago, then it updated to 4 days ago. Still no activity showing missing items. Lost hundreds of items of various values and levels. There doesn’t seem to be any real pattern, missing bags from the full spectrum and as someone else described it the bank tab looked like a shotgun had blasted it.

I started emptying all of my guild banks today in order to stop the leaking and can’t stay logged in now (same problem that I had when the wave of bank errors hit yesterday).

I’m not sure if there is any point to starting an in game ticket or what to write it up as? I’m just disappointed at the wasted time in having to try and move things around and find a way to bail water out of a sinking ship.


Having issues as well - logged on yesterday to see most of our bank gone. Thought someone ninja’d it for the past 24 hours, but glad to see that it’s due to a Blizzard issue and not some ill-hearted player. Affected both tabs that are heavily locked down and tabs that are available to all guildies.

Guild Name: Dragonshart
Realm: Kel’thuzad


Adding my voice to this thread. I logged on and saw that 95% of my guild bank has been emptied logs show nothing and all gold is there. I have two guilds that I use and one I haven’t looked at since Remix started so I am unsure what is missing from that one.

Guild Name : Holy Gnoman Empire
Guild Name : Any Old Iron
Realm : Lightbringer


Count me in too. Small guild for just me and a few friends. 7 guild bank tabs. They were previously all pretty full. Now they’re all pretty empty :frowning:

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Add my name. About 90 percent of 6 tabs has gone to the nether. I am praying it’s a graphical glitch and that the items are still there, just not visible. There was a LOT of items there.


Adding some more info that might be of use.

I have all my characters, Horde and Alliance, on Azgalor. Each faction has their own guild made up exclusively of my characters.

The guild on the Horde side (The Primordial Order) seems fine, my Alliance one (Primordial) is the one that got messed up.

Potentially helpful to devs: My Horde side guild bank was also largely untouched. I withdrew a few bags for a new character maybe a week ago, but that is it. The Alliance side, however, I had been moving, withdrawing, and depositing a lot more stuff very recently. So, perhaps that plays a part in why some guild banks were affected and others were not.

This is what I received as the “solution”

For situations regarding missing items, keep in mind that you can always use our handy Item Restoration page
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Sold, disenchanted, or scrapped gear pieces can be restored in the Item Restoration page. Any recently sold items can be restored by speaking to any vendor in-game and opening the Buyback tab.
Stackable items such as consumables and reagents sold or used by mistake cannot be restored. Collectibles learned by mistake cannot be unlearned.

If you are missing an item, consider if:

  • The item was put in the bank, Void Storage, or guild bank.
  • The item was a collectible and was learned (mounts, pets, heirlooms, or toys).
  • The item was sold.
  • The item was a consumable and was used by mistake (potion, food, etc.).
  • The item was a reagent and was spent on a craft or upgrade.
  • The item was a gear piece disenchanted or scrapped.
  • The item was a token or currency and was exchanged for something else.

Sometimes an item may not be missing, but a damaged UI element or inventory manager addon is causing a display issue: try resetting your UI to solve this:
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Keep in mind that Customer Support is unable to restore any missing items.
Thank you for your understanding.

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I’ve posted in another thread as well, but my guild name is Gringotts on the Bleeding Hollow server. We mostly have crafting reagents and recipes in our gbank, plus some items required to get the Draenor garrison auctioneer. Random things from all tabs (including some of those auctioneer items) are missing. It would be impossible to know, because nothing is really sorted beyond category. So we’re missing random herbs, random meats, random cloth, etc.