Guild bank missing items - what happened?

There has been AT LEAST ONE other round of the bug precisely when the full launch of WW happened at 3pm PST. I know because I’ve put items in my warband bank 15minutes before the launch and soon as it launched, all those items disappeared. Fortunately, they were all catch up gear items from the radiant pre-WW expac event, so I don’t really care that much. However, I don’t know if it affected guild banks as well. Mine (I have several of them) were affected 2 weeks ago, but weren’t affected a second time. Some of them lost a small portion of stuff, some half, and some lost over 95% of the stuff. I hope we all get our stuff back!

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Radiant gear disappearing has something to do with this bug below where it was converted to soulbound and then removed from the warband bank.

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the EULA can say one thing … but its a legal business entity … and you are a fee paying customer… this business/service cannot be run in a mafia manner … if you can proof that they are taking away your stuff without any valid reason, thats mafia … in any EULA, there is a clause that specifically states that the contract will conform to the local law … AND even if there is no such clause, you can still cite it in court … you are aware of that right ? all business conducted in a country, must conform to the local law, and blizzard is not just in america, and they have to conform to every law in every country that they set up office in


Same thing here, 5 Tabs worth of items are gone.


That entirely hinges upon being able to prove that it was NOT an unintended conflict in code.


There has been an update, of sorts, on EU forums:

Basically clarifying that Warband bank items disappearing is not the same issue as Guild vault items disappearing (some were getting the two confused), and that although a fix is pending for the Warband bank … currently there is no ETA for the guild vault missing items.

There is no bug report forum on the EU forums.


Here are a couple of other facts for you to add to your list Danen.

The whole thing occurred as a three-step process.

  1. The first sign of a problem was that many items could not be withdrawn from the guild bank by anyone with any access level.

  2. Then, all the items that wound up disappearing were covered by a black overlay.

  3. Finally, the items that had the overlay disappeared from the guild bank.

I hope that the Devs read this entry because it could be helpful in determining what happened in their programming.


SO I called this poop over a week ago now its happened the issue has beld over into warbank all the gear I managed to farm out for my alts that was still in the warbankx so now NOT there GONE

I told you blizzard dont asked the morons dev that casue the initial problems they wouldnt be able to fix POOP now look the problem has escalated…

Im asking for a complete game refund over the last 20 years for the 9 over time active Accounts … These guys have destroyed this game

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Yeah, we should totally have to go to the EU forums to actually get an update on an issue from a US based company. Please make it make sense. And while we’re at it, that was the most un-update of an update I’ve ever seen. Basically told me nothing.


I love how my guild bank items have been missing now for almost 2 1/2 weeks and I reported it and the best they come up with is Don’t use your guild bank. Like oh yeah I have a guild of 800 and we are a progression raiding guild, cool new expansion why not we didn’t want to prepare and utilize a key feature that has worked for the last oh 15-18 years. GG Blizz. GG


I can stop posting any information posted by blues on this matter, if you’d prefer?

Then it would be up to you to decide whether or not to visit EU forums. I mean it’s not like normally those of us in the EU don’t normally have to visit US forums to get any information, or that news articles are often unedited so they still have dates and times relevant to the US.

And I’m not the one making the posts … these are blue posts. So if they make no sense, that’s not really on me. I’m not a blue.

My guess is that her response was probably aimed at Blizzardm, and not you. I think most of us appreciate any links to Blizzard making ANY comments regarding this issue, but that we (any of us) have to scrounge around in forums of other regions or smaller (as in less posts) forum is kind of ridiculous. Most of gathered HERE because I guess we were told that it was a BUG and that this was the appropriate forum for it. And even if they don’t USUALLY answer in the bug forums, I think this one would warrant some communication from the Blues, or even better, someone in development or leadership.


You’re missing the purpose of my post. I have no issues with you, just more in general. If Blizzard actually communicated with their player base in a consistent manner vs the way they do today (random post on EU forums or US forums, random tweet by some random dev, etc.) we wouldn’t have to be constantly in the dark. But the way it feels, there is no clear communication path. I’m not looking for in depth analysis of the issue, simply that it’s still on the radar. Especially on these issues that have been going on for weeks with literally no updates.

Plus having another issue with Warband Banks that from a 50,000 foot view seems very similar gets a response from a WoW Software Engineer and will be fixed in a matter of hours while we’re still over here twiddling our thumbs isn’t a good look. I get they’re unrelated, and glad that Blizz did respond “somewhere”, just annoyed at the amount of steps I have to go through to keep up to date.


Well at least Europe gets regular updates.

This is another reason the US can never go it alone!


Daily “weekly” maintenance pushed out another hour, maybe they are working on our issue.


The fact it’s been weeks since ALL 7 of my guild tabs were emptied, the fact there is ZERO transparency, the fact they are saying “there is currently no fix”. Means, there is a very likely chance that EVERYONE who lost tabs of guild bank items, will not be getting them back.


I mentioned this several days ago and Nobully told me to stop spreading conspiracies, but I still say this could officially or unofficially end guild banks as personal storage.


I agree, Blizz has been cagey as hell about this, I’m starting to think we’ll be eternally fed nothing burgers like
“It’s on the radar,”
“It’s being investigated,”
“No solution at this time,”
until people who were minimally effected just move on, and then the people who lost massive amounts of items are the small enough minority that they can be safely ignored.


I sure they’re going to fix it. I just don’t know when. I want my stuff back, but until I get it, oh well. I know one entire guild bank was wiped clean. But I don’t know what all was in that guild bank save for one item I’m sure about as I removed a bunch of stuff about ten months ago and hadn’t looked in there until someone told me their guild bank was empty and I should check mine. In any case, I’m not going to stress over it. There’s no point. The stuff will be returned when it’s returned. Today would be nice though.


30 minute extension now