Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I didn’t see this happen until after the servers came up after Tuesday maintenance. 17 items have just vanished.

Still missing lots of stuff in our guild vault. Materials and other items.

I am still missing 98% or more of the items in my guild bank. It was a personal guild bank with over a million gold in items. I had hoped this would be resolved by now.


I just checked my guild bank for the first time in a couple days and MORE items are missing. I’m not sure which day this would have happened, since I haven’t been looking everyday, but I’m skeptical of the claim that the “leaks” were stopped.


My guild bank is still empty and now players are saying that they are missing items from their warband banks as well. I really hope our personal banks remain unaffected!!!

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Another weekly maintenance has gone by and my guild bank items are still missing. I checked my warband bank and all the gear I collected from the pre-patch event is gone, too. Nothing is safe anymore. :sob:

Are we supposed to put in a support ticket through the game to make a record of our grievances or is posting here good enough?


Others of us have been leaving in this thread the name of the guild, realm and nickname of the GM.


It seems this issue is on the known bugs list, and they say they’re working ‘fast as possible’ to resolve it but don’t currently have a work-around. Which is nice.

But it really, really sucks. I have - had - a lot of profession materials from across expansions, some of which I spent tens of thousands of gold on, stored away for when I finally get around to crafting old items, but entire stacks are missing with no sign of being returned.

I don’t mind personally if it takes a while to fix, but just a hey guys we’re still working on this, we haven’t forgotten message would be nice. I know we gotta focus on the new expansion’s launch as a priority but I don’t want this falling through the cracks.


I haven’t checked all my guild banks but two of them still completely empty. Has anyone offered solutions? Something to try? Has there been an official post from a blue? Anyone seen anything reappear?

As I play the new xpac I wonder where I should store my excess for later use. Any how, I feel invisible and unheard, but still am liking the new stuff. It is like playing Rift (but with new content) all over again that is fully in maintenance mode now. Am I in the wrong forum to get a response?


All my decayed regents and leather regents are still gone from my personal guild bank.
I cannot make the pant enchant needed by half my other 13 toons. What is the problem
Blizzard? Do you wish to totally trash you customers, or is this just a typical left wing,


They’re aware, and they’re working on it, they don’t have a fix yet, and you’ll only find their communication about it in the EU bug forum.


About the only response you will get in this forum is from other players. It’s the bug forum and they rarely reply to reports. The EU Customer Support forums has had the most updates. However, even those updates do not give a solution to getting our stuff returned.


I’m concerned what’s going to happen when they do fix it. Some of my guilds that aren’t just me in it people are putting stuff in the empty tabs. But those tabs were full. What’s going to happen when this gets fixed (if it gets fixed)?


My hope is they will have a script that puts everything back exactly where it was, and if that slot is now occupied mail it to the GM.


I think this is the main thing. Maybe they don’t USUALLY post on Bug Forum’s, but this IS rather a big “oopsie,” and honestly, I think a post here and there would be helpful. IF it is a bug where putting in items could override, they should have locked the banks and made an announcement about why, or at the very least TELL us not to do it. And if it’s OK to, they should say that too. Leaving customers in such limbo isn’t great customer service. TBH, maybe not fire customer service people if it’s going to make it SUCK this bad? (So, not yelling at the actual CMs or reps, but the company that’s looking out for their shareholders and treating their player-customers like trash).

I wouldn’t mind them taking their time if I knew that our stuff was safe and also, knew what to and what NOT to do. Clear, honest communication can go a long way when mistakes are made.


A little something to report: my gbank items still missing, however my missing toys came back tonight. Not sure what time, but I opened the toybox and they were back, along with the epic edition hearthstone I had not received.


Brilliant!! <3 <3

If that is technically feasible, that would be a great solution!! I’m guessing things recently put into the bank is much more manageable for a guild leader / solo banker than trying to cram all the stuff LOST into the mail.


“I don’t believe it is “eating” the items, they are just not currently visible to you.”

You can put stuff in the squares that were emptied. So if it not visible and you put something in the same square, how are you ever going to get the thing back? Is it going to get mailed to you since you say it wasn’t stolen, we just can’t access it??


Not Silly at all . Think about it . The items needed to get into old world dungeons, the unique ring, Eva’s Journal, Krastinov’s Bag of Horrors Toy. I realize these items are not involved in the current issue. But what If they were. People spend years praying for an item to suddenly appear. Knowing they have a reason to keep going, until a bad line of code wipes it all away. Saving mats to start a new character etc. and seeing it all vanish. I agree this is cataclysmic failure. With HUGE CONCERNS for Many Subscribers


Sorta like social security ?