Guild bank missing items - what happened?

We all signed the TOS, agreeing to arbitration and waiving any rights to a class action suit. There is literally nothing we can do short of cancelling our subs, and lets face it - blizz owns us. If we are still here after all the stuff that happened behind the scenes (not the time for that discussion), we aren’t going anywhere. And they know it.


Reading over all your posts really shows me how unhinged you are.


Well, another reset and still a nearly empty bank. Logs showed absolutely not withdrawals, but the items we deposited (only some of the logs showed a deposit, even that log is and still waiting for the missing items to be returned after weeks of endless of saying our guild banks are not fixed again another week gone but yet we pay blizzard salary and so much more so why don’t we get an answer like today would be nice!!


And yet again, nothing restored and no mails… just going deeper and deeper into the void with each passing day…


Wrong they did restore the warbanks


Another maintenance, another day with holes in my guild bank.


Still broken, missing 90% of guild bank items. Thousands of hours thrown away. I would NOT recommend blizzard to a friend.


Yes…mine went from mostly empty to completely empty. I’m still furious. All my WW prep gear and pots/enchants etc were being stored there for my main and my alts.


Dangit! Just caught up on this thread hoping to read the last post saying “Woohoo my guild bank is back!” No such luck eh?


But we aren’t discussing the Warbanks, are we?


In my case it was different. 2 guild banks -and 2 guilds- I have for auction.
In 1, all it’s alright.
In the other, all but 4 items disappeared. 4 days later those 4 items also disappeared.
In other words, they touched something, they did something that made those 4 items disappear. Since the reset where this started, I didn’t get anything or even touch those 4 items

If I do right click on slots that I know were occupied by things, nothing comes out of the bank, so it’s not a display problem.

It’s not my case. My guild whose bank is empty has several players with 0 bank permission, people who wanted to have a guild because of the advantages of Hearthstone, achievements to buy things, not being bothered with invitations, etc.

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i have 3 guild banks that were just about full from the 50+ toons i play and many years of items missing. max stacks of all kinds of items in these GBs all gone. really hope this is resolved soon i just unloaded all items i been collecting right before TWW also and all gone,i cant believe this is happened.


I have no idea if the items in my guild bank were restored or not because I can’t open my guild bank now. Or my personal bank. Click on them and it does nothing. No big deal for now, right, since I wasn’t able to use it at this time anyway. I know, I’ll just go do some auctions, you know, my favorite thing about WoW? Oh, guess I can’t do that now either since the AH window won’t open for me. Whelp, that’s it boys and girls, almost 20 years of playing and now there is nothing fun for me in the game. It really was a great run, but it’s time for me to move on. I hope it all works out for everyone.


I get that ever so often on some of my alts…either do a reload or log out and log back in seems to fix it for me most times…have you tried that now.


Okay, I’m seeing a message on the login screen that they are looking into issues of players having issues attempting to login, use the Auction House, or access Crafting Orders.

That’s probably why you’re not able to get into the AH. I’m having issues logging in now. Great.


My biggest issue is that they haven’t given an official all-clear on whether we can resume using the gbank. “Should be safe” is not what I want to hear, especially when we don’t know what impact that will have on the currently lost items.

I get it, I want the lost stuff too. I’m lucky that so little was lost on my end (large stacks, but usually stacks of materials that will be pretty cheap to replace, if I can even remember what they were). But whether you lost a lot or a little, the current situation of being stuck in limbo, not using the gbank at all – that’s gotta end. We need an official word on whether we are safe to use the gbank and that any resolution to the lost items won’t be impacted if we fill our gbanks up.

That way we can at least use the service and go back to playing the game like always while we wait for the restoration of our lost items.


One thing that I am not seeing in all this is any description from anyone about the process that occurred to get where we are now. I saw this happen from the beginning and it was a three-step process.

  1. First, the items which disappeared became impossible to withdraw from the bank, regardless of your access level.

  2. Next, the items become covered by a black overlay.

  3. Finally, the items disappeared from the guild bank completely.

I had the same thing happen on some quest reward items, so it was not isolated to the guild bank items. Now, I just don’t get those quest reward items. Those items are the special caches that you get as a quest reward when you repeat a quest with someone who needs the quest in your group. I don’t know how the quest reward item is related to the guild bank items, but the behavior is much the same, so I thought I would mention it.

I don’t know if anyone at Blizzard is aware of this progression of events and if they are not, they should find it helpful.

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Just an update after all the updates…
Still can’t see anything in any of my guild vaults.


Like others here, I have more than one guild bank for a guild in which I am the only member. The first tab of the first bank that I opened only showed two items when it was previously full or close to full. I didn’t want to potentially make things worse by opening any other tabs on this, or any of my other guild banks. While we all appreciate that Blizz is at least acknowledging this is “not intended”, Any updates would be greatly appreciated.


Warband Banks are also torched. anything in there already (example, rank 1 mycoblooms) can be deposited in.

Anything not in there (example a rank 3 mycobloom, that is NOT in there) completely breaks the warband bank, and lags it out.

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