Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Sounds like they are talking about a problem that isn’t with the banks. The warband bound items from the pre-patch event were temporally changed to BoP, so if they were in a warband bank they disappeared.

It’s nice to know the banks are usable, but are they trustable? Fixed is being able to see and use the missing items.


I haven’t had anything else go missing since the first couple days where everything vanished.

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There’s been another response too … not that it really says much:


It used to be that some Auction House addons would include those 35K items when calculating “average price” (also posting N of an item at say 4K, 5K, 6K & 8K when the current minimum price is 2K). The authors soon cottoned onto this trick, and now ignore outliers. However it may fool some new players into thinking “these 20 items are REALLY under-priced!” & buying them thinking they’ve got a bargain…
I do sometimes use the AH as extra storage (usually for pets as there are so many different types, and prices can swing wildly from a few gold to hundreds all in the same week, but I may only sell 1 or 2 a month, if not longer), but only when I can’t be bothered to send spares to a mail-alt.

For now, I’ve been lucky that my banking alts don’t seem to have been impacted, but my Main’s raiding guild (which is cross-faction and cross-realm) has see the entire bank/bank UI wiped clean out.

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Adding name to list as I have not heard anything back yet about this problem. 7 tabs in bank almost bare now…


Please Please Blizzard can we expect the fix for this issue todays after restarts?


Im torn on where to save the things im getting on the game… first warbanks not working, then guild banks deleting things… now issues with items at warbanks again… so… any answer? anything to say? is odd that we must dive into EU forums to get any information related… and also more than a week with this bug and still no fix…


I’m pretty sure that all our missing items are going to be mailed to the Guild Master. Typically, Blizzard restores items etc. through the mail system. I suspect that this is the reason it is taking so long. They can’t just put the items back into the banks in the spot they were in because it might not be available anymore. Also, the amount of compiling and processing that data correctly must be tricky. For each of the millions of WoW players, each one could have several guild banks etc. I imagine its an insane amount of data. Food for thought!

I am in no way defending Blizzard or making excuses for what has happened to us. I’m just sharing my theory on what might be happening behind the scenes. I’m speculating only!


The part with how much data they might have to process is definitely a thought I’ve had for a while. Sincere levels of geez. A hard reset is simply not an option, so they have to figure out a different strat.


that is NOT possible … so many items affected, so many guild banks, assuming 98 slot per tab, 6 tabs, 50 banks … it would be 20,000 mails to return … how can GM open them all and resort again ?


I believe it is absolutely possible. Back when Burning Crusade when live, players lost all their mail. No access to it, whatever was in the mail, gone. At the time, all players still used the mail system to store items on alts etc. because guild banks weren’t added until Burning Crusade. Entire guilds and players had to use the mail system to store massive amounts of items. This is why I believe it’s possible because Blizzard was at its peak of subscribers and players, I’m sure the amount of items they had to restore is insane.


I do not know if it is possible, but good speculation.

I was sitting here just think that. Wasn’t it called the Twisting Nether or something when items came back in the mail? Please correct me if I am wrong.

Have a great day


Yep, the Postmaster “finding stuff” in the “Twisting Nether” and “noting it was yours”. :'D


I can’t remember the timeline, just that it happened when Burning Crusade went live. It took around 2 weeks for us to get our mail back. Guilds were really suffering with this catastrophe because they needed all the potions/food etc. that was in the mail for progression. It was a mess.


Another maintenance and still an empty guild bank :frowning:


Just logged in and checked. Guild bank still empty and no items returned via in game mail. The game is basically unplayable for someone like me (who spends most of his time collecting things and selling them in the AH) and I can’t imagine it’s any better for bigger/raiding guilds. I guess since the first raids don’t open for another two weeks, Blizzard doesn’t care about that yet.


I was in the process of cleaning house and putting everything in my guild bank and now about 2/3rd gone and I’m not putting anything in or taking out until fixed.

I’m sending everything to my bank alt for important things and everything else to less used alts for storage until fixed.

I agree that it is very frustrating but based on the number, value and rarity of some of the missing items….I would rather they take the time to identify and fix all related and potentially related problems
And then
Take the proper time to ensure everyone gets everything back.

I imagine the sheer amount of data is also problematic so I’ll take patience at this point with the hope of an ACCURATE resolution.

They absolutely should communicate better with us, however, I don’t think it’s fair to say they are ignoring the problem……just failing to communicate with the players. It may be harder to correct than we know.


okay blizzard longer you wait more people are going to be even more PISSED OFF when you accept the fact you have to do a Servers rollback to fix the guild bank issues. People are going to lose all WARWITHIN gains just to fix this issue.

Its going to be like a bandaid that been on for a long time (2 weeks) you have to pull it fast in order to stop pr loss most of the pain

Longer you wait to FIX this more accounts you will bleed


They did restore it; however, they did a role back to do so. 2-3 days later they literally rolled everything back, realms, servers, all of everything got rolled back to before the poofs of the mail. It wasn’t quite as catastrophic a thing then, as it would be now to do a roll back. I remember trade chat being livid about it at the time.


I have to wonder what percentage of guild banks are effected and how many are effected and not even noticed. If we amount to a small percentage, they would not do a rollback at this point because the negative impact to the rest of the player base would outweigh any benefit that we few would gain.