Guild bank missing items - what happened?

So, still missing stuff today but it does seem like nothing else has gone missing since last I checked. I’m really hoping that this is a Tuesday reset fix and we’ll have our stuff back tomorrow. Really disappointed that this wasn’t fixed prior to the official TWW launch.

And Happy Birthday Dasserlond! :birthday::partying_face:


Like so many, I’m suffering this same issue. One full guild bank (6 tabs worth of items) is completely empty. Another guild bank experienced about a 40% loss in items across 6 tabs.

To make the situation even more fun, all of the items I purchased with Residual Memories and put in my warband bank are also missing. A blue on twitter confirmed this is a known issue.

Where are we supposed to put stuff Blizzard?


As of today (Aug 26), half of the items in my warband bank are missing too. They were fine yesterday. I only have 1 tab so far.


Happy Birthday!


Ty vm!

Wish Bliz would give me a nice surprise. lol

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Just upgraded to TWW, logged in, and my guild bank is completely empty.
No one but myself has access to it, no logs showing any withdrawls besides a few things I took out a while ago (and these tabs were pretty full).

Obviously people know, figured I’d just add to the post so I don’t feel left out :wink:






Today same as yesterday.


Just doing a checking in. I still continue to avoid using the gbanks. I have not opened them since my return nor have I enabled war banks. At this point I am simply afraid to.

Trying to keep the faith that this will be resolved. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


It’s good to know, but I wonder how they will determine the exact amount of each small item that everyone lost, and what their plan is for returning it, possibly through the mail?

I’m eager to hear more positive updates since this loss has left me devastated, to the point where I don’t even feel like playing just as a new expansion is released.


just worrying about this…i think i accidentally “overwrote” a bank spot by right click depositing into a spot that should have been occupied with very high value items…how will they figure this out i am very skeptical …and concerned…i am now having issues with my warband bank as well with missing dalaran pre patch gear that i deposited and i am sure you have as well if you saved any of it in there go check


So basically the game day came and the bug was never fixed - how will they restore items for each gbank that was affected, what about items that may have overwritten the original since we didn’t notice the problem until too late…will those items be restored as well or saved?
(Items moved from one tab to another thinking there was plenty of space in the tab but may have just overwritten some missing items so on…)


I’m trying to skill up my professions and learn knowledge. The way I usually do it early in an xpac is make ALL KINDS of stuff - enchants, gear and now (since DF) profession gear that any guildie might be able to use. I win by skilling up and they win by getting all kinds of freebies that could save them a bit of gold at the beginning of the expansion, whether I am on or not. I didn’t have to look them up on the armory or ask them to link their current gear to see if they wold be useful upgrades.

ALL of this is upended. I’m spending time looking at the armory (and hoping it’s up to date) while I tailor gear, looking up people’s stats on WoWHead (unless the person is on) to send them enchants. Is it doable? Sure. But FAR from ideal. THIS is how we did it in early Burning Crusade before we had the damn bank. When I get my cooking going, I’ll just have to send it to a bank toon (personal bank, of course, NOT the damn vault) or maybe risk putting it into the Warbands bank and HOPE that won’t disappear either. Every time I do this, I realize just how BROKEN this is, how unnecessarily inconvenient it is. The professions are ALREADY cumbersome, and I was probably the only (or one of the very few) to max out skill and knowledge in my guild in Dragonflight and you are MAKING IT HARDER. I’m sorry, I’m just really frustrated right now.

I know, it’s just a rant, but I don’t want people at Blizzard to think that the shiny new expansion has made us FORGET about this problem. Everytime I make something that could be useful to my guild members, I am reminded of this.


I believe the EU have stronger consumer laws than NA does. Meaning the EU customers can demand refunds etc if they feel wronged. Blizzard is probably trying to keep them placated, they don’t need to keep is informed by law in NA so we just get to twiddle our thumbs hoping they are working on it.

Just checked 2 min ago and my GB is still missing. I am only toon in guild. I havent deposited anything into the GB for fear of messing stuff up. I havent even touched my main’s GB for fear of that disappearing as well. Been sending stuff to alts because I do not trust the GB right now. Still fuming and it is affecting my enjoyment of the game. Last night I tried to make a glyph for an alt and went to get mats and realized all my mats for that were in the GB that vanished. Just reignited the rage.

I am suspicious of the lack of communication.


They have never tested wide reaching changes on the necessary scale.


And my personal guild bank is nearly wiped clean. I have (at best) 10% of the items I am supposed to have in the bank. There are no logs indicating that there were any withdrawls of any kind, and I am the only member of the guild.


Add Terokkar realm to the list if its not already on it


Checked my guild bank today. Nothing else has gone missing, but nothing that went missing has returned. I wonder if/when I’ll feel safe using the guild bank again.


There has been another Blue post on the EU forums … stating the guild vaults are now safe to use … the fix has been applied and is working, as of a few days ago … “to the best of their knowledge”. However, there appears to be still a similar, but different, issue with warband banks.

Still no news as to when everything is going to be fixed and we get our stuff back, though.