Guild bank missing items - what happened?

There are several items missing from my guild banks, there is no log entry for items being removed from the bank. I do not have a detailed list of items that are missing. All of my guilds are on Feathermoon. This is years of collecting.
Expansion Number / Expansion Name / Guild Name / Guild Master

1.0 / Classic / Blue / Falcons / Xues

2.0 / The / Burning Crusade / PEBCAK / Jorran

3.0 / Wrath of the Lich King / Wardens of Northrend / Unternehmer

4.0 / Cataclysm / United Freedom Fighters / Quick

5.0 / Mist of Panderia / National Bank of Gus / Chudahphat

6.0 / Warlords of Draenor / Draenor Preservation Soc / Nor

7.0 / Legion / DH Guild for the Blind / Helenkeller

8.0 / Battle for Azeroth / Glory in Gears / Harpoon

9.0 / Shadowlands / Dead as a Doornail / Samho


Add me to the list. Guild bank all tabs almost completely empty and no I havent been hacked.


I have one alt set as GM with all the gold (it was a low-level—just capped now—rogue walking around with a million gold for years). It’s not super convenient, but I feel like it’s one less thing that can go wrong. If you have family members it might be a pita though.

Yes, same today - was fine 2 days ago. Trying to figure out what happened.


Same, haven’t checked my 8 or so banker toons but on my main, the guild vault is 90% empty. I am currently the only one with toons in this guild (fell apart during Shadowlands). Was fine on Monday. Guild is Explicitly Unfiltered.

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Same, missing a lot of items.

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Here’s my list, as detailed as I can get it from memory. Guild is Niedergang, WRA-H. Nothing has been touched since the disappearances except for a test deposit/withdraw on tab 6 and the withdrawal of all gold in the bank.

Editing to add: The log entries for all the tabs seem to be correct in terms of items. I’m a little iffy on the days-since for a few bag withdrawals, but as I said, the items withdrawn/deposited are correct.

Tab 1: Miscellaneous things. DF potions, some greens, Draenor food, unopened lockboxes, MoP seeds. This is where the last deposit to the entire bank was made, 75 Dull Spined Clams. The immediately preceding activity was 15 days ago. This tab previously had less than 10 empty slots.

Tab 2: Miscellaneous blue and purple BoP which had been saved for appearance collection, DF profession accessories and tools, enchantment scrolls, various bags and reagent bags of 30+ slots. Last activity was the withdrawal of 4 Wildercloth Bags, 1+ month ago. This tab also had less than 10 empty slots.

Tab 3: Legion items. Silkweave Satchels, DF reagenta bags, as well as one (partial) stack (sometimes two) of every crafting material - fish, ore, herb, leather, teeth/horns, ench mat, cloth, etc - plus seeds from herbing. This tab was perhaps 14-16 tabs of empty space. Last activity was 1 day ago (withdrew 3 satchels), then before that 15 days.

Tab 4: BfA. As with Legion, this tab was assorted items from that xpac with at least one partial stack of every crafting mat plus bags from that xpac and other random useful items. Last activity was 3 days ago (withdrew and then deposited potions and herbs), then before that was a deposit made 15 days prior. Maybe 14 tabs empty before item loss.

Tab 5: Shadowlands xpac materials and assorted items. Last activity was 1+ month ago (a large assortment of crafting materials of all kinds). I estimate this tab had perhaps 21-25 tabs empty.

Tab 6: Dragonflight materials and ‘currency items’. This tab had been 100% full. All my fish save two partial stacks are missing, all my ores save two partial stacks are missing, every stack of leather/hide/scale/etc is now gone, and my stacks of cooking materials are gone except for three partial stacks. ‘Currency items’ were randomly hit, with about half now missing. I checked to see if it was an icon glitch one day ago after the disappearances with deposit/withdraw of Salted Venison; previously the last activity had been deposits of scale/hide/leather 15 days ago.

Tab 7: Miscellanous green items, maybe 24-30 in total, deposited there 6 days ago, plus no more than 5 full stacks of level 1 quality DF herbs/ore. All are gone but one green item.

My two other personal storage guild banks appear to be fine; I don’t know if this helps, but 8 days ago one of them had between 134-150 pet cages deposited (can’t sell my extra battle pets, the market for those is horrid) and they are still there.

Hopefully this helps somehow.

Same issue.

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I have 4 personal guild banks across 7 realms. Last time I was on was 11p-12a last night. After finding 95% of my stuff missing in 1 of my guild banks and then seeing all the reports here on the forum, I’m leery of checking the others. What I have done is, using my Altoholic addon, I went in and took a screenshot of every single guild bank tab of my other 3 guilds so that if I do check them I have a record of what is missing with numbers. Unfortunately, since Altoholic updates automatically as soon as you open a bank, it’s showing the current near empty tabs for the first guild, which not only happens to be the realm I’ve played most of Dragonflight on but my oldest one as well. I created it either in Burning Crusade or Cataclysm, so it has at least 12 yrs worth of old as well as current xpac items amassed.

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My guild bank, 6 bank tabs about 95% full on each tab, my characters only in the guild, missing about 90% of items. So lots and lots of stuff. Does not show items being removed. I can deposit items and take it out and it reflects in the log. Not able to do that the other day.

So here it is 3 days since my post of this problem and now more items are gone from the bank. I’ve been checking on various toons since it happened and in the past hour almost everything is gone now.

Aggro Maniacs - Cenarion Circle.

My Guild Bank was fine all this morning. Did today’s PTR update and logged back in to find about 1/3 to 1/2 of the stuff is just gone. Not horrible since I had mostly cleared it out in preparation for TWW, but still.

What’s strange is that this doesn’t seem to be happening to every guild bank. I have a second personal guild bank and I’m part of an actual guild that were entirely unaffected by the bug (…for now, at least).

Lots of things missing from my guild bank.

i have the same problem i lost about 80%to 90%of my stuff in my guild bank i hope they have a fix for this i have an open ticket they need to do something i had stacks of ore herbs hides jewels i mean alot of stuff

Same here: my own personal guild bank with only two trusted friends in it who rarely log on. Have had the guild since 2008 and currently have 7 tabs. Every tab nearly full to the brim before maintenance and then checked today when a friend mentioned and 80-90% of each tab is empty. The two friends don’t have the permission or rank to withdraw that much and I checked my log. I’m debating on if I should put a ticket in or wait for a token blue response of “we know about this glitch and we’ll get around to fixing it”.

Same issue here, large number of Guild bank items missing out of almost every bank tab.

Me too. Everything was there yesterday, today a bunch of stuff is gone from each tab. It’s just me (and my army of alts) in my guild and I’m a pack rat, so that’s a lot of stuff that’s gone.

Adding my name to the list on Ravencrest. Over half my stuff is poofed! So glad I haven’t prepurchased yet, because this is the kind of thing that would make me not want to play.

Need updates if this is going to get fixed.

Same as all of you. Two-person guild (my wife and I) on Medivh server, almost everything gone, and NO withdrawal logs whatsoever!!

Can’t make this stuff up.

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Yes, missing items from multiple guild banks I use to store goods. One tab has in the log
“Totem deposited Wartorn scrap x 1000 (21 hours ago)”
“Totem deposited Wartorn scrap x 1000 (21 hours ago)”
Though none were removed after depositing, only 1 stacks of wartorn scrap x1000 shows to exist.

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