Guild bank missing items - what happened?

That’s interesting about the personal bank getting an upgrade at some point. I am like Brewbaker, I wonder how much they’ll charge too. I wonder if they’re going to charge obscene prices for those tabs like they do the Warband Bank’s.

And I agree with Varjak that this whole situation is dampening my enthusiasm for the next expansion. I’m glad I didn’t buy the Epic Edition or I’d be furious. As it is I’m still annoyed that this is happening a few days before the official launch. I really wanted to sort all my stuff before going into TWW. Hopefully this gets fixed before then and hopefully it is just some visual bug and we’ll get all our stuff back. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.


Another way to siphon stupid amounts of gold (which some people will pay real money to get) I suppose? Used to be having a tailor (like me) took care of getting more space each expansion. It could be a good thing IF 1) they not only DON’T break it but also, won’t allow it to break in the future and 2) they don’t charge exorbitant amount for the tabs, like they do with the Warbands bank. If they are going to do that, you know what? Just add more BAG SLOTS so tailors can either sell bags or just help themselves and their friends.

In fact, in the last several years, I had thought that a good perk to give to long-time players is to give extra bag slots (up to 7, so they fit under the current ones) for the banks - 1 for every 24 months subbed (doesn’t have to be consecutive, but total) and for every toon on that account. Mostly because long-time players are more likely to have more STUFF - things they’ve collected over the years, many of them sentimental. There’s so very little that they do for long-time players (because I don’t think they really like long-time players with our knowledge of various iterations, any continuity errors and our literal pixel baggage) so something like this will never happen. BUT it was just one of many wishful thinking on my part is all.

After seeing what’s happening with the guild banks, I don’t trust that they can do this correctly. I’m sure it’s a whole different kind of “code” and all the stuff those with a lot of technical knowledge understand.

But to the average player, they are “our stuff.” Our stuff is gone because something went wrong with the storage of our stuff, and I don’t trust them to mess with more of our storage space.


Shades of Intel messaging from their ongoing debacle with their messed up products from the last two years. You just hope the result isn’t as irreversible as that mess.

For those who are out of the loop, they’ve been selling defective and/or buggy computer processors for a while now and once they realized their (costly) major screw up was public, they drip fed minimal information to customers but otherwise kept mum and stayed cagey for months. It’s an excellent way to build mistrust.

The War Within - Info & Known Issues

Interesting to see in the stickied thread from yesterday on the customer support forum that this is not listed as a known issue, nor is it listed in the actual support article updated 13 hours ago. Hah what a joke.


Welp, they kinda nerfed tailoring already by making it so only tailors can loot the cloth from the kills. The bag space to tabs will just nerf it even more. UGH! No profit to be had for tailoring.

C’mon Bliz, fix the banks already. I HAVE to get stuff out of mine and put new stuff in there, but I cannot until you fix it! You are keeping me from enjoying the game!


Yeah, just learned some new enchants. Normally, would just make a bunch to level my profession AND help guildies. Now, I have to do it like it’s pre-patch 2.3 and spam “Hey, anyone need haste or crit for ring? Lemme know.”


90% of the stuff in our guild bank is still missing. It sucks having bought the war within early access and neither myself or guildies being able to use the stuff we stocked up for the new expansion. Not being able to share new things with each other for fear of it vanishing. It took all the wind out of our sails.


TSM was saying I have 1.24 billion across 175 Guild Banks on 83 server groups. This is simply a number aggregated by current average listing values across all realms. Is it really 1.24 billion, probably not without years of work – but still. So if anyone can beat 400 million “lost” let me know.

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No this is not equivalent to the Intel situation. I don’t know why it’s not in the stickied thread (it should be)…but it is in support. and has been for a week.

It’s not a War Within issue. It’s an issue affecting the entire game. The “known War Within” issues are issues within the new expansion itself.


Oh, right. I remember the bags to tabs bit. Thank you! :slight_smile:

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That feels almost impossible. When I first noticed the problem I thought that might be it, and tried depositing a random item to see if it would go into a slot where I know an item used to be. And it did. So it’s certainly not just a visual bug, as the slot also behaves as if there is no item there.


I know, right? :persevere: I’m hoping so dearly it really is just a visual bug, and that the poor devs aren’t flailing to figure out how to actually restore items to guild banks …

EDIT: It could just be that crazy of a visual bug. You did in fact swap items between your guild bank and your bags, and the stuff from the guild bank is there in your toon’s inventory, but the visual bug is that bonkers.

All we can do is hope.


Going on 3 weeks now. I hope they can fix this issue by Tuesday so I can start using my guild banks again :persevere:


I don’t get it, they offer people item restore services (eg: mail) like nothing, but this volume of people impacted, and the fact its been going on 3 weeks so far without restoring entire guild banks because of a bug they introduced??? Where is the logic?
I’m honestly super worried, perplexed, confused, and 100% let down by their lack of comms


Maybe because restoration is a complex issue due to the number of guild banks impacted and that any number of people have been using them anyway?

It bothers me too, but code is never ever self-healing and people are only capable of doing so much work at once. As for communication… are you looking for simple reassurance, or an ETA?

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I still have a problem Blizzard, you need to fix this.


This is not going away.

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I mean…anything? I view this as a serious enough issue that it would warrant rather frequent updates, even if it’s just to say “hey, still working on this. Your items are still safe, it’s just going to take a bit longer to get this resolved” or something.


I would like progress reports, myself. I get that they want to keep things proprietary, so I’m not asking for details, just progress.


Some basic information so that people know what they can do to not make things worse. There are people afraid to look at guild banks, buy the Warband tabs, or even log into the game. That’s not good for the game. Are guild banks that so far appear unaffected safe to use or a ticking time bomb?


And here I thought " In the Right Hands" not being completable was the worse issue I’ve had so far.

I wanted to store some items from the Zskera Vaults when I noticed a lot of empty spaces in my guild bank.

I am relieved but worried that there are 1038 comments before mine, but at least it is getting attention (hopefully).