The old adage applies here.
If a game-breaking bug occurs in favor of the player, they will shut things down until they fix it. Example: WSG at Cataclysm classic launch was bugged and level 10 toons were going from 10 to max level within a single battleground. Result: The entire battleground was disabled until it was fixed.
If a game-breaking bug screws over the player, during an especially financially crucial period such as an approaching end-of-quarter launch, they allow live servers to keep on trucking come hell or high water. Example: This very bug. You lost 90% of your rare valuables that took you ages to collect while the devs were tracking down a flaw in live testing and then compounded by being indecisive about taking action? That’s tough… for you.
Back in August I noted how eerily similar Activision’s response was to the crisis management tactics employed by tech giant Intel after the news of their major costly f’up became widespread. My suspicions about how bad this situation really was–based entirely on Activision’s observed behavior–were sadly confirmed.
I wouldn’t believe you typed that out with a straight face.
The uncertainty stemming from mixed messaging presented by GM’s, the ambiguous and open-to-interpretation PR sticky note which attempts to downplay and obfuscate matters, the obvious next questions which weren’t answered.
There is nothing here that suggested anybody in Irvine knows how to do anything other than run and hide.
Intel’s scandal didn’t get much attention and action until they started getting dragged in public by the bigger independent outlets.
Unfortunately for everyone here, the biggest public WoW web sites and streamers are sycophants because they rely on insider access and lots of people playing the game to make their money. They won’t bite the feeding hand.
That’s because these people are weasels and snakes. They craft their words carefully to make it sound like one thing when they actually mean something else entirely. Take a dump on a Friday, oversell the restoration, lock all threads and move on.
I recommend emailing Phil Spencer calmly describing how Blizzard has destroyed 20 years of data and dropped a note a month later on a friday night that they will not recover it.
Phil’s a gamer, he’d never let us down! Why he said so himself!