Guild bank missing items - what happened?

The guild I’m in was affected and lost several columns worth of items since the “transition”. Additionally, my alt guild went from having three full tabs of items to just a handful of items spread throughout the tabs. The tab with all the Bind on Equip gear was not affected, but reagents, gems, profession items, etc., are all gone!

I can’t believe that in a 20-year-old game, we are still experiencing these issues. I think it’s time for the game developers to offer some free game time until the issue is fully resolved. I don’t know anyone who was not affected by this issue.


At this point if they cannot fix it, I just assume we’re all screwed and the items are lost. I hope it causes entire guilds to leave in exodus to another game to let them know that their incompetence isn’t acceptable.

I feel like they’re waiting for the expansion to go live before telling us we’re screwed. That way you can’t cancel your purchase.


I don’t even know what all went missing, but I know several things just vanished, including some of my tcg mounts. Honestly, of all my guild banks, why did the hardest hit have to be the one with the rarest items.


No kidding. My bank that just had bags in it? Nothing missing. The one with random consumables? Minor hit. The hardest hit? The one with super rare and unobtainable recipes.


Day ELEVEN, still bugged, still not motivated to play early access, still disappointed.


Oddly I have an alt bank with prettymuch nothing but recipes, and its all fine from the looks of it. Meanwhile my prized Magic Rooster Egg is gone. There’s other consumables and toys and junk missing, but the unobtainable stuff really hits the hardest.


I’ll just keep hoping it’s an incredibly crazy visual bug. Like the items’ icons haven’t just turned invisible, they’ve turned transparent, so the items are there and even the stuff you intentionally swapped is there in your bags, but it looks like empty slots instead. … I’ll just keep hoping.

Honestly, after this long and with the global launch coming up, I don’t think this issues is a “high priority” as they laughingly stated about 2 weeks ago. I don’t think this is very high on their list of concerns.

I am still reluctant to even put anything in the Warbank either.


Where can I put in my “Please Don’t” vote? Once they fix what is wrong just let it be, it’s a fine system as it is, when it’s working.


I put all of my characters from every server in the same guild, only my toons are in. I noticed spotty holes in my guild bank with no notes in the log things are missing. I keep checking and every so often even more disappears. Now some of the tabs are just empty now.

This is a strange bug. Interested to see what Blizzard even says about this. I’ve found blue posts saying the devs know but nothing more. Wild.


12 days later:
I NEED things that are in that bank. I can’t continue spending gold to buy what I already have and which is also very expensive.
RESOLVE this, it’s been 12 days.


Same thing. I would say about 95% of the materials in my guild bank are missing. Been like that since last Tuesday for sure. Haven’t removed or added anything to be on the safe site.


Today half a tap is gone ! Hope they find a solution before i loose my sub too


There was an update earlier today but the situation has yet to be resolved. Still missing most of the items in my guild bank.


Oh yeah, those “War Within” specific issues in the support article titled “The War Within Launch - Common Issues” such as:

  • Level Boost Warning that Character will be Ineligible for Heritage Armor
  • Character Stuck - Disconnected when logging in
  • Can’t Undelete a Character
  • Can’t Transfer a Character to a Different Account



Do we know if we can safely deposit materials into the guild bank at least? We’re getting a ton of new items with early access but I don’t want to lose it all if we put things in the GB.


Just wanted to add this characters bank to the empty list. Which was filled with mats from classic to shadowlands. Hope this gets worked out soon.


Ugh, I was completely freaking out, convinced my account had been hacked! :scream: Imagine my horror when I realized that over 16 years of my stuff had just vanished into thin air. To make matters worse, some of those items aren’t even available in the game anymore. (well don’t think they are)


I’m more worried about putting things in than taking things out, but I haven’t done either.

Does it even let us put a item in a place some invisible item is? I’m too scared to try. If you do would the old item be gone? Who knows?

If you are able to put things in a slot that was previously occupied, then it is not merely a visual bug, as some claim.


I emptied my guild bank on Aug 20th and filled one tab with trash so there was no empty space and so far it has all stayed put. I’m still not ready to trust it with current mats though, but it’s something I guess.

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