Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Could this possibly be a sign they want us to clean out our banks and stop hoarding? lol :wink:


As MMOers hoarding is at the core of our souls!

The tin foil hat on my head is telling me they did this on purpose to make us sink our gold into the warband banks.

I jest, of course. But having everything in my GB wiped out, I am hesitant to put anything into the Warbands bank.


This whole debacle has be tearing my hair out.

I don’t understand why this isn’t getting more attention from any wow news sites, or content creators/streamers.

I don’t understand why we’re not getting adequate communication from officials at Blizzard. Really all we’ve gotten boils down to “yeah, we know” and I’d go so far as to say they’re minimizing the whole thing with their wording. Saying “several” players have reported “some” items missing from guild banks does not do the situation justice.
I completely understand that they wouldn’t be able to provide us with a timeline estimate of fixing it, but surely they could give us SOME guidance? Like can I/should I take anything else out of the guild bank? Should we stop depositing? Is the warband bank definitively safe to use? What about personal banks?
The vague and minimal communication we’ve gotten, mixed with ZERO assurances our stuff is/will be fine has me feeling very pessimistic about our collections at the moment. (Of course I hope I’m wrong, and look back embarrassed at the big deal I made after this is resolved).

Even if you’re a player that hasn’t been affected by this, you should be very concerned. If items can “vanish” from banks, who’s to say the gear we’re wearing is safe? Our mounts, pets, toys, achievements?


Agree with the last few comments. Makes me wonder if they want people to stop hoarding in guild banks. With the lack of any official communication after ten days. Makes me wonder. Already sitting out early access. Waiting to play the new xpac till this is fixed


Don’t forget, they’ve said they have plans to overhaul the personal bank. Which honestly at this point sounds more like a threat than a feature upgrade.


Rest easy Blizzard, just because you can no longer see my subscription don’t mean it’s not there, right? I mean when I take a look, my money is right there… Just because YOU can’t see MY subscription doesn’t mean it’s gone right?


Are you one of those people who will put a stack of, say, Linen Cloth on the AH for 35,000 gold? I’ve always wondered if that was some serious optimism or just storage.

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Well look at that, there is effectively a recognition at this point, and it’s apparently been up for almost a week over at the Support pages. Article 363630, legit.

No many of us are doing the same. Sending items, (Pets, patterns, Transmogs, crafting materials ect) to alts and mail boxes rather than risk leaving anything in guild banks or the warbank. Anyone that post linen cloth for 35k gold is a fool.


I put things in the AH to sell them sooooooo

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No update from blizzard about the loss or missing items from my personal guild bank and the items where very expensive rousing and awakened motes and many more mats and motes so why doesn’t blizzard take this more seriously about our items from being stolen from all us and blizzard not doing a darn thing about it hurry up blizzard and fix this or replace our stolen items


a week
There is the problem.
Over a WEEK of not being able to use the guild bank.
Over a WEEK of not hearing anything new.
Over a WEEK is unacceptable communication.


Tru, tru. :pensive:

EDIT: There’s every possibility I’m simply keeping myself in a state of denial towards any Internal Screaming gifs in my own mind, regarding the variety of bank guilds I have … :face_with_spiral_eyes: I literally haven’t checked any of them since I finally caught on to this making the rounds.

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I have gotten several responses from GMs after submitting a ticket, and they are saying that it is a visual bug, and that all our items are still there.

Greetings, Moogiey.

My name is Game Master Dyniurt. I’m here to help you. Thank you so much for reaching out to our Customer Support!

For what has been informed to us, that this is a visual bug which is being currently investigated by the Developers, so it can be fixed.
We apologize for any inconvenience while our developers work as quickly as possible to resolve the issue.

If you discover a new issue, please submit a new Bug report, as new issues need to be investigated by the Developers, submitting a bug report helps to create a greater visibility and awareness to the issue.

Have a good one and a great rest of your week.
Game Master Dyniurt.

So hopefully they fix this soon so we can use our guild banks, but more importantly have access to our things again. As I said in my last post in this thread, some of the items that are missing are letters I had saved from a friend who passed away 8 years ago, and I really want them back. I think I’ll screenshot them and save them if/when this issue is resolved.


I’d like to read up on that, if you remember where you saw it. Can you point me in a general direction to find that? I don’t at all intend to be combative - I genuinely am curious.

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It was in their post about Warbands, in the Carting Around Your Band Equipment section:

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Having my entire guild bank emptied by this bug has really soured my expansion excitement… yes, I’m sad at missing pixels. LOL


I have recently discovered that I am missing items from my storage guild banks as well as my Warband bank. I know for the warband bank I had some rep tokens in there, they were showing Monday or Tuesday, but discovered them missing last night. I have additionally discovered that I have several personal storage guild banks that are empty when they were not previously These banks are on Farstriders and Blade’s Edge.

Do we have an ETA?


I’m trying to imagine how much each of those tabs is going to cost


10,000s+ of people have made 1,000,000s of dollars with pixels