Guild bank missing items - what happened?

You missed the point. This is just another in a long line of bugs affecting guild banks. Folks better hope it’s recoverable and that they get a move on it a little more swiftly than they have with the broken logs. This a colossal bug. If they had more testing and QA they might have even caught it before it reached the real servers but we all know that’s a cost with no ROI.

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I can’t believe this is still ongoing.

You all really need to make this whole again. Lost items is serious business. I want you all to know you can’t stop at just fixing guild banks. War banks are busted too and they’re removing random materials too!


100% agree. Even before this I hadn’t bought TWW yet just cause I wasn’t sure how rough of a launch it would have. Completely agree that there’s been way too many things breaking the past few months and whatever’s leading to it (rushed product, overworked staff, gutted management, whatever it might be) has been a big and snowballing problem and the game is suffering for it.

I don’t think any other major MMO on the market currently has issues like this, it’s been wild. I’d also really appreciate someone high up at Blizz communicating with the players–in a situation like this even with a short video explaining the basics of what the challenges are and how they’re handling it.

But I guess that’s stakeholder suicide or some such so idk.

“I would like to confirm that work on this issue is still ongoing with high priority.”

There’s no reason to imagine they’re being blasé about this, for a better idea of what’s happening behind the scenes though you’d have to ask a programmer. I imagine it involves a lot of hair pulling and diving through spaghetti.


i took videos, of guild banks, and it shows that things are STILL DISAPPEARING everyday, EVERYDAY … amazing … its like leaking, batch by batch, row by row, column by column, they are disappearing … and blizz is not even putting a stop to it ? lololololol i suggest everyone do the same, in case one day you find that all your gold cap guild banks have zero gold in it


i tried my best not to withdraw anything unless really necessary, and i just sub 3 accounts for 12 months and i cant play much because i cant craft anything for my all my characters … and time is just wasted day by day … really bad luck to have sub these accounts if i know this would happened

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You do realize that they are absolutely not sitting on their thumbs about this, right? That this isn’t something as simple as digging through a basket of laundry looking for a spare sock?

I wonder, honestly wonder, how many of you that are upset about ‘no communication’ would feel if you got your three-times-daily update – at the cost of a fix and possible restore taking even longer because that is exactly what constant updating would do.

In order for us to get an update, someone has to go to the actual individuals working on this issue, interrupt them, wait for them to formulate an accurate reply, run it through ‘is this worded okay’ protocols, then get it to a blue who would then post it here - and that’s the excised version. So yeah, for each and every update that’s oh-so-politely ‘requested’ by some of the more vociferous of you, add on at least a theoretical hour to our outstanding issue life.


I purposefully exclude the initial shock response when I state this: Calm the $#@^ down already. They know it’s an issue. They are working on it. Do some of you not realize that it is real human beings fixing an unanticipated conflict in code and not some Grand Baba Blizzard that’s toying with you for the hell of it, or is it just a complete lack of empathy and grace?

I don’t know about some of those that are more vocal in their entitlement, but I can say with all honesty that NOTHING in any of my guild banks is worth shoving enough stress down ANYONE’S throat that would give anyone an ulcer - not a blue, not a ticket GM, not a programmer - no one.

… For those of you who are standing by quietly, for those of you who are reading and posting with even a modicum of understanding, I apologize for the tirade. It’s not directed at any of you.

For all that are mud-slinging, having temper tantrums, taking-you-to-court-raging, heel-pounding, and hyperbole-flinging - if you honestly are that outraged by your Evil Evil Blizzard BBG, then do what you’re threatening and just leave.


Same happened to me. I just logged on to check if the issue was fixed and now the 5 stacks that hadn’t disappeared the first time are gone. GB is completely empty.

I understand there are glitches and whatnot, especially with new expacs, but this is ridiculous. I had 17 years of mats for transmogs I hadn’t gotten around to making, poof all gone. Not to mention the issues with them putting consecration into a proc AOE you can’t control, making playing my main irritating. I actually regret purchasing the expac. I play to relax and unwind, not be stressed and worried things will disappear on a whim.

My bf told me to relax and Blizz was working on it but it doesn’t affect him at all since he hasn’t had all the stuff he worked hard to obtain disappear overnight. Funny thing was, I wouldn’t have known about the issue had I not logged onto my guild bank toon to get him a mat he needed since he knows i save everything and be met with an empty guild bank when I know it was full and I am only person with access.

I know it seems silly to be angry over a game and digital items but I have a limited income and I choose to use some of that to pay for a sub because it is a comforting game for me and it has been the one constant in my life over the last 18 years I have played. Now I am questioning if I should continue playing.

I hope they figure out what the issue is and return the items. All the joy of new expac is gone at this point.


It’s not silly. For some of us, knowing that we had what we had collected (till we stop playing or until the servers are down forever) is a source of comfort. Knowing that we have the mats from waay back because we chose to keep them, to have extra pets to give to friends and guildies and even to sell, or sentimental items - whether personal letters or an item that is no longer unobtainable, or even ones that we got during a special time - made us feel secure, made us feel good. Maybe I wasn’t going to use all those cloth tomorrow, but I knew that I had them, and if a friend wanted a particular crafted piece of gear for mogging, I knew I had it.

I too am one of those people that friends know to ask for mats and such since there is (was) a good chance that I had it.

I hear ya. It’s often at the start of the expansion that I clean out, move, remove stuff from my active guild bank, to make space for new stuff, and then begin to fill it with new items - enchants, tailored gear, buff foods, bags (whatever I can manage to make), plus mats for other people to use for crafting, along with in-demand consumables from the AH. It’s been a big part of the start of a new expansion for our guild - one think I take pride in is being able to provide some of the goodies for guildies. That’s kind of what I keep the guild funds for. But unless this is fixed, I can’t do that, and tbh, it is putting a damper on the new expansion. Leveling is fine, whatever. I eventually get a toon to max level. And depending on what friends and guildies do, I might engage in some max-level group content. But for me, trying to keep professions up for myself and my guild and then providing the items is one of the things I find really enjoyable in the game. We’ve been providing enchants since even before we got the guild vault in the Burning Crusade and when we did get it, I made sure to provide as much free enchant as I reasonably could, and made it accessible to most of the guild (the others just had to ask).

None of this information will help the devs, of course, but in case people don’t get why some players are especially upset about it, I wanted to give one perspective. I do hope they are working on it and that it will be fixed soon (as in, we get all of our stuff back in the actual vault, and can feel secure that the repeat of this fiasco will be highly unlikely) so that we can go into the new expansion breathing a sigh of relief and able to concentrate on other stuff.


It isn’t silly, I feel the same way often about games I care about, I think a lot of us can say the same. It is a risk we take by investing so much of ourselves in them, and I’m sure Blizzard loves taking our money for it. WoW won’t be around forever, and the terms we agree to when joining aren’t in our favor.

I play other games often as a safeguard for myself in case something ever happened to prevent me from playing any one “favorite” game. I enjoy some good Minecraft, 7DTD, or other crafting/survival/adventure games. I actually find myself resenting WoW a bit when they add too many FOMO events around major releases, like Plunderstorm>Remix>Prepatch>TWW. I start really feeling the fatigue/burnout, even for a game I like as much as this one.


One can’t shake the feeling that had the huge bug or error allowed players to duplicate items or gold pulled out of a guild bank with no logs, things would have played out much differently from the Blizzard end.


Update, Even more items from my guild banks are missing now


They do seem to be much faster and much more ‘vocal’ when it comes to duplication exploits. I think part of the reason why is that it provides a warning that yes, they are very aware of the issue, and that there will be consequences. Of course that doesn’t stop everyone, but I think the adage ‘keeping the honest ones honest’ applies in that scenario.


you might want to take a video and keep it as a record, showing the tabs and logs over different period of time … i did that and found that items are slowly disappearing, i dont bother to remove them atm, because if i do, they might not be able to track everything that was lost

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Was the disappearing issue resolved with the update?

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Update: Others pointed out the cross-realm banking as well. Whatever the case, these issues with the guild bank all started around the time of Warband banking and Cross-realm banking. Something is amiss.

This is a very good possibility. While anecdotal, I did not experience any problems with our Guild Bank until I started using, by purchasing the first tab which activates, the Warband bank. It correlates to the time of the problem. Highly likely.

Any others to confirm? Those who DID NOT use the Warband Bank and see no issues with the Guild Bank. (Keep in mind this would mean no one in your guild would be using the Warband bank. To control this would be mainly smaller or personal guilds.)

This correlates for me though. Enabled Warbank, issues with Guild Bank followed.


No. Sadly not. And still not word on any solution. Only ‘we’re aware’ postings from Blizzard in a support thread and a support post.


I would be curious as well. I know that, at first, the Warbands bank didn’t work. I know this because it was one of the first things I tried when prepatch dropped. I THINK it took about a week for it to be operational?

Others are saying it could have to do with cross-server guild-banking, though I wonder if that would affect ALL banks (even those with a solo user) or only guilds with cross-server members.

My guild I believe may have cross-server members, but my bank-toons I don’t. Some have only one person in it, and some have several of my toons.

I wish I had been paying attention to the order of events. I may have had missing items but only realized it when I tried to put some items (which tend to sit in the mail till I take the time on my bank toons to move it to the guild bank) and saw empty spots. REALLY noticed when my main bank toon’s vault was almost empty.

I know Blizzard is trying, but the lack of answers tend to often lead to speculations. I think human brains just want to know answers, to understand the cause of an issue.


I do not think the missing guild bank items have anything to do with purchasing a warband tab. Because my husband is in my guild, so is my brother, neither of them got a warband tab (yet) – however, the guild bank is totally empty for them too. The rest of my guildies see nothing as well, warband or not.


Still no fix for missing guild bank items – and no word from Blizzard about the problem. I did notice that the guild bank log showed activity, attributed to my characters, one day ago. All members of my guild are on my account. I withdrew two hexweave bags left from the many I had stored until the bank wipe out. The log showed different items; not hexweave bags.


Update from Vrak. It’s not much of an update but work is ongoing.