Guild bank missing items - what happened?

My entire motivation to buy and play TWW is gone.

I am a day zero player, so I have a lot of stuff no longer available. Some are toys that summon something, some are transmogs or letters that tell a story.

You can not replace that with gametime and even if they bring back the stuff, It seems hard to trust Blizz again.


I was looking at my bank last night and thought it was just a visual bug and didn’t think much of it. This morning all my items are indeed gone and it’s rather distressing ngl


There is a good chance that it is a visual bug. This appears to not be affecting people who don’t have the Warbank activated.

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None of my own GBs are Cross-server (bar connected realms), and I think have been OK (so far as I’ve checked…). My main’s guild, and one in a Horde Guild, both of which are cross-faction and cross-server, appear to be completely empty.

Edit: looking at Vralok’s post above, apparently they’ve isolated (and addressed) the cause. Fixing the results of the bug is at “looking into the options” stage.

However, it would be nice to know what caused it, and hence if there is something we players need to do/stop doing to avoid making it worse.

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I don’t think they really stopped it, because I checked a stash guild bank a couple of days ago and it was fine. I checked it again yesterday, and it was destroyed. Whole tabs of stuff missing. :frowning: The nether is still eating items.


FWIW: I’m the only member of both my horde & alliance guilds that have been effected. Neither have any cross realm characters, only the original connected realm(s) (Draka/Suramar), nor do they contain any opposite faction members.

My issue started before the warbanks when I couldn’t remove a few enchanting materials. Since the august 13th tuesday maintenance though items have disappeared. More items vanished on this weeks maintenance as well.

edit: corrected date.

Good morning all! Let’s see what happens after this maintenance :crossed_fingers:.


Came to see if there were any blue posts in this thread.

Good to see that the EU forums have some blue posts about this and good to see some support articles also. At least they are confirming the issue if not in this thread.

Now just want to see some resolution.


My Hordey lost everything in his 7 panel Guild Bank. It’s just a big, blank bank. T.T

Keír, BE Paladin, Dalaran Server.



Keír, Dalaran server, Atmospheres (guild name)
BE/Horde Paladin.

  • Every panel (7 panels) has been completely wiped of items. Everything is missing.

  • My main, Keír, is GM. He was the only character in the guild, at the time.

  • No list of anything being withdrawn.

  • About 1k of gold still in bank, untouched.

  • Stuff in my guild bank is mostly gray, trash, sentimental items I’ve gathered since I started playing in Vanilla and BC. Some in game/mail/letters from friends. I just wish I could get that first panel back. :sob:

I had just transferred my guild from another server, Zul-Jin, during the last week transfers were available.

(Recently experimented with adding my alt-goblin “Wreels”. But this was a while after I lost everything in the gBank.)

I’m afraid to use my Guild Bank as I have no idea if I would be overwriting anything in there? Are the items visible to the devs/CS, but maybe not to us?

My Alliance guild on same server, Dalaran, has not been affected.

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Possibly the fix was deployed after you checked the bank yesterday? It was about 14 hours ago that Vrakthis posted. It may also be that existing corrupted banks will still have issues until the data corruption is fixed.


It wasn’t fixed a few hours ago for me.

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I was having a discussion over trade chat about this very topic earlier today. The biggest problem with this error is trust. First achievement/rep progression was affected randomly on hundreds or thousands of characters/accounts at the start of 11.0.0, which still has not been fixed. Then gold started having issues with the guild bank, and people started seeing gold disappear unexpectedly. Now, as of August 13 patch, hundreds or thousands of guild banks/warband banks have had partial or total loss of items in them.

A fundamental rule of an online game is that when you log out, there’s the assumption that your progress/items/etc will still be there when you get back. This isn’t one of those moments in by-gone days of “whoops, I forgot to save my game at the last savepoint, so I lost some of my loot and character progression.” Everything other than personal settings, addons, etc, is saved server-side. Data loss of this magnitude in other industries have been catastrophic for the companies involved, some of them even going bankrupt. Gamers are far too accepting of glitches, downtime, and loss than they should be. We actually EXPECT it. However, this problem is unlike any other that has happened in the history of WoW. As mentioned, progression is the fundamental concept of games. Take that away, and players lose all incentive to pay in time and money for a game. In essence, with these major issues, Blizzard has robbed us not just of items or progression, but of time and trust. Trust is very hard to gain and nearly impossible to regain.

I lost everything in my guild bank, 7 tabs. I had almost 3m gold worth of things in there from DF and prior expansions. Even if all my items magically appear, trust was lost. From now on, I will always question whether my stuff is safe. Will I come back to find all my items gone again? That’s the problem with this issue. You can’t fix the broken trust of the player base.

This will probably become a huge PR nightmare for Activision-Blizzard/Microsoft. Now, I am not much of a doomsayer. However, I suspect WoW may never totally recover from this. We are talking about a game-ending error here. This is on par with the error Bungie made with SW:ToR in the very first month of the game going live. They basically ruined the world pvp planet by nerfing the defense of the sith/republic bases. Due to res situations, people would res and immediately die, res, die, res, die. Characters were stuck with no hope of getting out, depending on which faction was dominant on that server. The game went from one of the biggest pre-order games to a ghost town pretty much in the first month. Within a year, it became F2P, with most of the servers being combined due to the lack of player base.

Now, I don’t think this will happen with WoW due to the history of WoW. However, it could happen. Time will tell.

Edit: Adding the EU forums post for this very issue into my post, as these issues are not restricted to just NA servers.


true that lolololol … i used to store stuff on characters … then there were problems … so i set up countless guild banks to store stuff thinking guild banks are safer … now, i prob stop thinking


Another day, another reset…and NOTHING.


haha … I see what you did there!


So are we expected to start our 3 day early access with this going on or just wait until someone fixes it, hopefully.


A meaningful update from a developer/management would really be appreciated, given that this is starting (at least) its second week.

Some people have lost millions of gold worth of transmog and other gear, and many people have lost dozens or hundreds of slots of crafting mats. In general, no one even knows what’s missing, so it’s not like players can send Blizzard a list.

Something beyond “We know there’s a problem and we’re working on it,” y’know?

Are we going to get everything back? Are we going to get something back? Is it just gone? Is it going to take Blizzard two weeks of log scraping to start restoring things? What’s the expected resolution?

A little expectation-setting maybe?

Is this taking so long because no one at Blizzard can manage to say “Oh, goodness, you guys lost your stuff forever, sorry about that. But here’s a free month of game time and a pet.”


This hits home so hard, I’m constantly saying “I want to WANT to play the game again” I actually miss how it used to make me feel but it really hasn’t felt good for a long time :cold_sweat:

And now just before a new expac a massive whack of broken trust and I can almost guarantee that the extra money I spent on early release will probably be unplayable or full of bugs


And before some holier than thou player says it is just make believe stuff, some of us have spent thousands of REAL dollars playing this game.


I think the run-up so far has actually gone “okay” for the most part. There have been lengthy maintenances, and a lot of them, but there are a lot of major systems changes.

However, this bug in particular is shocking and inexcusable. The fact that Blizzard didn’t take immediate action to at least stop it happening and provide some detailed and sympathetic feedback ASAP suggests that something is extremely wrong with the way that CS and bug reports feed to developers (did it take days to be investigated at first? It should have taken hours), and something is equally extremely wrong with Blizzard’s communication to players.

It’s not exactly the same, but when I worked for A Certain Very Large Cloud Provider, a customer service person getting one report of data loss, regardless of support level, would investigate the situation immediately, and if verified, developers would then be paged immediately. If it turned out to be systematic, there would be a phone conference, again immediately, and as many developers as needed would work the problem to resolution around the clock.

That’s not exactly the vibe I’m getting here. I could be wrong of course.