Guild bank missing items - what happened?

yep went to guild bank today, and my bank is completely empty now, i was able to remove 6 out of 7 tabs safely, lost 80 stitch bags tho


I don’t know if I’d say this is the most serious bug ever, but it’s definitely a big one. The real issue is what I said above, it’s one thing on top of another ever since they dropped the pre-patch. It seems like every time they fix one thing, they break two more.

Communication has never been a Blizzard strongpoint, but in this case it bears pointing out. “We know about it, we don’t know how to fix it, just wait and maybe we’ll get something done at some point” is not confidence-inspiring communication.


Someone at Blizzard had said that the bigger the game gets, the more likely stuff will break. Just by the nature of old code mixed with new code and code this and code that, blah, blah, blah.

What I’m saying is, expect this to be the new normal.

Maybe it’s time for WoW2?

I mean, that’s bug fixing though. The worse the bug the more work it takes, it’s a high priority and they’re working on it asap but it still takes time.

In all fairness, I’ll take it down a notch. Potentially the worst ever depending on the outcome. Hopefully one day this will be nothing more than a bad dream. :slight_smile:


My guild bank is almost empty. It was at least 3/4 full on most pages? Where is my stuff?


I cannot believe this thread does not have a blue post on it blizzard doesn’t even care


… I can’t.


I’m not suggesting they aren’t working on it or that these things are fixed in 15 minutes. More a case of given how many technical issues there have been over the last 3-4 expansions, culminating in all the issues DF has had, it may be time to dial things back and/or stop reinventing the wheel every time we end an expansion.

Plus like I said earlier, it doesn’t really make one want to pony up the extra cash for early access.


I have not activated the warband bank yet and all guild bank UI is working fine for me. Not seeing anything missing in the guilds i’m in (Even cross realm), void storage or my own banks. May be an issue related to the warband bank itself being used?


Thanks for posting this. I am returning after a break of 9 months. After reading all these posts it seems there is some sort of correlation to warband banks. With that said, I will likely avoid activating as well. I really hope this all gets resolved sooner than later.

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your source?

Waiting to see if I get 15+ years of rare BOEs, mats, pets, and mounts back is like waiting to to hear back about a cancer screening.


It could just be a coincidence I have been actively playing all this time and many seem to be returning after a break seeing these things. I do not want to give false hope.

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I don’t think this is a guild bank UI issue. The reason most in this thread are able to notice the missing items is because they are personal guild banks that only one account has access to. Usually (as in my case) that means you have rows and rows of mats in any given tab. When one stack goes missing in those rows and rows, you know something is amiss. :thinking:
When an entire row goes missing… :roll_eyes:


I haven’t taken a break in years (and those only if my computer was out of commission, I was out visiting someone or I was in the hospital) since I started playing in late 2006, and I’ve been affected on many banks, including the active guild that I run. My first BANK TOON’s bank is almost empty - most tabs were more than half full and well organized, some were almost completely full. Now they are almost empty. On my main’s guild (an actual guild) I’d say maybe 20 to 40% (estimate) of items in each of the tabs are gone. SO FAR, on my pet bank, I haven’t noticed anything gone (hope I didn’t jinx it by mentioning that), though maybe one or two items that I didn’t notice could be missing.

I haven’t logged on yet today after the weekly reset, but as of yesterday, my Warbands bank, void storage and reagent bank (at least on a few toons that I checked) seemed OK, though out of abundance of caution, I did remove the pet charms, the more expensive consumables and marks of honor out of the Warbands bank.

Aside from losing about 18 years of mats and other stuff, the worst part is always feeling insecure that I could put something away somewhere and it would disappear without me doing anything to make that happen. I very much hope that Blizzard doesn’t think we’re just going to forget about this as we “enjoy” the next expansion.

When a new expansion hits, it’s when I start to move stuff out or around in the guild bank, start putting in new enchants as I learn them, start putting any crafted gear that I and other crafters in the guild can make, use guild funds to buy mats to help other crafters, etc. And I won’t be able to do that until this issue is fixed and I can feel safe again to put things in the bank, especially since mats tend to be more expensive at the very beginning of the xpac.


i can confirm this … now, some of my guild banks had even more items missing … i refrained from touching any of my guild banks (withdraw or deposit) until this is fixed.

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/knocks on particle board, cause ya know nothing’s made of real wood anymore

As far as I can tell, I am not missing anything new. However, my husband and I strictly agreed immediately when this first started to not touch the gbank AT ALL. We are the only ones in this private guild, so no one else has access. Not sure if that has any impact on whether more things have gone missing for some folk or not.


Just adding my experience to this because almost my whole guild bank tabs are like missing now and they were full of cloth, ores, herbs, gems, etc. and I need that stuff for my professions and stuff so please fix this and if it’s related to the warbank (from reading other comments) I wish I hadn’t of ever activated it.


I have been following to see when this issue is resolved. I have the same complaint … It’s definitely affecting my desire to interact with WOW.