Guild bank missing items - what happened?

I can’t believe this hasn’t been addressed by a Blue. Even ACKNOWLEDGMENT is important to people. I am disgusted by this post having hundreds of replies and thousands of views and not ONE Blizzard employee has bothered to reply.

They should be PANICKING at the level of anger their players are going to experience if they don’t fix this.


The fact that the expansion is going live within this week and we effectively do not have guild banks and zero communication with Blizzard is appalling. Absolute trash tier PR. 0/10 Blizzard, would not recommend.


They have replied. Those replies have been linked in this thread many times. I’m sure they will reply again once there is an update. There are enough of us keeping an eye on lots of sections of the forums to be able to report pretty quickly if a reply appears elsewhere.


Replies in this thread? There are no blue posts. The last blue post in the entire Bug Report forum was from a week ago when they disabled currency transfer. I’m genuinely confused because if there have been replies, they are not obvious.


The replies have been in other places. People are linking them here. There really aren’t any updates though. Just it’s being investigated at “high priority”.

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Guild bank logs haven’t worked in like a year. They don’t have the staffing to stay on top of all of the things they break.


I have five full tabs of items that are currently missing from my personal guild. Logs are not the issue.


bank logs don’t track items stolen by code… no one took them out therefore, they don’t show in the log. Logs work fine for me when i withdraw or deposit things (even during this mess, logs work)… someone is jumping to conclusions.

for those saying that there isn’t a blue post. it’s been linked in this thread many times (even the EU has been linked).

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I’ve been wondering about this. There was a huge lay-off a few months back, after Windows got it’s hands on WoW. I think, maybe, they fired a bunch o the old folks that new the coding inside and out and replaced them with their peeps that know nothing about how this game works. Thus, the reason we have so many HUGE problems.

Fix it Microsoft! Rehire those people that kept the game running smoothly!


Bobby K left code behind to steal your items and fund a new yacht?

After playing MoP Remix the last few days hoping for a fix to this issue, I finally just did the User Interface reset that was recommended in the ticket I submitted last week. Where you go into your files and “Rename the Cache, Interface, and WTF folders to CacheOld, InterfaceOld, and WTFOld”. Yeah, the handful of things I had remaining are now gone as well so that there is not a single thing left in my 7 tabs.


He’s not wrong though. My logs on my guild banks haven’t worked correctly in … more than 6 months that I can remember. It didn’t keep track of what went into and out of the bank. Just nothing. No logs what-so-ever. It wasn’t game breaking for me because I was the only one putting items into and out of those banks. But, he’s correct, they didn’t work correctly for a very, very long time for some of us.


Ya never know what a disgruntled employee is in a mind set to do.

The problem is a lack of communication about this. I mean, they did not have this on the front page or tell us. Replying to the forums here

Also, they are not reassuring us, working on the solution of fixing this, and keeping most of us in the dark.


I had a personal guildbank I used for my toons. It had a ton of valuable stuff in there. I would like it back at some point?


i agree with you. it took about 3 days to create the blue post and another 3 days later, there’s no update on the topic. It’s fine if they need time to figure out the source and fix but a week is a long time without an update, for people who have lost decades of valuable/sentimental items.

still, no point on stressing out since blizz isn’t great at communicating outside planned announcements.

let’s hope they find a way to return the lost items or provide adequate compensation so that we can all enjoy TWW.


This thread is about guild banks losing all our items, not whatever issue you’re having with logs.

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Does anyone have a timeline for when this started?

Prior to the pre-patch in July, there were already guild bank access problems. I remember not being able to put anything in or take anything out. My memory says it started a week before pre-patch but my memory isn’t all that great. Then guild gold was inaccessible after the pre-patch for a couple of weeks.

Were items disappearing from the guild bank at pre-patch (July 22) or did this start happening after 11.0.2 (August 13)?

I just want to know so I can get a better understanding of how far back the rollback is going to be because I can’t imagine Blizzard just coming out and saying “too bad, so sad”.


Yeah, I believe it started around the time of the pre-patch because my Alliance guild bank I wasn’t able to withdraw gold at all and at the sametime my horde guild bank started to slowly having items disappearing.

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Excuse my pessimism here but Blizzard’s lack of communication only tells me that the outcome is unfavorable for us. Common sense says if the issue was under control and the number of people affected was already high and growing rapidly. I would acknowledge it to reassure folks that all is okay. Especially 2 days away from the expansion. I feel this is a gloss-over or a vain attempt to shove it to the side to after the release of TWW. Then tell us the devastating news. If so here’s the problem with this. This thread is now 720 comments and growing. Every day more people are discovering stuff missing from their banks. The problem is becoming way too big to ignore. This could be a potential game-breaker that could ruin Blizzard. Out of all the years, I have been playing and I’m sure that most veterans would agree this is by far the most serious issue or bug ever. Never have I seen this happen and be so widespread. What astounds me is the lack of communication for such a serious issue. I hope I am wrong though. I hope this restart tomorrow fixes the issue. I hope I feel stupid for writing this comment and delete it two days later because I have my stuff. I know our stuff in these banks had meaning and is irreplaceable. It shouldn’t be taken from us.