Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Can’t find any information from Blizzard about this. Hopefully fixed soon.

Well, it appears that this is still on going (re:items disappearing). I checked my GB this morning, and since my original post here 5 days ago, even more things have disappeared.

I hadn’t touched anything, besides adding a few cheap items to test a few days back. But I did not touch anything else, this morning I checked and even more items seem have vanished.


Dude, you should read the ToS.

Yes, it’s aggravating. Yes, it brings about feelings of “can I trust my GV?” But it’s freaking play money, it’s not worth wasting the courts time because blizzard lost our intangible belongings.

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The FTC and AG will laugh this dude out of the room. I’d love to be a fly on the wall…

Anyway…I’m HOPING that this is what the 4 hour maintenance is for today. We’ll see. They aren’t going to announce anything until it’s fixed.

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GM to all. After reading some of the posts written overnight I am withdrawing as many items as possible and gold. I won’t risk losing anything else because I have lost so much thus far. Until now I was unaware that this has been ongoing. In theory, the problem has gotten progressively worse. On the flip side, maybe many people are just now discovering it, so how many don’t know yet because they haven’t logged in? So we don’t know how bad this bug is. The numbers will grow. I am perturbed that no acknowledgment has happened by the developers. Not even, “Just chill guys we got you.” Devs are you just trying to keep it under wraps so that hopefully you can fix it before the new expansion? This is unacceptable and more unacceptable that nothing is being said. Like many here, I am a veteran and WoW is my favorite game. I have spent years farming or grinding the AH to get these items. The natives are getting restless. Devs can you talk to us, please? I hope it’s like Christmas morning after maintenance today.


Here was the response I got from the GameMasters:
(Edited to remove my name only.)

Hello (My Name),
Thank you for taking the time to reach out to Blizzard Entertainment. Game Master Benoekaata is here. We sincerely apologize for taking a long time to respond. Things have been a little bit hectic here as we are all working very hard to respond to tons of tickets quickly to get the wait times down as fast as possible. So, thank you for your patience.

I read what you wrote to us. Allow me to apologize for the inconvenience caused by this situation as I am aware how frustrating it is.

After looking into this for you, we found that this is a known issue.

While sometimes we can handle in game issues by applying workarounds suggested by our developers, some other issues can only be addressed by them (our devs). As such, we recommend reporting this issue you encountered as a bug via our forums or via in game, not only that gets more data into the hands of our developers to look into what’s going on, but it also gives a better impression of how wide of an impact it’s having, so that it can be best prioritized on the list of things to look into.

Note: Bug reports submitted in-game do not receive a personal response. Instead, they’ll be directed to the teams responsible for addressing them.

Until the issue is resolved, your patience would be highly appreciated!

Best regards,
GM Benoekaata

Edited (Correcting my statement.)

Still this is not the first time that Guilds have had their usage nerfed in game there was a huge permission issue which was never resolved properly.

I understand they are trying to transition away from guilds by using communities but there is room for both in the game.

it’s been linked a few times.
they generally don’t give running updates.


Ah they put it in Customer Support rather than this thread that is why I missed it.

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Strange… how does the EU Blizzard staff have more responsiveness on this issue?

I submitted a similar issue with the war banks and provided a video of it happening. Item loss is a significant concern and I reported concerns shortly after war banks were implemented. Having guild banks affected makes me down right mad.

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I received this response yesterday to a ticket I had submitted last Tuesday when originally experiencing this issue. Although the link has been shared here already.

For anyone interested, they suggest keeping an eye on the EU thread for updates.

Edit to add:

For clarity, I am on NA servers, and have never had an account on any EU servers.

Your ticket has received the following response:


Thank you for contacting Blizzard Customer Support.

We’re sorry to hear that you are unable to access your guild bank and withdraw items/gold. We’ve received a number of reports regarding this issue from other players, they report that they either can’t interact with the guild bank or that some/all of the items appear to be missing. Looks like this particular problem started showing up after the most recent weekly maintenance.

Our development team is already on the case and we’re hoping that the issue will get resolved soon. We don’t have any information as to when the hotfix will be implemented, but we would appreciate if you could report the bug through in-game menu, so that development team could have more data to work with:

You can also keep an eye on the forums thread for updates:

Apologies for inconvenience caused.

Should you have any other questions, feel free to contact us any time!

Blizzard Customer Support.

Missing about 30-50% of items in most tabs here. Had mostly stacks of reagents in there
Guild: furtive - US-Sargeras
Short video:

Oh I forgot to mention they asked me to resolve my ticket and take a GM Survey, I put the GM was great but the problem is unresolved. Also explained I miss the old ways of having a GM pop into the game and you show them issues.


I like how there is a huge arrow on my screen, pointing me to pre order TWW…

But my guild bank is still empty, I just don´t see why I should keep playing if my main aspect of the game, transmog collecting, crafting is completely wiped out.



Well, this isn’t an issue a GM would be able to do anything about. It’s a known issue, being worked on. Personally, I’m hoping that’s what the 4 hr maintenance today is for.

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Add me to the list of Guild bank being nearly emptied. (Minion)

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Guild bank: almost all items are gone. No answers or explanation from Blizzard.

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All of my guild banks have this same issue. Most items missing in every tab, and they haven’t been accessed since day 1 of 11.0 when they were all good.

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I am also affected by this issue. Noticed it a few days ago, when going in to alt guildbank I am GM of, to get mats for a transmog. 7 tabs, almost full is now gone. Over a decade of items saved from my alts to use for transmogs and leveling. I was devastated and submitted a bug report in-game but apparently they don’t send responses if you submit in game.

Very frustrated as it doesn’t seem to have occurred to my main’s guild bank, just the GB I am only member in. Don’t want to put stuff in my bank for fear it will disappear. Really hope they fix the issue and the items are returned but it has been almost a week now and nothing.


TL;DR Blizzard is aware. There is no solution as yet.

Here’s hoping missing items in the Guild Bank are restored sooner rather than later. Whether locked out by UI visual bug only, or truly missing, or otherwise or all of the above.

Support Article - Guild Bank - Missing Items

Blue Post - Guild Bank - Missing Items

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Two of my Guild Banks are unaffected. My main’s Guild (which is cross-faction and cross-realm and dates back almost to Vanilla Beta) is completely empty, and shows the same for others in the Guild as well as my chars of various ranks. tbh I haven’t dared check the other banks I’ve gathered over the last 16 years…

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