Guild bank missing items - what happened?

Are you the one who keeps undercutting me on Dal? :slight_smile:

I got hit by the initial bug but haven’t experienced it again. Starting to think the bug is tied to the ‘cleanup’ feature.

I never use the cleanup feature and have it disabled for all my bags. However the day I got hit with the bug I was trying it out to see how it sorted my warband bank. A few hours later notice the guild bank messed up. I also experienced a memory crash just that day and haven’t since. I haven’t hit ‘cleanup’ on bank or inventory since then and so far my guild bank still looks the same.

Do you regularly use the cleanup button? I’m starting to wonder if there isn’t some nasty bug in the cleanup feature that’s causing all of this.

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Nope never use the cleanup button or organize button.

I’ve used the cleanup button nonstop since it was implemented and never had a problem with any inventory - carried, bank, reagent tab, void, guild, etc - until this cropped up. That does remind me though of how many times I’ve gotten a bit cranky that there isn’t a functionality like that for guild bank tabs, and how irritated I’ve gotten when you can’t disable it for the reagent tab.

No. I do not use the cleanup option. The only tab I recall using auto-sort on was the Reagents bank tab. And that’s it. It does not appear to be related to either.

It does appear to correlate around the time they were working to implement the new Warband Bank system.

I never use the cleanup button. I’ve got most of the tabs sorted with some things on the left and others on the right. It would totally mess it up if I used the cleanup button.

This is becoming another economic situation. A lot like the one Budweiser had with the general public. They provided an issue with their product that vast amounts of their consumers found undesirable. If Blizzard follows this alley they are on, it looks like they
could well face the same economic situation. How many customers will WoW loose if they
they continue to frustrate and withhold expected gaming from their customer base?

I am one who for 30 years enjoyed my Budweiser and will never, ever hand them a penny
from my pocket again. Will Blizzard face the same? The time that will tell is growing
very short.


I have eight active guild banks that are only populated with my toons. Seven of the eight got hit but the only two that got hit very hard were the banks that multiple toons use. The other five just had a few random things go poof and the one bank that has nothing missing only has one toon in it and has never had access from any other toons.

I’m almost positive they borked something with the real-time usage of guildbanks since mine was fine when this mess started but got very FUBAR after I started cleaning bags from less used characters and dumping their stuff in the guild bank.

I wonder if the people with guild banks that have been impacted have gone cross-realm with a name that was already in use and now it confuses withdrawals between multiple real guilds.

You’d think they would use some unique internal ids of some sort but what if those ids were used in different realm groups and now it confuses the whole thing? It could explain why not everything vanishes at once.


Servers are up and it’s not fixed…


In fact, I lost the only item that wasn’t gone. Now the gbank is completely empty. 5+ tabs and millions worth of mogs gone.


Unfortunately, many items are still missing (and none have been restored) in banks for guilds:
Clives Biceps - US Frostwolf Horde
Archetype X - US Frostwolf Alliance
Casual Exchange - US Frostwolf Alliance
Serenity Now - US Shadowsong Horde

There seems to be no pattern in the ones that got stuck (couldn’t be moved, none could be added/removed to stacks), and then deleted (the space they once were is now a seemingly functioning empty space). There were full columns of the exact same item where most were removed and a few random ones are left. I miss my items that are no longer obtainable, and I’m very sorry for everyone else feeling the anguish of this bug.

Some extra info that may be helpful in identifying/fixing the issue:
-All guild banks that had the issue were created no later than MoP expansion
-Some guild banks created around the exact same era (within less than 6 months of the affected ones) had no items affected by this bug
-No addons were used during the creation of the banks nor depositing of the items
-No players outside of family members were guild members
-All players in each guild are on the same realm/faction
-Bag cleanup button was never used on players in any of the guilds
-These guild banks had not been interacted with since the release of WoW Classic Vanilla before the Shadowlands xpac until around Aug 12th of this year when I logged in to clean up stuff to prepare for trying out the new xpac


Tuesday maintenance. Apparently so much other broken stuff to fix the loss of our guild bank items is a very low priority.


The two or three items that I could not withdraw are now gone, yay team.

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This is all so disappointing. I take a break for 9 months and returning for the expansion. Haven’t logged in yet and am sorta afraid to even touch the guild banks. I have two, one is for auctions with over 14 years of various materials/items and the second is another old guild bank made up of all my alts. Neither has been touched in nine months. Do you think it is best I avoid touching them for the time being? Part of me wants to look, but then another part of me says I shouldn’t. lol

I was unsure if I wanted to come back for this expansion, but my BF already bought it for the both of us. Damn it. lol

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you don’t drink bud because they did a single promotion with a trans person? weak af. have you tried logging off of WoW and never playing it again? this may fix your issue. fwiw, try logging out from any society, this also may help you get through the day. i’m sorry your’e having to go through this.


This is actually insane. I haven’t posted here thinking it would be fixed today but the fact it is still broken after maintenance today with early access beginning in 2 days is killing my desire to play.

My sub of course renewed the day before this happened and thankfully, I have not bought the expansion yet. Needless to say, if this is not resolved with every item returned within the next 2 weeks I will not be returning to Wow and I have been playing since day 1.


I am also having this issue with my main guild bank, my others were intact, but the one that has my stuff I’ve been collecting since guild banks were introduced is missing almost everything. Having faith that devs will find a fix!


oh blizzard, your sense of humor… you took 1/3 of my full guild bank on the 15th and after todays maintenance, you took the rest… clean!
i checked before the servers went down and i still had some items


Yep, just checked. That means at least another week before I have inventory to sell again (if it comes back). I’m out 70-100k gold. Gold isn’t a huge issue, since I don’t spend it that often, but the AH is probably my favorite part of the game these days.